Haunted Places in Woodruff, South Carolina

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    Foster's Tavern

    Spartanburg, South Carolina

    15.2 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Foster's Tavern is housed in a historic brick gabled building from the early 1800s. Strange sounds have led folks to believe that the tavern may be haunted. Witnesses have heard horses' hooves on the roof, footsteps on the stairs, and voices.

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    Spartanburg Methodist College

    Spartanburg, South Carolina

    15.4 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Spartanburg Methodist College is home to a ghost of a student who committed suicide by jumping out a window. Witnesses have seen his apparition in the halls or standing by the window from which he jumped.

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    Evans Building

    Spartanburg, South Carolina

    15.8 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The Evans Building was Frank Evans High School in the 1920s but is now the Evans Academic Center of Spartanburg Community College. Not only can footsteps be heard in the hallways, but witnesses say late at night on the old basketball court, you can sometimes hear the dribbling and sneaker ...

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    Devenger Road Bridge

    Greer, South Carolina

    16 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Local legend tells us that one Halloween night, a woman and her kids were killed on the Devenger Road Bridge when their car was hit by a truck. The woman had stopped the car to retrieve something from her trunk. Now folks say the woman's ghost will push you backward ...

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    Converse College

    Spartanburg, South Carolina

    16.4 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The late-1800s Converse College has a few haunted buildings, including the Williams Dorm, said to have a ghostly boy near its laundry room who will play catch with a ball, and Hazel B. Abbott Theatre, haunted by Miss Hazel herself. The Wilson Hall has a ghost with red eyes, and ...

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    Embassy Suites

    Greenville, South Carolina

    17.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Many strange things can be said about this location of Embassy Suites. According to witnesses, lights turn on and off at will, doors come flying open by themselves, and during a period of construction when the electricity was disconnected, lights came on during the night. In addition, the golf course ...

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    Clifton Mill No. 2

    Spartanburg, South Carolina

    20.8 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Clifton Mill No. 2 was a textile mill built in 1888 and demolished in 2013. When the abandoned buildings still stood here, folks claimed they were haunted. Reports came in of the sound of ghostly footsteps and doors that were suddenly flung open by something unseen.

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    Lydia Mill Ruins

    Clinton, South Carolina

    21.1 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Dating as far back as the early 1900s, Lydia Mill, now in ruins, had housing on-site for its employees. Now a headless female ghost roams the premises, seen around the railroad tracks or in the mill building.

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    Chain Gang Hill Road

    Spartanburg, South Carolina

    21.2 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Victims of the infamous local murderer the Gaffney Strangler are said to haunt Chain Gang Hill Road. The girls' voices can be heard moaning and screaming along this stretch.

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    Inn At Merridun

    Union, South Carolina

    23.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The Inn at Merridun is haunted by friendly ghosts, former residents T.C. and Fannie Duncan, who leave pennies as housewarming gifts. Their rose-scented perfume and cigar smoke can be detected when the ghosts are around. Another haunt in residence is Mary Anne Wallace, sister of a former owner, whose apparition ...

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    Children's Graveyard - Duncan Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery

    Greenville, South Carolina

    25.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Duncan Chapel Methodist Church, built in the 1850s, has a cemetery known as the Children's Graveyard. The road to get there is across from a McDonalds. Apparently the cemetery is older than the church, as the dates on the gravestones are said to range from the late 1700s to the ...

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    Three Bridges Road

    Powdersville, South Carolina

    27.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Three Bridges Road is known to ghost enthusiasts as the place where Eloise, a Civil War-era slave, roams. So her story goes, Union soldiers killed Eloise's master nearby, and the distraught slave woman was reluctant to leave her master's body. When soldiers found her there mourning his death, they killed ...

