The apparition of a man who was decapitated during the tunnel’s construction has been reported; many folks say he appears to be searching for his head. One rumor states that there is a graveyard atop the tunnel, and during its construction, some of the bodies fell through into the tunnel. Another legend tells of a ghost family killed long ago when their horse and buggy crashed into the river down the hill. Witnesses say they have heard the family’s screams.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Tunnelton, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.76874593524985, -86.30660533894115
- County:
- Lawrence County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Mount Carmel, IN (4.7 mi.)
Saltillo, IN (7.2 mi.)
Medora, IN (8.3 mi.)
Campbellsburg, IN (8.5 mi.)
Mitchell, IN (9.3 mi.)
Orleans, IN (10.8 mi.)
Bedford, IN (11.6 mi.)
Vallonia, IN (12.5 mi.)
Livonia, IN (14.7 mi.)
Oolitic, IN (14.9 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Heading there now
I have Been through the tunel many times on late after noon a friend of mine and i were in the tunel half way back a old lantern shaped glowKeviing light aperead coming toward us. Nothing could be seen but the lantern. We wasted no time leaving. I had heard the same stories from my great grandfather.
What is the address of this haunted tunnel, here in Indiana ?
Yes, it’s close to Bedford IN It’s called “The big tunnel” you can look it up on google maps!
My moms told me storys sayin the figure was a rail road worker who didnt get into the cubby in time and got killed by a train comin through and haunts till this day lookin for his way out of the e tunnel. Wat about stack rock in bedford suposedly its a gateway to hell but its just abunch if corry rocks stacked together. Any more places in williams or bedford I need to kno about. Wat about yhe old jail by st vincens elm school in bedford? That place is hounted just go to the square in bedford from the highway on 16th and follow it into town then take a right at the rail road tracks then look right for a old buildin with bars on the windows you cant miss it
Is it by tunnelton and what’s the address
I live near here and grew up not far away. Going there at midnight was a rite of passage. (Or for the 2am CSX that used to go through it in the 90s.) I have never had an experience though, but I’m always hopeful.
One legend I always heard was the railroad employee and his lantern. Your could see it if you turned your flashlight off in the middle of the tunnel. If you’ve not been there, the tunnel curves in the middle and for a space of 15 or so feet you cannot see either end.
I grew up in Bedford, I have seen the faces in the jail. I have been to Tunnelton Tunnel as part of growing up in Bedford pretty much demands it. I have seen the light in the blackest part of the tunnel. I know of the cemetery on the top of the tunnel but what of the ghost train? I have heard the stories but not sure if they are true. I have heard the screams of the family that in the horse and buggy fell into the river down the hill and died but I have not seen much about that.
We walked it twice, once at 10:30 and again it midnight. The first time nothing was strange or out of the ordinary. The guys messed with us girls a few times but other than that nothing paranormal. When we went back through the tunnel at midnight, both on the way through and on the way back we all smelled a really strong kerosene smell. When we walked through we smelt it from the middle of the tunnel until the end, on the way back it didn’t start until the middle and we could smell it all the way back to where we had originally entered. Definitely creepy. The first time none of us had smelled anything and nothing was out of the ordinary.
October 3, 2016:
I wasn’t expecting that my buddy and I would experience any paranormal activity as we drove 2 hours south in the middle of a sunny October day (@ the tunnel from 12-1:30pm), and then, as we ran into a Tunnelton, Indiana, paranormal investigator when we were seeking directions to the tunnel, with him saying that he’d been in the tunnel several times and never experienced any paranormal activity, I’d say we had our guard down.
2 things happened on our visit:
1. We heard someone walking behind us at the east entrance and when we both turned around, expecting to see someone, there was no one! We went back the 100′ we’d just walked in and there was NO ONE!! As those of you know that have been there, you’re in the wilderness, and it’s not easy to hike out of sight in a short matter of time because of the steep slopes surrounding the train tracks. We’d started at the west (Tunnelton) entrance, walking with light off of my smartphone face all the way through and then took in the sites of the east entrance, WILDERNESS…and it seems highly impossible that someone ran down as we ventured back into the tunnel, and to then vanish when we came back?! Highly doubtful. Also to note, is that my buddy is ‘special needs’ and is often slow to comprehend or even respond, turning around with the sound of hearing someone behind us as he did, was that we obviously heard SOMEONE! I just smiled and thought, ‘Wow…that’s cool! We witnessed what we’d been reading about!!’
