Among its late 1800s and early 1900s graves, Hillside Cemetery is said to house a witch’s final(?) resting place. Legend has it that those who tamper with her grave have suffered dire consequences from life ruination to demonic possession. Also, the ghost of a teen who wrecked his car nearby in the 1970s is said to appear in this graveyard.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- E 186th St N and Hillside
Skiatook, OK
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 36.423175023050455, -95.98486489734495
- County:
- Washington County, Oklahoma
- Nearest Towns:
- Skiatook, OK (3.9 mi.)
Vera, OK (6.1 mi.)
Avant, OK (6.3 mi.)
Ramona, OK (8.2 mi.)
Sperry, OK (8.7 mi.)
Collinsville, OK (9.1 mi.)
Ochelata, OK (12.2 mi.)
Turley, OK (12.5 mi.)
Owasso, OK (12.9 mi.)
Barnsdall, OK (13.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
my grandparents live not a mile away from this cemetery and they’ve always to us grandchildren about the witches grave unfortunately me and my cousin went and only got to stay about 10 minutes before the keeper ran us off.. I would like to come back to this spot and try to capture anything proving fact from fake.. As in one of the stories that circle the surrounding people that from 12-3 am the writing on the concrete block above her casket disappears
Just tell them you’re visiting someone, it’s not like they’ll know if you’re just disturbing peace for facts. I did that alot at many places where it’s guarded by a keeper.
does anyone know what is written on the witches grave marker?
We went to see the Witches Grave in Skiatook and discovered it belonged to Abel G Parkhill who died in 1930. His wife Jennie died in 1925 and is buried next to her son who died in 1940. On one side is his name and the other side is scripture passage from Second Samuel 12:23, the words of King David after the death of his son: “Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.”
So how did it get the name the Witch’s Grave? I’d like to go out there and check it out
The grave is unmarked.
Me and my girlfriend and a two others went out there and was some stuff happen.. we have photos we started are own paranormal group.. and we also have evps thay are class a evp one says bring me the boys and me and mike was the only two men and are the only two men of the group and then we have phtos of the grave light up why i was standing by it so yeah this place is full of activity. If you want to go there about 12 am and 2am.. you well not be sorry i promsie you…the photo i a, added is of the witch grave lighted up
I have a place you could check out that’s pretty interesting.. It’s on the back roads by okesa and the road that goes by the back part of Woolaroc.. My husband and I were driving around one night a few years ago and out of nowhere these lights started following us then they would disappear.. We thought ok maybe it was actually a car.. Well we have went several times to see if it would happen again and it did.. About a year ago we were driving and Woolaroc is a fenced, and there was this bright light in the woods then I’m not kidding this light shot out of the woods and got behind us and followed for about a mile then disappeared.. That scared me.. You have to drive through pretty late at night.. We have even pulled over just I case it was a car to let pass, then they are just gone.. It’s crazy
Ok thank you i well get with my team and look in to it if you have any other info please email me. at thank you. hope you have a great day.
English is hard.
i was there that night with him and some friens and 08/07/2018 i went last night with some friends and i got scratch on my back and my neck and i caught alot of stuff last night also.
Hi everyone. Well me and my team was back out last night and we went to were are first chase was which was the which grave u might have to pull up the photo to zoom in but I promise you. Its worth it as you can see something saying on the head stone looking at us.
Me and some of my buddies just went out there tonight around 9:00 and we get to the grave and I layed down on it and spit on it and nothing happened, i currently can’t go to sleep because I’m scared the witch is gonna come haunt me!
Do you still follow up here at this site and do EVPs? Do any thermal cam or UV pics?
I would like to join you sometime
I have been to the witches grave and not seen anything happen I live in Skiatook, Oklahoma and before I moved here I didn’t hear any stories but when I settled in and was here for a couple of years I started to hear the stories.