Formerly the Sage Mansion and once used as a halfway house, the Vigo County Historical Museum is home to some strange phenomena. The front staircase is a hot spot for orbs, and a small mist has been seen as well. Furthermore, a crib upstairs in an area that’s closed to visitors has been known to move by itself.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1411 S 6th St
Terre Haute, IN 47802
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.4522722, -87.4098937
- County:
- Vigo County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Terre Haute, IN (1.0 mi.)
West Terre Haute, IN (2.3 mi.)
Toad Hop, IN (2.9 mi.)
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN (5.1 mi.)
North Terre Haute, IN (5.9 mi.)
Riley, IN (7.3 mi.)
Tecumseh, IN (7.7 mi.)
Seelyville, IN (8.1 mi.)
New Goshen, IN (9.3 mi.)
Shepardsville, IN (10.3 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I have lived in Terre Haute my whole life.I have always heard that the museum is haunted,its even in books! Ive never encountered anything while there. Which I have been many times through out my life from field trips with school,to visits and taking my children to visit. However I aways did get a really weird feeling while downstairs in the basement. I remember looking in the glass casings one time and I felt like someone that wasn’t my grandfather and I ran in the other room scared to death. Now I chuckle about it! Also Stiffy Green the dog was once there he may still be, I’m not sure.
Is the Indiana Hotel haunted? Sending you a photo of it about 1910. (Terra Haute)–may have gone down with the tornado (1912??) Lois
I’ve been there on a field trip and what the artical said is true all students that were with me there were five of us in a group we were aloud to wonder around but not go into closed of areas ( we didn’t ) the stairs is a hot spot for orbs we saw at least 2 and we thought it was something else but one of the people that was with us said it was ghost orbs and I didn’t believe her because I don’t believe ghosts but that was about to change we went upstairs to the room with the crib and we saw it move so we sent one of us to go get the guide he said that yes the house was haunted he left and it was just me and my girl friend standing there and I don’t know how or why but there was someone standing at the end of the crib rocking it we ran down stairs and told the guide he asked if it looked directly at us we both said yes he told everyone to get out of the building we asked why and he said just go so we did and then he called someone and I guess this has happened before because the guy with the sage went in the building asking no questions and he sage the room then the house and went back wherever he came from we asked why we were not aloud to go back in because he told us to stay out he told us that we were being hunted now by a demon so he gave us both metallic crosses then let us in I am still looking behind my back to make sure im not being stalked by Edward Flanders the killer of a child and a family that lived in the house.