Submit a New Location

Know of a haunted place that isn’t yet listed on this web site? Let us know via the contact form below. The more information you can provide, the better. Feel free to include URLs to other sites, including photo sites and video sites, in your description if you feel it will help us better understand the location.

NOTE: We only list haunted places that have PRECISE locations. We require a specific street address or latitude/longitude for all submitted locations. If neither are possible, please provide as much detail as possible (i.e. “location is 0.4 miles SE of XXX…” or “location is at the far northern end of XXX road.”)

    Your Name (required):

    Your Email:

    Name of Location:





    Please be as descriptive as possible about the location and the alleged paranormal event(s) occurring there:

    Upload a Photo (JPG/GIF/PNG only):

    Please type the letters/numbers exactly as shown:


    By checking this box I understand that I am giving permission to publish any information provided via this submission form. (Required)

    * Please note that we will no longer post haunted places located in any of the following types of locations if they are currently in active-use: K-12 schools or any facilities that house or cater to children younger than 18, nursing homes, mental health facilities or prisons.

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