Originally the Stokes Fish Market, this building was constructed in 1916. It closed in the early 70’s and since been home to a few businesses and has some years of being vacant. The building is now Sanford’s first micro-brewery, Wop’s Hops Brewing Company. The building has reports of cold spots and apparitions. Mediums that have been inside report that there are 5 spirits and have been able to pick up their names. Jennifer and Claudia roam between the two connected buildings, Stephen hangs out by the bathroom in the hallway, and David is spotted out in the beer garden area. Not much is known about the fifth spirit. One medium said it could be the spirit of a child. Jennifer was a prostitute that was strangled and stabbed to death. Claudia used to work at the fish market. As for Stephen, his history is not known, however dogs and small children do not like going to the back area of the brewery. As for David, a respected sensitive said that he was beaten to death because he was selling tainted horse meat, which made several people ill. A second sensitive stated that David was beaten to death for being homosexual.
Since the opening of the brewery, several independent mediums have been inside and have given the staff similar readings of the building. Picking up on each spirit and giving the same info regarding the spirits background and area they are spotted.
(Submitted by Kyle E.)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 419 South Sanford Avenue
Sanford, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 28.8083298, -81.26486080000001
- County:
- Seminole County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Sanford, FL (0.7 mi.)
Midway, FL (2.4 mi.)
Lake Mary, FL (4.7 mi.)
DeBary, FL (5.8 mi.)
Deltona, FL (6.4 mi.)
Heathrow, FL (7.2 mi.)
Winter Springs, FL (8.0 mi.)
Longwood, FL (8.5 mi.)
Casselberry, FL (9.8 mi.)
Orange City, FL (9.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Any info about the haunted building across the street 410 Sanford ave?
I am looking for stories associated with hauntings crossroads in Sanford Florida. Play the address is 802 or 809 East 2nd Street. He’s a former retirement home and prior to that it said to be a mortuary. I saw apparitions there 2 nights in a row in April 2013. It was then and is currently now counseling / drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Check workers at that time so the apparitions and experiences we were having we’re pretty much common place. I’m very surprised to see that I can’t find anything else on these hauntings