Illinois State University - Williams Hall

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Illinois State University’s Williams Hall was the site of the university’s first library, and is thought to be haunted by the spirit of the first librarian, Angie Milner. Even though a new library was eventually built in her name, and the old one was turned into Williams Hall, the ghost prefers to stay in her original workplace, Williams Hall. There is still an old room in Williams Hall where the old and rare books are kept, and footsteps have been heard in this room when no one is there. Sometimes, the books are found oddly stacked, or newly bound books will turn up just as tattered as before. A few students have seen the librarian’s apparition here as well.

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Geographic Information

SE Quad of Ill. State U.
Normal, IL
United States

Get Directions »
40.5082372, -88.98991739999997
McLean County, Illinois
Nearest Towns:
Normal, IL (0.4 mi.)
Bloomington, IL (1.7 mi.)
Twin Grove, IL (4.8 mi.)
Towanda, IL (6.1 mi.)
Hudson, IL (6.7 mi.)
Carlock, IL (9.0 mi.)
Downs, IL (9.9 mi.)
Danvers, IL (10.0 mi.)
Kappa, IL (11.6 mi.)
Stanford, IL (13.0 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I have lived in the Faibury Hospital’s West wing that they turned into apartments for a year. It wasn’t everyday that I experienced things but some days were bad. My children didn’t like it either. My daughter would hear doors slamming shut and knocking sounds. My son seen a demonic looking creature while he was laying in bed he said his disc man stopped playing. He said when he looked over the creature was crouching. I music started playing again and when he glanced again it was gone. My son was acting very strange one night because I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and switched the light on to see. My son was sittin straight up with feet out staring in pitch dark. I asked him if he was ok and he never answered so I went back to my room but left the light on for him. The next morning I asked him what that was about, he said he doesn’t remember. I’ve dealt with cold spot, I seen smoke with I thought was a lot cigarette but wasn’t, I’ve heard babies crying and believe it or not, I felt a slap across my face by a small hand with I was reading and it caught me off guard. Drop ceiling tiles moving around in the closet, I’ve heard an old woman’s voice in the closet. I heard finger nails being drug down the closet door. Lights flickering and my boyfriend about ODed in our bedroom, my friend had to drag me out because I just about ODed on pills in the bedroom. The closet was the craziest spot for me. My kids and I are soooooo happy to be out of that place.

  2. Don’t understand any parent continuing to live one more night in a place where their children are being visited upon by a demonic spirit. Get out immediately. Kids first….boyfriend and spooky housing dead last.

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