Tomoka Lights / Ormond Lights

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Drive north on Beach St. in Ormond Beach late at night, toward Tomoka State Park, and you might run into the Tomoka Lights (also known as the Ormond Lights). These are typical “ghost lights” – balls of light that appear out of nowhere, and sometimes seem to follow cars around. Be careful though: several people have had car accidents in this area while searching for the lights.

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Geographic Information

Beach St.
Ormond Beach, FL
United States

Get Directions »
29.334871093000825, -81.08085853803709
Volusia County, Florida
Nearest Towns:
Ormond-by-the-Sea, FL (1.3 mi.)
Ormond Beach, FL (3.7 mi.)
Holly Hill, FL (6.8 mi.)
Daytona Beach, FL (9.3 mi.)
Flagler Beach, FL (10.1 mi.)
Daytona Beach Shores, FL (12.5 mi.)
South Daytona, FL (12.6 mi.)
Beverly Beach, FL (13.0 mi.)
Bunnell, FL (14.0 mi.)
Port Orange, FL (14.5 mi.)
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    • Could not find a way to comment so will have to use the reply button.
      I’m very old and back in 1960 or 61 I went to Daytona with some friends We met a guy named Darrell who lived there and worked at the arcade on the boardwalk. He told us of the lights in Tomoka State park. This story is totally true and we witnessed supernatural three separate nights there. Darrell told us to drive through this neighborhood and we came to this big archway which was the entrance to Tomoka State park. Driving through it was like entering a different world. The huge oak trees limbs covered the road like an endless roof of a tunnel. Totally dark at night. The road there was three miles long and straight as an arrow and very dark and spooky. He said to drive in a little ways and pull over on the side of the road turning the headlights out but leaving the parking lights on. We were in my fathers 56 Ford station wagon. There were seven of us. We were from Atlanta. I was driving. Darrell said that the light would not come out every time but if it did we would see something that had no explanation. He also said that if the light became to know you so to speak that it would come out more readily for you. As we sat at the entrance end of the three miles long tunnel of trees and tree moss a light popped up at the far end. It was like a ball of yellow fire it bounced up and down like it was taunting us. The it sprang out into there balls . One green, one in the middle yellow and the one on the right was red all looked like balls of fire then they sprang back into one then back out into three then back into one. Over and over. Darrell said floor it and we went sailing down that road at a hundred miles an hour toward the light. Just as we got close to the end the lights went out and and immediately appeared at the opposite end where we started from. Instantly and started the one into three and back to one then back to three as if if was laughing at us (it was) and playing with us, so I turned around at the end of the straightaway where there was an old abandoned cabin like shack and no oak trees and started back toward the end where we stared from and as we got to that end it blinked off and started bouncing one into three and three into one back at the far end where we had been. It traveled three miles in the blink of an eye. That was as close to it as we could get that first night. The next night the same thing. The third night it tried to kill us. Darrell had shown us several headlines in the Daytona newspaper where several people had been killed chasing the light. This third night was different. As we pulled in and parked inside the entrance the light came out almost immediately as normally it would take thirty minutes or so.We took off down the road again at a hundred miles an hour and halfway down the road it started coming towards us at a high rate of speed as to hit us head on. All the guys were screaming and down in the floorboards. I had sunken down but since I was driving I had to remain upright.I knew that if I swerved off the road at that speed we would all die so I just gritted my teeth and kept it straight. The instant if hit the front of the car it blinked out and blinked back on right behind the car and following us at about three feet from the tailgate.It was going very fast as it approached us in the head on collision then immediately changed direction at our hundred miles an hour and was following us at our speed. Everyone was screaming in terror but I kept driving and it slowly came up my side of the car and was just outside my door. It was about eighteen inches from my shoulder. It looked exactly like a miniature sun. Even with all the noise I could hear it crackeling and popping just like a little sun. Just a ball of fire about the size of a basketball. Maybe just a little larger. The it immediately blinked off and blinked back on at the end where we were approaching. Everyone was still screaming and just as we got near that end it blinked off and appeared at the far end where we had come from and did the one into three and the three into one over and over like it was laughing at us and. Since we were at the opposite end from the entrance no one wanted to go back toward the light again but we had to this time at a much slower speed and when we approached it blinked out and appeared at the other end just dancing away ! That was enough for us. We didn’t do that anymore but we survived a supernatural something that had intelligence and had killed many people over the years probably doing the same thing to them causing them to crash. Because I refused to swerve off the road we lived to tell about it. This is hard to believe but it is the absolute truth. Darrell told me later that the Federal government sent a team of scientists there to find out what it was but it disappeared never to be seen again. I am a fortunate human to have witnessed supernatural.

