The Welches Roadhouse was said to be haunted by a woman who killed herself when she jumped in despair from a second-story door used for snowdrifts. She had taken in an escaped convict and was bearing his child, but he had left her. The location later became the Old Welches Inn bed-and-breakfast, but is reportedly now closed.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 26401 E Welches Rd
Welches, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.3319509, -121.96168499999999
- County:
- Clackamas County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Mount Hood Village, OR (1.9 mi.)
Government Camp, OR (10.2 mi.)
Wapanitia, OR (13.2 mi.)
Sandy, OR (15.2 mi.)
Estacada, OR (18.3 mi.)
North Bonneville, WA (21.1 mi.)
Parkdale, OR (21.9 mi.)
Cascade Locks, OR (23.6 mi.)
Mount Hood, OR (23.8 mi.)
Damascus, OR (24.9 mi.)
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
That’s crazy I live Luke literally just down the street
St. Paul’s School in Yakima WA is a 4 story building and is said to be haunted by an elderly lady that is seen frequently. My brother in law worked at as a custodian briefly and one night he met an old lady cleaning the floor of the elevator as he walked in, he greeted her and she said something like “…funerals are like that…” as if stating that funerals can leave a dirty floor, my brother in law thought it was odd that she would say that but he continued on the next part of his job but the old lady stayed in the elevator. He didn’t think of her as a ghost until one of the school staff asked him if he had seen the old lady that roams the school.
another time his daughter was with a group of teens of the youth group that were starting to leave, some took the stairs but she and another student waited for the elevator because she has a heart condition she couldn’t take the stairs. the door opened and there was an old lady there that smiled at her and patted her on the head and the door closed, they pushed the button again and the door opened and the lady was no longer in there, the elevator had not gone down so there was no where for the lady to go to. the other student freaked out and ran off, i don’t know if my niece rode the elevator. another time my neice was with her dad in the evening and as they were climbing into their car she tells her dad and the other custodian that some windows are open on the third floor which was strange since no one had opened them. the other custodian ran up and closed them and when he was up there he could hear movements up there and when he came back down they were open again. it seems to be common knowledge and accepted by the staff there that there is a ghost there, i’m sure if you ask anyone that has worked there for awhile they’ve seen or heard strange things too.
That the wrong place in the pic. The house they are talking about is directly behind the house pictured. If you continue South until the next right, Dogwood lane, and take the immediate right. Look over to the right and that is the house that story arises from. Lived there in late 80’s. The house that’s pictured had a trail we would use to cut that corner off.
I apologize…the name of the Road you take a right off of welches road is Roberts not Dogwood. Amazingly beautiful knotty pine.
I knew the people who lived in the house pictured and remember when they sold it.
The story belongs with the other house though. At the ends of the second floor walkway were two Windows (one at each end) that went from the ceilings to the floors. Never realized what they were for.
26590 E Roberts Rd
I would like to stay this friday the 13th of 2019 there i have many experiences with ghosts