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    Juxa Plantation - Gregory Plantation

    Union, South Carolina

    28.6 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Juxa Plantation, formerly the Gregory Plantation, is no longer an inn but a private residence. Original owner Jehu Gregory was once said to haunt the place. His ghost was seen most often in the on-site family cemetery. But so the tale goes, after the repair of some tombstones, Jehu never made ...

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    New Salem Church Cemetery

    Taylors, South Carolina

    29.2 miles from Woodruff, SC

    At the New Salem Baptist Church Graveyard, visitors have reported unexplained moving lights, voices, temperature anomalies, eerie feelings, touches from something unseen, and other strange phenomena.

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    John D. Long Lake

    Union, South Carolina

    30 miles from Woodruff, SC

    John D. Long Lake is the spot where Susan Smith killed her children by strapping them into her vehicle and rolling it into the lake, claiming her kids were kidnapped by a carjacker. Folks who have visited the monument erected to them here claim to have heard children's laughter and ...

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    Old Hester Store

    Easley, South Carolina

    30.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The Old Hester Store was built in 1893 by William Hester and is now taken care of by the Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation and Pickens County Historical Society. It is said to be haunted by the ghost of an African-American man who was hanged in the back of the ...

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    Bethabara Baptist Church Cemetery

    Cross Hill, South Carolina

    32.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Bethabara Baptist Church Cemetery is home to the ghost of a Civil War soldier whose marker cross glows about three times per year. The cross also is said to inexplicably change color several times a year.

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    Poinsett Bridge

    Travelers Rest, South Carolina

    33.4 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The 1820 Poinsett Bridge, named for Joel Roberts Poinsett, was is one of the oldest in the state. It has a 14-foot Gothic arch and is no longer in use, and is rumored to be haunted. Folks say the ghost of a slave who was once hanged here may let ...

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    Rock Presbyterian Church Cemetery

    Greenwood, South Carolina

    35.5 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Rock Presbyterian Church Cemetery is an old graveyard where folks say disembodied singing is heard, white mists or figures materialize, and blue spots are said to appear in the house adjacent.

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    Molly's Rock Picnic Area

    Newberry, South Carolina

    37.2 miles from Woodruff, SC

    At Flag Lake (which is no longer a lake, by the way), Molly’s Rock is rumored to be a hot spot for the strange and unexpected. Reports say on a nearby hill stands a cemetery that has an entire row of grave markers for deceased who committed suicide. Witnesses visiting ...

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    Cry Baby Bridge

    Anderson, South Carolina

    38 miles from Woodruff, SC

    One of the most famous cry baby bridges in the state, the iron construction still sits alongside a modern concrete bridge connecting two sides of the county. Passer-by's claim to have seen a lady in a white dress on the old bridge, looking for someone. She vanishes when approached. (Submitted ...

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    Chiquola Club Hotel

    Anderson, South Carolina

    38.5 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The apparition of a nun in a habit has been by staff and guests on several occasions throughout the hotel building. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    Anderson Muncipal Business Center

    Anderson, South Carolina

    38.5 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The origin of the haunting within this building is unknown, but staff working late hours claimed to have seen a shadowy figure materialising and disappear throughout the entire edifice. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    Pickens County Museum

    Pickens, South Carolina

    39.2 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The Pickens County Museum of Art and History, formerly the county jail, is said to be home to the ghost of a boy named Willie Earle who calls out in anguish, "I didn't do it!" So the story goes, in 1944 Willie was blamed for killing a cab driver when, ...

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    Newberry College

    Newberry, South Carolina

    39.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    At Newberry College's Keller Hall, a woman committed suicide by jumping from the bell tower during the Civil War era. She was distraught over the death of her boyfriend in the war. Witnesses have heard phantom screams coming from the tower and seen the woman's apparition up there as well. ...

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    West End Cemetery

    Newberry, South Carolina

    39.7 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The Bride Of West End is said to haunt West End Cemetery. She's an apparition of a melancholy bride who has been seen sitting in trees, standing near her grave, or walking in the nearby fields. Rumor has it she has been waiting long years for her lover to take ...

