Strange lights and apparition have been seen by staff and guests, along with weird noises. Things would vanish and go missing during the renovations of the old hotel, and workers would see figures standing at windows or at the ends of the hotel halls.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 151 Main St
Toomsboro, GA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 32.82701889191146, -83.07942894094595
- County:
- Wilkinson County, Georgia
- Nearest Towns:
- Toomsboro, GA (0.0 mi.)
Irwinton, GA (5.5 mi.)
McIntyre, GA (6.6 mi.)
Oconee, GA (7.8 mi.)
Ivey, GA (13.5 mi.)
Deepstep, GA (14.7 mi.)
Gordon, GA (15.2 mi.)
Tennille, GA (17.3 mi.)
Danville, GA (18.1 mi.)
Allentown, GA (18.3 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I’m from Wrightsville and go through Toomsboro. I have seen things in the windows as I pass by.
I work for the railroad that runs through town. Some nights I’ve walked by and shined my light into the windows without thinking twice, other nights I feel a pressure and like I’m being watched abs just look down as I walk to line the track switch. I just walked by 40 mins ago at 4:45 am and had that feeling of being watched and felt hair on my neck stand up.
I work for NS too and had to get down to line 377 in the siding this morning around the same time and heard a noise like a door closed or something as I walked past the house. After I lined it back for the main and got back to the engine which was parked directly in front of the old depot I thought I heard foot steps but didn’t see anybody. I hate stopping in Toomsboro
Hey Dennis my friend I believe you because you’re a great guy and my experience there was the statue in the front yard head was turned towards the street as I walked to the switch coming bac I noticed it was turned towards me .
My family owns the Bentley Cemetery in Toomsboro and yes, there are lots of hidden secrets about this town.
I don’t really believe anything goes on in the Old Hotel. I have great memories there. My grandparents owned the hotel for many many yrs. I use to visit there as a young girl and even lived there for a time. I love that old Hotel. Nothing but great memories for me!
We see stuff in the windows Sharon we are not crazy
Probably me walking around in my house
I own the hotel and live here. If someone walks into it, theres likely to be a new ghost lol