Wayfarers Chapel
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
The Wayfarers Chapel, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Jr., is said to be home to wispy apparitions at night and a phantom giant white owl. Eerie voices are said to call visitors by name, and the apparition of an elderly Native American man has been seen tending to a ghostly ...
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Vanderlip Mansion
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Vanderlip Mansion, in a private, gated community, is rumored to be haunted. One legend says it is haunted by a former resident, Mr. Vanderlip's daughter, who committed suicide after being prohibited from marrying her African-American lover. Mr. Vanderlip was said to have built an insane asylum and locked his daughter ...
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Fort MacArthur
Los Angeles, California
6 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
It is said that Fort MacArthur is inhabited by the spirits of soldiers who perished in accidents here.
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Zamperini Stadium
Torrance, California
6.6 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Locals tell of a young woman and her children who were murdered while walking home from a football game. Now, witnesses say they have heard children laughing and a woman crying and seen the apparitions throughout the neighborhood.
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Drum Barracks
Los Angeles, California
7.9 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
The Drum Barracks served as a base during the Civil War; after the war, the area became a hospital, and not too long after that, the land was auctioned off. Around 100 years later, the Drum Barracks finally became the museum it is today, but it also includes the ghost ...
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RMS Queen Mary
Long Beach, California
11.3 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
This retired ocean liner that once sailed for the Cunard Line is now a permanently docked museum ship. Inside are a hotel, several restaurants, and the ship museum. Her maiden voyage was in 1936, and she sailed until 1967. The historic attraction has hosted haunted houses for Halloween, complete with ...
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Sunnyside Cemetery
Signal Hill, California
12.7 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
A woman named Bessie M. Baxter was struck by an oncoming car and thought to be laid to rest here (though it was discovered that she was buried at an adjacent Sunnyside Cemetery). Still, people claim to have seen her in a white wedding dress wandering among the graves. (Submitted by ...
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Rancho Los Cerritos
Long Beach, California
12.8 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Some 50 Native American graves were uncovered here when the golf course was being laid out. Immediately afterward, guests and employees had the feeling that they were being watched or followed, objects would move by themselves, a rocking chair started rocking back and forth for no reason, some even reported ...
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Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum
Compton, California
12.9 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
At the historic Rancho Dominguez Adobe Ranch House museum, witnesses have seen orbs and flashes of light move around late at night. The hauntings are believed to stem from a man who was staying at the place when it was a hotel. He was beaten, robbed and left to die ...
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Los Angeles Airport Marriott
Los Angeles, California
14 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Apparitions are alleged to appear on the 18th floor. People claim to feel "a presence".
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DeForest Park
Long Beach, California
14.1 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
People have seen shadows floating and running about. It's common to feel like someone is following you, hear disembodied voices, or feel sudden cold gusts. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Long Beach Marriott
Long Beach, California
15 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Only a single report of this spot being haunted can be found on the internet so it's best to treat it as dubious, at best. Supposedly however room 217 is haunted with a ghost that prefers the television on and its guests not be bed hogs as it's prone ...
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Inglewood Park Cemetery
Inglewood, California
15.8 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Apparitions and unexplained noises have been seen and heard throughout the cemetery, including a woman who appeared to be lost. When staff members approached her trying to help, she vanished.
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Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
Culver City, California
17.1 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
While vacationing in Los Angeles (Friday, January 28, 2005), I went out to Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Culver City to take some pics of some celebrity graves. I got pictures of the graves of Sharon Tate, Bing Crosby, Bela Lugosi, Rita Hayworth, Rosalind Russell and wanted to get pictures ...
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Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach
Seal Beach, California
17.2 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
At the U.S. Naval Weapons Station on Seal Beach, rumored to have been built atop ancient Native American burial grounds and historical seaport Anaheim Landing, strange shadows appear at night, apparitions of Native Americans have been seen, and footsteps have followed security guards at night. Witnesses also have described whispering ...
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Del Monte Speakeasy
Los Angeles, California
17.5 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Once a speakeasy during the Prohibition, former owner Frank Bennett is believed to believed to reside there even after his death. (Submitted by Chris)
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Kmart #7625
Los Angeles, California
17.7 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Many employee rumors surround this Kmart. Among them are a double murder/suicide that took place within a love triangle in a stockroom. All three spirits are said to haunt the store. A fourth apparition of an unknown man is said to walk in a stockroom.