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    Caroleen Broad River Bridge

    Ellenboro, North Carolina

    39.8 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Some locals say if you drive past the bridge on rainy nights, you may see the apparitions of two elderly ladies walking. They are believed to be the spirits of two sisters who were killed when they drove off the side of the bridge. Some say if you give them ...

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    Ninety Six National Historic Site

    Ninety Six, South Carolina

    41 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Ninety Six National Historic Site is a National Park Service operated frontier settlement and Revolutionary War battle site that includes Star Fort, a visitor center, a trail, archaeological digs and restorations. It's rumored to be haunted by a ghost, but folks differ as to who the spirit is, or was. ...

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    Abbewood Bed and Breakfast Inn

    Abbeville, South Carolina

    43.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    This elegant bed and breakfast inn is rumoured to date back to the civil war era, and is supposedly haunted by a soldier who hanged himself in the attic. Guests who have stayed in the inn report feeling cold spots in the attic, and have felt an eerie presence. ...

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    Abbeville County Museum

    Abbeville, South Carolina

    43.4 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The historic jail building now serves as the county museum, and dates back to the civil war era. The third floor of the jailhouse is believed to be the most haunted, as the worst prisoners were housed here. Staff claim to have run into a friendly African American prisoner ...

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    Abbeville Opera House

    Abbeville, South Carolina

    43.4 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Abbeville Opera House is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a woman. Her apparition has been seen applauding in the balcony, wearing a period dress. Now, the theater keeps the seat open for her, should she ever want to return. The lady is believed to be an actress ...

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    Belmont Inn

    Abbeville, South Carolina

    43.4 miles from Woodruff, SC

    This historic hotel dates back to the turn of the twentieth century, and served as luxurious railroad accommodation for visitors to the town. Guests staying in the hotel have reported weird occurrences in various rooms of the hotel, including an entity that opens and closes doors. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    Abbeville Welcome Center

    Abbeville, South Carolina

    43.5 miles from Woodruff, SC

    This historic building dates back to the 1870's, and was formerly the town bank. The apparition reported here is that of a young boy, who has been seen staring down into the street and has even been known to follow staff throughout the hallways. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    Trinity Episcopal Church

    Abbeville, South Carolina

    43.5 miles from Woodruff, SC

    This gothic church, dating back to 1842, is believed to be haunted by Elizabeth Marshall, whose husband died during the Second Battle of Manassas in 1862. Visitors to the church have reported seeing the apparition of a woman in an old-fashioned dress walking amongst the pews, while others ...

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    Chester Little Theatre

    Chester, South Carolina

    46.9 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Perhaps as early as 1913, Chester Little Theatre was known as the Dreamland Theatre. Sometime in its long history, something must have happened to render it a hot spot for supernatural activity: Witnesses here claim to have seen apparitions and heard strange noises.

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    The Lodge on Lake Lure

    Lake Lure, North Carolina

    48.2 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The 1937 lodge began as a retreat for highway patrolmen and their families and a memorial to highway patrolman George Penn, who was shot and killed on the job. It was opened to the public in 1990. Rumor has it that the ghost who resides here is none other than ...

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    The 1927 Lake Lure Inn and Spa

    Lake Lure, North Carolina

    49 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The historic inn has been visited by such celebrities as novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald and presidents Calvin Coolidge and Franklin Roosevelt. In the 1940s it was used as a convalescent home for wounded soldiers. It is now rumored to be the home of many haunts. Staff members report hearing a ...

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    Calvary Episcopal Church

    Fletcher, North Carolina

    55.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The grounds near Calvary Episcopal Church are known for being a favorite "haunt" of the Phantom Rider of the Confederacy. This ghost is a woman with long blonde hair on a palomino seen near the road, then she gallops away quickly. She wears a Confederate cape and a filmy dress, ...

