The 1921 Willowbrook Ballroom, formerly called the Oh Henry Ballroom, is a dance venue and banquet facility and is believed to be the last place famed Chicago hitchhiker ghost Resurrection Mary danced before she died. Her ghost is said to appear here and sometimes dance with ballroom patrons.
Another interesting note: Ozzie Nelson played here with his orchestra in the 1930s. Count Basie, and many other Big Band orchestra greats, played here in the 1940s, and other big names such as Chubby Checker, Otis Day and the Knights and The Village People graved the stage in their heyday.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 8900 S Archer Ave
Willow Springs, IL 60480
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.728031, -87.88141200000001
- County:
- Cook County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Willow Springs, IL (1.4 mi.)
Burr Ridge, IL (2.4 mi.)
Justice, IL (2.5 mi.)
Hickory Hills, IL (2.9 mi.)
Hodgkins, IL (3.1 mi.)
Indian Head Park, IL (3.1 mi.)
Countryside, IL (3.8 mi.)
Palos Hills, IL (4.0 mi.)
Willowbrook, IL (4.0 mi.)
Bridgeview, IL (4.3 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I have never been to this place or witnessed this ghost, but am aware of the story. The strange thing I experienced was two day’s ago, on October 29 th this entire building burned to the ground, supposedly from a roofer working on site. That was on Friday. Two day’s previous on Wednesday night I awoke having a strange dream about this place and the ghost that is suppose to haunt this location. It wasn’t a very livid dream, but when I awoke , the first thing I thought about was ” Why am I dreaming of this place and this girl”? I know she spoke something to me in the dream ,but I can’t remember what she said. Very Strange!
Fyi sadly willowbrook ballroom was burned to the ground in nov of 2016.
I was out with my 5 year old son taking pictures in the nearby cemetery. On our way back we drove past the burned remains of the Old Ballroom. My son and I parked, got out and started taking pictures of the burned out window which faces east.
Had no idea at the time, but looking back on the photos I caught two pictures of what appears to be a person looking out at us from the window!
It appears to be a man in a suit with a white collar.
Same face!
I was out with my 5 year old son taking pictures in the nearby cemetery. On our way back we drove past the burned remains of the Old Ballroom. My son and I parked, got out and started taking pictures of the burned out window which faces east.
Had no idea at the time, but looking back on the photos I caught two pictures of what appears to be a person looking out at us from the window!
It appears to be a man in a suit with a white collar.
I was out with my 5 year old son taking pictures in the nearby cemetery. On our way back we drove past the burned remains of the Old Ballroom. My son and I parked, got out and started taking pictures of the burned out window which faces east.
Had no idea at the time, but looking back on the photos I caught two pictures of what appears to be a person looking out at us from the window!
Buddy Rich had a one night gig there he was very late upon entering the stage upon picking up his drum sticks and sitting down his first words were, “Where the hell is this place?” I was a bartender there at the time, and during his performance he asked for requests, one patron yelled play “wipe out” upon which he threw his drum sticks in the air.