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Hollydale Insane Asylum
Downey, California
17.9 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Abandoned decades ago, the Hollydale Mental Hospital was originally a facility for TB and polio patients. Many rumors surround the place, such as one that tells of a mental patient who slashed the throat of a priest in the building. According to witnesses, there are many unhappy spirits here, and ...
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Rancho Los Amigos Hospital
Downey, California
18.3 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
The Southern Campus here is abandoned, but was once a recovery center for people with the Spanish Flu. Victims were buried in a nearby field and said to still be as well as victims of polio, the 1933 Long Beach earthquake, a flood in the 1930's, and a secretary who ...
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Templo De La Santa Muerte
Huntington Park, California
18.4 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
This place is a church for La Santa Muerte. My mother worked here for a year and we lived in the apartment upstairs of it. We moved out a year ago because my mother got a new job, i was 12 years old and i had cats and we had ...
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Bellflower, California
19.2 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
The apparition of a woman is said to appear in the Kmart stockroom, working. Her identity is unknown.
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Culver Studios
Culver City, California
19.3 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Odd, unexplainable noises are heard and EVP's are picked up. Thomas Ince, a screenwriter from the silent era, is said to be here. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Liberty Theater - Joint Forces Training Base
Los Alamitos, California
19.5 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Former head nurse Edna Alcorn was jilted by her lover for a woman with red hair; long after her death, she is known to be feisty with anyone with the same hair color (usually shutting off lights and locking doors). The other ghost seen here is that of a sailor ...
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The Georgian Hotel
Santa Monica, California
19.7 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
The hotel's restaurant is apparently extremely haunted as guests and staff report a variety of activity including disembodied voices and the sound of running footsteps. People have also claimed to see ghostly apparitions that appear at times.
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Forest Lawn Memorial
Cypress, California
20 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
One story from this cemetery involved a group a teenagers using a ouija board in the 1980's; at midnight, they jokingly tried to summon a ghost, but instead brought something onto them much more sinister. They said they were surrounded by fog, but an invisible force manifested and charged after ...
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Jack's Corner
Cypress, California
20.7 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Jack (one of the few nicknames he could have) is an apparition that stands in the middle of the road; some cars swerve to avoid him, others drive right through him. He has been seen up and down Walker St. by a few blocks. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Cerritos Crash Site
Cerritos, California
21.4 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
In 1986, two airplanes collided, one of which crashed into a neighborhood killing 82 altogether. At night and early in the morning, apparitions can be seen walking around and there's an overall eerie feeling as if you aren't alone. (Submitted by Chris)
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Love's Pit Barbecue Site
Los Angeles, California
21.4 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
While it was still a restaurant, several people died inside of this premise. The bar was the most active area, where a murdered woman and an elderly couple were known to hang out. A former manager who died only days before a paranormal investigation was also reported to have an ...
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Cypress College Photography Department
Cypress, California
21.5 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
A ghost nicknamed Photy is said to reside in the main darkroom of the Cypress College Photography Department. Photy most often appears by the northwesternmost enlarger. He is said to be a friendly ghost, giving students a feeling of calm. The stories were said to have begun when one student ...
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Veterans Memorial Park
Commerce, California
21.7 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
The ghost who resides here is called Martin, and in life, he was a janitor at this park. Reports say folks who have called the park before opening hours spoke to a man who answered the phone, and his name was Martin. Lights turn on and off and doors open ...
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Banning House Lodge - Banning Inn
Avalon, California
21.9 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Banning House Lodge is home to "The White Lady" a ghostly apparition that people claim to have seen. As Natalie Wood also drowned nearby while vacationing on the island, many people have also claimed to have seen her ghost.
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Figueroa Hotel
Los Angeles, California
22 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Haunted, or merely bad wiring? Elevators that stop on random floors, lights that flicker and TVs that come on of their own accord, most of the reports of hauntings seem to involve the electric grid. No way of knowing unless you go and check it out for yourself. ...
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Stay on Main Hotel
Los Angeles, California
22.1 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Formerly the Cecil Hotel, this location has been a site of murder, suicide, and once even housed serial killers Richard Ramirez and Jack Unterweger; the last infamous case involved that of Elisa Lam who was last seen on security cameras hiding from an unseen force in the elevator before her ...
