Visitors to this site have reported hearing the harrowing sounds of battle, although nothing appears to be happening on the quiet field. It is also said that cameras will always fail to work at this site.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Northwest of Devil's Den
Gettysburg, PA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.7922244787069, -77.24390923998726
- County:
- Adams County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Gettysburg, PA (2.8 mi.)
Lake Heritage, PA (3.4 mi.)
Bonneauville, PA (5.8 mi.)
Fairfield, PA (6.6 mi.)
McKnightstown, PA (6.9 mi.)
Orrtanna, PA (7.2 mi.)
Emmitsburg, MD (7.5 mi.)
Hunterstown, PA (7.6 mi.)
Carroll Valley, PA (8.0 mi.)
Table Rock, PA (8.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Until I saw this article I didn’t know the field was said to be haunted. it usually gets passed over ofr more dramatic sections.. I cannot offer anything objective but a couple of years ago I was hiking through the park on a sunny spring day and just got the creepiest feeling in that field, at the risk of sounding poetic , it seemed like a great, bloody mouth waiting to be fed. I know that’ sounds silly but this article here seems to confirm that. My camera worked just fine though.
Just adding on, the mulitple video on this artickle seem to clearly disprove the above legend that camera’s fail
yeah I had the same thought, in 2013 I shot a lot of pics here and they were fine but the legend really goes to the Devil’s den, the famous ‘dead sniper’ was a posed shot with a dead body put into position . Legend said he was angry at photographers and so camera’s do not work in the devils den, but likewise, mine have worked just fine.
Just went this past summer (8/2015) and my cell phone camera worked fine everywhere including Devils Den. Caught some unexplainable things in several pics in various battlefield areas. Can’t say about triangle field because we didn’t go over there.
I have studied the War of Northern Aggression most of my life. As I have literally hundreds of direct line family members that fought for the South, I have spent a pant load of time in battle sites from Pennsylvania to Mississippi. I’d been to Gettysburg several times as a kid and always felt something important about the area, though I did not grasp the fact that so much of my family was seriously wounded or died there, specifically my uncles in the 26th North Carolina Infantry at Pickett’s Charge.
Probably ten years ago, I had moved to Maryland from Georgia with my family. My son has Asperger’s Syndrome and actually a hearing impairment. Not able to spend a lot of time with him, I decided to take him to Gettysburg. A typical really nice Spring day, the park was slammed full of people. I found a place to park in the area of Devil’s Den, actually very close to the faked picture of the Confederate sharpshooter in the rocks. We walked around many people to the Triangular Field. We passed the stone wall, and stood at the top of the hill. As I remember the battle, and this could be amuck of detail, I explained to my son that a New York Artillery Battalion, sat at the top of the ridge. Cannons were pointed at the advancing Texas Infantry, I believe it was. The cannons were unable to be directed low enough, to the angle needed to stop the advance. The Artillery Battalion was overrun. (If my memory is off, forgive me.) Sadly as my wife and I have grown way too accustomed to, he sat there looking back at me, with that 1000 mile stare. His condition does not allow him to grasp much.
His condition however, is very good for other things. He suddenly looked at me and asked, “do you hear that dad?” I listened intently but couldn’t hear anything, and advised him so. He casually replied that, “that is what I mean. I can’t hear anything”. Yes he does have a hearing impairment, but I do not. My hearing is far better than my eyesight and has saved my life on more than one potentially volatile call. I shut up and strained to hear. I turned to see a hundred people feet from me, and cars steadily driving by, no farther away than I can spit a dip of Copenhagen. Absolute dead silence. It was almost as though noise had gone to sleep. I heard no vehicles, no people talking and walking, no kids running and playing, and not a bird that I watched fly over our heads. Then that unexplainable feeling of slowly becoming light headed. I hadn’t just stood up too fast, or was faint from not eating. Instinct tells me at those times, to vacate in a hurry with my hand on my .45.
I am very used to dishonesty and am incredibly skeptical as is my developed nature over the years. I’m not a scientist, but I’m not stupid. I cannot accept a non scientific explanation for occurrences, yet had no answer.
Draw your own conclusions.
2 apparitions around sunrise