It is said that a convicted child molestor once lived here and was beaten to death by one of the victims’ parents. Some say you can hear the cries of his victims echoing through the apartment halls late at night.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 921 Old Marion Rd NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.021829, -91.64804600000002
- County:
- Linn County, Iowa
- Nearest Towns:
- Cedar Rapids, IA (1.0 mi.)
Hiawatha, IA (2.0 mi.)
Marion, IA (2.7 mi.)
Robins, IA (3.5 mi.)
Bertram, IA (7.6 mi.)
Palo, IA (8.2 mi.)
Alburnett, IA (8.9 mi.)
Fairfax, IA (9.8 mi.)
Ely, IA (10.7 mi.)
Springville, IA (10.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I lived in building 2 for 3 years. Walking to and from the laundry room you would hear what sounded like a door opening and felt like you were being watched. However, no doors opened and one unit at end of hallway could never keep a tenant
I use to work here, and there was a guy that hung himself in his closet in one of the units.
yup..specially the empty basements…
I lived in 931 old Marion rd I always felt like I was being watched when I’d walk to and from the laundry room. I could also hear chattering in the halls late at night
Oh my god.
I lived there when I was in college. Apartment 123. The walls were paper thin. You could hear everything in the quiet hours. The floor plan mirrors the apartment above and next to you. So I could hear the guy above me roll over in bed. I never remember having and noise experiences. However, something very weird did happen and I chalked it up as a stalker and moved.
I kept getting old – like really old copies of the Saturday Evening Post delivered under my door. No one claimed to have delivered them in the building. No note. No reason at all. It was weird. It seems like a few other creepy items may have been left too. I suppose it could have been an old guy before me that friends dropped items at the address. Hard to say. But it had an energy to it that really creeped me out. And it seemed like the all of the single guys that lived there were old and creepy. So I figured it was one of them. Not being able to figure it out, I moved.