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    Mountain Brew Cafe

    Arden, North Carolina

    58 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Mountain Brew Cafe is no longer in operation, reports say. But its building may still be haunted by many ghosts. One, according to local legend, is the spirit of a woman who was murdered on the second floor. Witnesses inside the restaurant often heard footsteps on the stairs when nobody ...

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    Winthrop University

    Rock Hill, South Carolina

    58.7 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Tillman Hall at Winthrop University has a bell tower, intricate woodwork, and, some say, a haunted fourth floor. Some suppose the spirits may be linked to the old stocks, still housed in the building, that held the prisoners who built the hall centuries ago.

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    Fairfield County Courthouse

    Winnsboro, South Carolina

    59.5 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The Fairfield County Courthouse has a ghost, that of Mary Ingleman, aka the Witch of Winnsboro Courthouse. It all started in 1792, when folks were accusing each other of being witches. Mary, along with others, was accused, beaten and tortured by the townsfolk. When she reported the incident to authorities, ...

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    Fairfield County Museum

    Winnsboro, South Carolina

    59.6 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Fairfield County Museum is housed in a former 1832 home. It is said to be haunted by two soldiers' ghosts, and an apparition of an elderly lady has been seen as well. Witnesses also have reported unexplained noises, footsteps, and extension cords that moved along the ground by themselves.

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    Georgia Guidestones

    Dewy Rose, Georgia

    60.1 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The Georgia Guidestones, known as "American Stonehenge," is a granite monument consisting of six astronomically aligned slabs inscribed in four ancient languages: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The origin of the structure is a bit of a mystery, perhaps leading to the opinion that the place may be ...

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    Reed House - Biltmore Village Inn

    Asheville, North Carolina

    63.7 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The inn was originally built as the Reed House in 1892. There have been many spooky occurrences here, such as one night in thw 1970s when heavy footsteps were heard climbing the back stairs late at night, but no one was there. Another time, after folks were laughing and scoffing ...

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    Biltmore-Oteen Bank Building

    Asheville, North Carolina

    63.9 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Biltmore-Oteen Bank Building, most recently used for The Melting Pot restaurant, stood abandoned since the flood of 2004. But a ghost from the early part of the 20th century is said to still linger here. The apparition of a man, witnesses say, seems to be looking for something that has ...

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    The Biltmore Estate

    Asheville, North Carolina

    64 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The famous Biltmore Estate was owned by George W. Vanderbilt, died from complications of appendicitis in 1914. Afterward, his wife would sit in front of the marble fireplace in the library and talk to George's spirit. Now, witnesses say you can still hear her voice talking, and both spirits are ...

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    Midnite Rodeo Club

    Asheville, North Carolina

    64.2 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The building that used to house nightclubs Coolworld and the Midnite Rodeo Club (now closed) is a century-old warehouse complex that is said to have a ghost in residence. A blurry gray form has been spotted in a hallway on security cameras or walking across the dance floor toward a ...

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    Pond Road

    Asheville, North Carolina

    64.3 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The locals may tell you that Pond Road has a ghost dog, seen near the quarry. First, you hear the phantom black hound howl, and then he appears, trotting. Next he starts to run, leaps, and disappears.

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    Southern Oaks Inn

    Lavonia, Georgia

    64.4 miles from Woodruff, SC

    The Southern Oaks Inn was originally a home built by Charles P. Ray in 1918, who died here in an upstairs room, and that's who the current owners believe haunt the place. Apparitions of a man and woman have been seen, and strange footsteps have been heard. Reports from workers ...

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    Warren Wilson College

    Swannanoa, North Carolina

    64.5 miles from Woodruff, SC

    Warren Wilson College, a private liberal arts college, is part of the Work Colleges Consortium. Students must work for the college as part of their schooling, in order to graduate. Buildings rumored to be haunted here include Jensen Lecture Hall, where vacuum cleaners turn off, lights flicker, unexplained clanking is ...

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