Submitted by a reader:
“My sister lived in a house in Ephraim which was haunted. She and her roommates would find items moved around. One day they were standing in their bedroom and watched the dresser shake so hard a photograph in a frame fell to the floor. Prior to this event my sister heard a hissing sound behind her as she walked up carpeted stairs. She and her roommates watched to see if there were an earthquake on the news but there was none reported. My sister is the mellowest person I know, so for her to report this is significant.”
The house is private property – please respect the current owner’s privacy.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- W 100 North and Main St
Ephraim, UT
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.361679338517035, -111.58785367064411
- County:
- Sanpete County, Utah
- Nearest Towns:
- Ephraim, UT (0.2 mi.)
Manti, UT (7.0 mi.)
Wales, UT (9.0 mi.)
Spring City, UT (9.7 mi.)
Moroni, UT (11.3 mi.)
Sterling, UT (12.9 mi.)
Mount Pleasant, UT (14.6 mi.)
Fayette, UT (17.2 mi.)
Mayfield, UT (18.3 mi.)
Fountain Green, UT (18.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My uncle lived in this house about 30 or so years ago, and his family was afraid of the activities that would happen at night, Only at night.sounds of people almost like full house of people, like a party but can’t tell what was said or no music. There was one spirit that was demonic, it would his and pray on my female cousins. My uncle had walked the house many times at night with his gun looking for a burglar. He sold the home cause of this.
Sorry, I have no experience with this house. But does anyone know of the haunted Vulgranics House, (not sure if spelling)
In Emery, Utah?
I vistited with friends in around 1990, then again about 1992. By 92’ it was being torn down.
The basic story was a family used to live there but they all ended up dying in the house. (Pretty sad/ gory story)
After it was left vacant neighbors would call the police to report strange things happening in the house. When police arrived they searched the house and found freshly cooked food on the table.
But after checking the house they came back through the kitchen and there was no food on the table. Which I believe is in a police report somewhere.
So it became a hotspot for ghost hunters.
One group of friends went to investigate the house and they blinked their head- lights at the house and then a light blinked back from one of the windows. They got scared and drove off. But soon after they rolled their car.
When we went to investigate we walked in the yard through a make shift gate. It was windy until we stepped over the gate, at that time all wind stopped. Which was wierd to us.
We went in and up to a room. We flashed our flashlight at our friends who were waiting in our car outside the house. They flashed their headlights back at us.
We climbed down and made it back to our car and looked up at the window of the room we were in and we all saw a light flashing from the empty room!
We got scared and drove out of there so fast!
Just wondered if anyone in Emery has heard of this Haunted house. I’d love to hear more about someone else’s experiences with it.