  1. Ok more. When we were teenagers the place to go in the middle of the night to see the lights was Tomoka. Our parents would warn us not to but of course we did. Once we were driving up there in a 1968 mustang, I was driving cause I did not drink. Car full of kids. Almost there and the headlights started flickering. Never did it before. Everybody accused me of doing it. I DID not!!!! I was as scared as they were. Finally we turned around. That car never did that again. Later we found out there was a murder that night at Cobbs Corner. True story.

  2. I grew up in Oak forest I was the second or third house there the lights are beautiful and remember about the which that lives there.

  3. This is utterly and completely true! I went to explore the Treasure Island inn in Daytona with a friend, but decided to just drive north in fear of getting caught. We had to use the bathroom, so we conveniently found one in tomoka state park. After feeling like we were being watched the entire time, we left to head home. Upon leaving, I saw multiple dead or sleeping possums on the opposite side of the road, in which NO cars besides mine had traveled. Then I noticed two lights behind me, looked forward for a second, glanced back once again, and noticed that the two lights formed into one singular incredibly bright light that was traveling no more than a foot behind my Prius. On this windy ass road with no lights or other cars, I literally thought I was gonna die. I got the strongest urge to crash my car into the trees (thank god I didn’t). After what seemed like minutes passing, we approached the first car on this entire road waiting to turn. As soon as we got near that car, the orb behind me vanished. It didn’t fracture or shine like any headlight I had ever seen. No shadows were cast by the light. It maintained the exact same distance behind us no matter how fast or slow I went. I traveled to this area looking for a bathroom, and came back with the most frightening paranormal or extra terrestrial experience of my life!!!!

  4. Has anyone had any experienced by the old burned down mill. It’s a little further in the loop.
    My friends and I have been almost ran off the road by cars that seem to vanish and reappear as well as weird recordings on videos we knew should be normal of us just goofing around singing and driving through the loop. But the mill has been the most active. I’ve seen 2 men walking down the road in clothes from another time… But my friends didn’t see anyone. We’ve seen sets of eyes in the mill in the dark about the height of a tall man… We have no explanation but things get weirder every time we go in!

  5. Theres a 2 story white house on the loop that’s supposed to be a solid witches house. Lights come on and off girl screams near house sometimes and in front bottom window to left of front door theres a window with blinders open enough for someone to be looking through blinds. You can see a woman’s head up against window staring at you. There’s no door knows or window lstches on any of doors or Windows. Most of top windows are boarded up. It is extremely hsunted.

    • Hi, I am writing an article for The Local Magazine, was wondering if you are willing to share and/or email me with the story about the witch and what happened while you lived in the area and if you are comfortable I can quote you in the article. My name is Kaila and you may contact me at

  6. Me and my friends went to the witches house in the loop and we saw alot of paranormal things happen. We left our phones on the porch on video record and walked away. 10 mins later wed walk back and get them and play the recording and you can hear a man and women talking and can hear a cat purring. Very weird! We saw a face in the window and on the side of the porch. Bunches of orbs all around. We heard a woman scream. I believe in that type of stuff and things do really happen.

  7. There’s a tour that Tomoka Elementary used to do every few grade levels about the history of Ormond. It would take us on a shuttle with a local author and she would tell us about the ghost sightings and how she incorporated stuff into her books.
    I remember in fifth grade, our class did one last tour. She talked about when she went to (Seabreeze I think?) high school there and she told us a story about the lights. She said that her friends wanted her to go out chasing them one night in the Loop (super dark and very windy roads around marshy waters). The story was that if you parked your car with the lights off for long enough, you can see the torchlight of an old Native American prince who was lost in the darkness attempting to visit his lady friend of a neighboring tribe. Then you can chase the light.
    The story goes, the author’s friends kept driving with the lights off and ended up crashing and dying. I’m not sure if it were into a tree or into the water. They died though.

    If I remember correctly, they weren’t the only ones to crash. It’s a beautiful drive, but at night it’s pretty freaky. So dark.

    Parts of the story may be butchered. It’s been years.

  8. Veronica Antonelli  |  

    I lived in Tomoka Oaks when I was a kid. Only for about 2 years back in 79-81. I saw the ghost of a little boy in my house and it was vivid and it touched me and I will never forget it. So the legends are definitely true!

  9. In 1965 the company my dad worked for had their company picnic at the park. We were having so much fun we didn’t realize it was getting dark. By the time we got all of our stuff packed up and in the car it was totally dark. My mother was worried because she knew of the stories. As we started out the park the lights started chasing us. I still remember my mother screaming and my father driving our new ’65 Mustang faster than I had ever been. I was terrified and I still remember it.

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