According to campus legend, Macky Auditorium has two ghosts. One is a young woman who was raped and murdered by a janitor in the 1960s when he found her practicing her opera singing. Although there sadly has been no phantom opera singing, a ghostly organ plays by itself late at night and her apparition has been spotted. Bloodstains from the murder are rumored to remain on the floor, now a professor’s office. The other ghost is a man in brown who haunts one of Macky’s towers.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 285 University Ave
Boulder, CO 80309
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.00987689999999, -105.27275810000003
- County:
- Boulder County, Colorado
- Nearest Towns:
- Boulder, CO (0.4 mi.)
Seven Hills, CO (2.4 mi.)
Valmont, CO (3.4 mi.)
Pine Brook Hill, CO (3.6 mi.)
Seven Hills, CO (3.7 mi.)
Tall Timber, CO (4.2 mi.)
Crisman, CO (5.2 mi.)
Eldorado Springs, CO (5.4 mi.)
Paragon Estates, CO (5.5 mi.)
Mountain Meadows, CO (5.8 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
First of all she was a zoology student who was lured to the organ room. It is not a professor’s office and is storage. Get the story straight…From a CU graduate smh
First of all YOU get the story straight… the women you are talking about was the one in the dorm room that was dragged into the bathroom and her room is now an office…. cu alum here!
Actually, the first commenter was correct. Elaura Jaquette was a zoology student who was lured into Macky by a janitor. His name was Joseph Morse, a father of five from Longmont. He bludgeoned her to death in one of the tower rooms. It was 1966. I remember the case well because I lived in Longmont and the interest in the case in was intense. Morse was observed by a family member burning clothing and turned him in.
Yes, it’s haunted. I worked at Macky intermittently between 2002 and 2006. The manager of the theatre, Julie, told me she would see the form of a woman pass her on the stage and sometimes in the side stairwells.
I have a few photos you might be interested in.
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Yes! It is haunted. I worked as a custodian in 2016. I have seen the lady that people speak of a couple of times. Often times, I heard a piano playing in the basement at night. I would check the room and find no one there. It gets interesting in that building, but never felt harmful.