2. In posting pictures taken on Facebook of the tunnel entrances from the outside and inside, and showing the darkness that exists as you find yourself in the middle of the tunnel, unable to see either tunnel entrance, a friend commented that she could see a silhouette of a person. I thought that maybe I’d captured my buddy in the picture, but it wasn’t that at all, but an image of a girl with shoulder length hair, and then in looking further, a villainous man seemed to be behind her with attire on of the 1800’s/1900’s. And there seemed to be other faces hidden and uncovered by the light entering the west entrance from the picture taken at about 200′? in.
October 10, 2016:
My buddy and I returned a week later and at the same time (12pm). It was another sunny day, and though we did not hear any one walking behind us, a picture had more images!! Again, while standing 200′? in from the west entrance, and taking a picture back to the entrance, showing white light come through the tunnel opening, there was a ghostly blue image that had a face in it, and then there was a baby, maybe Henry Dixon’s baby that was born prematurely and died, due to Dixon’s wife giving birth early with the news of her husband’s death (1908)?
It’s interesting to say the least, and I’m looking forward to returning with my buddy, or others in the months/year to come!!
Been here on several occasions… Was about halfway through, when suddenly nothing happened. Got to the other end and I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw no mysterious lantern, no creepy railroad man, no spirits at all… nothing… at… all… out of the ordinary lol. This place is cool to visit and explore, but the only people that see these ghostly things are the people that desperately want to see it.
my boyfriend and I went here with one of our friends and we didn’t see or hear anything in the tunnel, but after we left and was in the car and well down the road, my boyfriend randomly froze and just stared in front of him and would not talk or move. out of nowhere he got really mad for no reason. afterwards he said he felt like someone else was in the car with us.
probably indigestion.
Is it scary
If its not haunted it should be, be sure to check out devil’s backbone while you’re in the area.
My two cousins and I went to this tunnel four years ago. They live about 45 minutes away and when I was visiting them, they told me about this place.We arrived on Friday evening around 11 p.m. It was pitch black, we had very bright flash lights and began to walk through the tunnel. As we walked, we could hear faint screams (no one was around). It was like the screams were in the walls, that’s how close they felt.They were some very cold spots and we felt the presence of something, something that was watching us. My cousins felt it too and they suddenly wanted to leave.As we started walking back, something was making me look back (like as if I was being followed). We got to my truck and left. There is something here in this tunnel, come check it out.
I have been there hundreds of time since I live in Salem,IN. It was a party place for us so we were there at night with lots of people. We never say anythng or heard anything. So a couple of my girlfriends & I decided to go back at night and walk thru the tunnel, should have stayed out. I didn’t feel anythng until we were almost to the top of the steep walkway. It felt like we were being watched but we kept going. I caught a cold spot as I walked in to be the 1st one….my friends were as scared as me but I drew the damn short straw. So with a flashlight we start the trip to the middle. We got about 100′-150′ in and it sounded like somebody was following us. We screamed and ran out lol with tears in our eyes. Our next stop was the little tunnel entrance to the town. The story goes that there were 3 sisters that lived in the big house on the hill. The townspeople thought they were witches and often were mean to them. While two of then were gone shopping the one sister was attached and they hung her in the tunnel for her sisters to see on their way back home. They say if you stop ur car there after midnight, turn it off and wait 10mins, if you turn around u will see her in ur back seat. Well we stopped and turned the car off. Wait 10mins and slowly turned around when we started to see white my friend turned her car on and it wouldn’t start. As she was frantically try to get it started something hit the top of her car and all of a sudden it started and she floored it about hitting the wall that is not far from the tunnel. So the couple of paranormal activities I encountered are enough to make me a big believer of the hauntings at tunnelton.
My wife and I went out there couple years ago. She qent in the tunnel but as soon as I stepped in I stepped back out. Although we never caught anything on video the feeling coming from that tunnel for me was one of the worst feelings I have ever felt. I felt like I was not supposed to be there. Ive had things in different ways all my life but this had to be the worst. Maybe it was just me and how my past is but its definitely got that Erie creepy effect
We went there recently. We captured a mysterious sound that sounded like a gunshot. We didn’t hear it while filming but my camera captured the audio. Later, I smelled gunpowder in the tunnel. —> copy and paste to view my experience
does anyone know any answers to these questions ,Why is tunnelton tunnel haunted,how did the ghosts die,why were they there,what is the history of the tunnel,who has investigated it,are the ghosts demons