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King Eddy Saloon
Los Angeles, California
22.3 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
A form of the vanishing hitchhiker story exists here involving an inebriated woman who demands people pull over at Evergreen Cemetery only for people to discover her grave. Another possible ghost here is Benjamin E. Smith who went on a suicidal drinking binge before shooting himself nearby. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Hotel Alexandria
Los Angeles, California
22.3 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
The 9th, 11th, and 12th floors are said to have the most activity. Two Mafiosos are also said to be here in the basement of this location. The elevators here also have a knack to go to floors that aren't selected (usually it's the 3rd floor). (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Hilton Checkers Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
22.4 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
A woman identified as Teresa Brauden jumped to her death here and two other suicides have taken place here. One of those three may very well be responsible for the sudden chills guests feel or a CCTV recording of a door opening and closing by itself. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Millennium Biltmore Hotel
Los Angeles, California
22.4 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
The hotel gives off an eerie feeling all around. Guests experience weird noises, being pushed or shaken, and seeing light anomalies. Ghosts of a little girl, nurse, and a woman in a black dress have been reported. (Submitted by Chris)
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Linda Vista Community Hospital
Los Angeles, California
22.5 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Seen on the TV show Ghost Adventures, the historic hospital is said to be haunted by many patients who died traumatically here. The site has been used as a setting for a great number of films including Outbreak, To Live and Die in L.A., and Day of the Dead 2: ...
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Casa de Mexicano
Los Angeles, California
22.6 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
According to a report from a caretaker, nine ghosts reside here. The witness has heard knocking and footsteps and seen lights turn on by themselves. Some witnesses have seen the apparition of a Mexican man in jeans, boots and a checkered shirt and felt cold spots.
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Bullocks Wilshire Building
Los Angeles, California
22.6 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Bullocks Wilshire Building is an Art Deco building that was built in 1929 as a department store. Many famous folks shopped here in its day, including Walt Disney, Mae West, John Wayne, Marlene Dietrich, Alfred Hitchcock, Greta Garbo and Clark Gable. The ending of 1984's hit film "Ghostbusters" was shot ...
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Haunted Southern California: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Golden State
Charles A. Stansfield Jr.
Thelma Todd's Sidewalk Cafe
Los Angeles, California
22.7 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Thelma Todd was a star from the 1930's who ran a cafe at this address before her mysterious death. Coroners ruled it as accidental carbon monoxide poisoning, but some people believe that she was murdered. She has been seen walking up and down the staircase and some people smelling exhaust ...
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Joan Crawford House
Los Angeles, California
22.8 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Christina Crawford, Joan Crawford's adopted daughter, said that when she was a child, she used to see many frightening figures here. When she talked to a later owner of the house, she learned that the paranormal activity was still continuing and was thought to house many negative spirits. The owners ...
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One-Eyed Gypsy
Los Angeles, California
22.8 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Before it closed, guests would be touched or even fondled by an unseen man. One rumor is that this place was built on the site of a brothel that burned down; the lady who ran it is believed to be here. The male ghost is thought to be that of ...
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Los Angeles City Hall
Los Angeles, California
22.9 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
According to reports, the second, third, fourth, 27th and 28th floors of City Hall are haunted by ghosts who make themselves known during the overnight hours. On the second floor folks report noises and the feeling of being watched; on the third and fourth, an unseen presence follows you as ...
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Huntington Beach Pier
Huntington Beach, California
22.9 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Psychics report activity from people who used to love the area when they were alive returning for permanent stay. It also said that victims of suicide, murders, and accidents roam around here. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Pico House
Los Angeles, California
23.1 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
This historic residence is said to be the home of lingering spirits of those who were killed in the Chinese massacre. Pio Pico's apparition also has been seen here. The house was featured on the TV show Ghost Adventures.
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La Golondrina Cafe
Los Angeles, California
23.3 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
A ghost nicknamed "La Consuela" walks the stairs and is sometimes seen on the balcony. Items also move by themselves or are hidden elsewhere in the building. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Avila Adobe
Los Angeles, California
23.3 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Francisco Avila, former owner of the house has been seen and heard here. His second wife, Encarnacion, has also been seen in the master bedroom. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Knott's Berry Farm
Buena Park, California
23.3 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
At Knott's Berry Farm, many places are rumored to be haunted. At Camp Snoopy, Peanuts Playhouse is rumored to be haunted. Employees have reported chills, voices, lights that go on and off when the power is off, and the felling of someone following them. Also, the Kingdom of the Dinosaurs ...
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The Beverly Hills Hotel
Beverly Hills, California
23.4 miles from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Peter Finch died outside of this hotel 1977. While it's possible he's still here, it is believed that Harpo Marx and composer Sergei Rachmaninoff haunt here, still making music after their deaths. (Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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