A grisly murder-robbery at the Davie Waffle House in 2002 supposedly sparked some paranormal activity that causes employees to “sense presences” and get an overall creepy feeling. Some say if you move a couple of boxes around in the freezer, you’ll still find bloodstains on the floor. (Pretty sure that would be a health-code violation… so I’ll chalk that up to urban legend.)
Here’s some details about the case (not for the faint of heart):
On March 11, 2002, at approximately 4:00 a.m., Gerhard Hojan and Jimmy Mickel entered the Waffle House restaurant in Davie, Florida. Barbara Nunn, Christina De La Rosa, and Willy Absolu were working at the Waffle House that morning. The employees were acquainted with Mickel and Hojan because Mickel was a former employee of the Waffle House and the two had eaten at the restaurant several times before. Nunn also knew Hojan and Mickel because she had previously visited a night club where the two worked.
After eating breakfast, Mickel left the restaurant and returned with a bolt-cutter. Mickel used the bolt-cutter to cut the padlocks on the restaurant’s cash safes, while Hojan produced a handgun and ordered the employees to the kitchen. He then ordered them into the freezer and shut them inside. Hojan returned to the freezer a total of three times. First, he told the employees to give him their cell phones. The second time he ordered them to give him their money. He returned one last time and ordered the victims to turn around and kneel on the floor. He shot Absolu and De La Rosa twice each, and he shot Nunn once in the back of the head. Hojan left all three victims for dead.
Nunn regained consciousness, went to a nearby gas station, and called 911. Law enforcement and medical personnel arrived at the gas station. Prior to being taken to the hospital, Nunn gave the law enforcement officers a taped statement in which she identified Mickel and Hojan as the shooters. Hojan was arrested later that morning. He confessed to the murders during an interview with detectives from the Davie Police Department.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 4689 Volunteer Rd
Southwest Rnchs, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 26.061425, -80.34652899999998
- County:
- Broward County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Broadview Park, FL (1.3 mi.)
Davie, FL (1.9 mi.)
Melrose Park, FL (2.6 mi.)
Pine Island Ridge, FL (2.9 mi.)
Plantation, FL (3.1 mi.)
Broward Estates, FL (3.2 mi.)
Cooper City, FL (3.6 mi.)
Lauderhill, FL (3.6 mi.)
Boulevard Gardens, FL (3.7 mi.)
Washington Park, FL (4.1 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Its not the one on davie rd its By i75
what a bunch of bull
No it’s not it happened just like that one of my best friends was one that got murdered
I live right behind here. Definitely happened
I live near Davie. I’ve been to that Waffle House. It’s true.
Went there back in 2011 with a friend to see if it was haunted and if you go into the bathroom and ask if anyone is there the lights will start flickering and it gets unbearably cold. My friend and I ran out so fast and have never been back. ( btw its on Davie road in Davie )
Poor thing! You were scared at the Wrong Wafflehouse. Trust it’s on Volunteer Rd & Griffin by I -75. I was pregnant back then & got up at around 4:30am to go to Wafflehouse to grab a bite to eat. when I arrived the whole plaza was blocked off. I went to the Shells gas station & the employee told me 1 of the victims crawled over & they called the police.
I don’t believe that. Im the person who got shot Barbara Nunn and I been back there a few times. It makes me sad when I go there.
I’m so sorry for what you went thru..i used to go eat there all the time..i was there a couple nights before it happened with my son and best friend i was in shock when i saw what happened on news that morning..Thank God you survived..so sorry for the other 2.i remember them
I worked there afterwards. I never believed there to be any supernatural activity. I used to work overnights when no one was there.
I watched the Show on ID and after I couldn’t sleep. I can’t believe a person shot and killed 2 of your friends for $2000. So sorry for your survivors guilt. Sounds like they were good people. Do u know what happen to your 17 year old kid. I guess she would be 18-19 by now. Such a sad story.
It did happen on the Waffle House on Griffin Rd & Volunteer near I75. I pulled up to get something to eat back then and was told by gas station attendants of what just happened. Your friend got it wrong
My brother worked there for 3 years just after that happened. Spent alot of time there cause he worked the overnight. Its not haunted its cold cause they run the ac full blast constantly cause it gets so hot in there and its a crappy and not very well maintained building. Thats why the lights flicker. Its a shame what happened all because some selfish people thought they could get few dollars by robbing the place. It never should have happened but those unfortunate souls have no reason to stay at the waffle house. And yes its on the corner of volunteer rd and griffin. Just east of I-75
Im a psychic medium I’m going to find out what the correct address is and check that place out I will let you all know if it is true or not.
I am a paranormal investigator, I I can concur that this place is haunted and they want to be aet free. You might do them a huge justice.
I always hated that waffle house, could never tell why but now i guess i know lol but this isnt in davie….
this is really scary because I’ve been to that Waffle House many times, never knowing that three people were shot there. I always got the chills in there. I would be sitting, eating my food and all of sudden this cold air would come and I swear the room’s temperature dropped 20 degrees. I’m highkey scared.
OK SO i grew up by here, remember when the murder happened, even knew someone who worked here a few years after the homicide blahblah bLAH. i went there tonight with a friend, we were going to get a ouija before we even went to ~summon the spirits~. unfortunately, walmart did NOT have a ouija board. anywho, we went. nothing weird happened except sometimes i’d turn around and the entire restaurant would be empty except us………..because the entire staff was outside smoking hahahahah. i def don’t think the place is haunted, but i’ll report back after we have a real seance.
I find it funny that people are dismissing this story as not having occurred considering it was in a reputable newspaper article. Perhaps the alleged bloodstains near the freezer and the reported hauntings are fake, but the murders DID in fact occur and there was a trial and all: http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2003-10-09/news/0310090053_1_murder-trial-freezer-gerhard-chip-hojan
This waffle house is often cold but that’s the A/C
It’s amazing how people hear things see things when you die you either go to hell or heaven your soul leaves and the only thing that’s stays is the familiar spirits of generational curse & when they around that victim they see n copy everything they do so when the victim dies they act like them and masquerade like them is a demon stop think is hot cold n if you go there and interact that familiar spirits follow you and you will be there next victim
The location is on Volunteer Road, part of the Town of Davie limits between the Town of Southwest Ranches. Which is located off Griffin Road east of I-75 exit 13A. I worked in the plaza and got off work at 3 Am and would eat there right after, we carried concealed weapons as a group that went in that early hours, the one time we did not show up this occurred. Perhaps the criminals noticed that too. I don’t know if it is haunted as I could never go back there as a local resident, I did not know the staff personally, but listened to their future dreams they had from late hour chit chats when serving us. From what I was told the register they killed to rob was less than $100, 3 ppls lives less than a few dollars to rob.
I was in the restroom and did a quick EVP session on my phone, I began to pray for these souls when clearly you can hear a voice of a man say AMEN TO THAT, then I asked are u still here? The spirit replied, I LIVE HERE,,ALWAYS. I began to pray and at the end of my prayer u can hear a growing. I believe it was the Male shot there abolusa. I’m going back, they need to be set free.