Tillett Cemetery - Hookman's Cemetery

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Tillett Cemetery is also known as Hookman’s Cemetery because of a local tale of a ghostly man with a hook for a hand who prowls the nearby roads looking for victims. Thick, eerie fogs and cold spots are known to materialize in the area as well.

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Geographic Information

E Lovers Lane Rd
Peru, IN
United States

Get Directions »
40.78158726046905, -86.05314311386792
Miami County, Indiana
Nearest Towns:
Peru, IN (2.1 mi.)
Mexico, IN (4.3 mi.)
Denver, IN (6.0 mi.)
Bunker Hill, IN (8.8 mi.)
Onward, IN (9.5 mi.)
Grissom Air Force Base, IN (9.9 mi.)
Roann, IN (11.2 mi.)
Wabash, IN (12.2 mi.)
Macy, IN (12.9 mi.)
Walton, IN (12.9 mi.)
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  1. I never heard about the Hookman in correlation with the cemetery. Growing up the Hookman legend was part of Lover’s Lane. I’ve been out there several times as a teen and early 20’s, we even had permission to take the kids on Halloween when they were younger, but never encounter anything. There was no fog, and night sounds were fine. It’s just a family cemetery surrounded by trees that had a tree covered lane you had to walk up. I think at night it is just creepy and people let there imagination run amuck. I say that respectively as a skeptical believer. I have encounter ghost and hauntings, just not there and it doesn’t have the same vibe as other places I’ve investigated.

  2. I didn’t have any encounters at Hookman’s Cemetery. However, on Halloween night in 1975, I was dared by my friends to walk all the way to the top by myself. I loved a good dare, so, I did it! It was VERY creepy, but, I don’t know anybody else who would walk to the top by themselves! I will have bragging rights for the rest of my life!

  3. This is a favorite place of mine. The Hookman’s grave is said to be in back through the woods over a fence on private property. For obvious reasons I’ve never verified this. However, the grave yard is super creepy, if for no other reason, it’s an old grave yard with little around. There are houses and factories near by, but even in the day there’s an overwhelming sense of isolation once you reach the peak. I’ve felt cold spots. I’ve captured pictures at night showing orbs of various sizes. There’s a particular grave, told to me as the witches grave, that the concrete border sometimes glows green in the viewfinder of my camera, but is not caught on film or naked eye. The fog, naturally, is hit or miss. Wish I knew where those pics were….

  4. I grew up in Peru and one thing we did as teenagers is go up there and make out. Never saw any fog….ever and the hookman rumor is just an urban legend.

  5. We just went to the bridge at hookmans grave it was me my husband and sister in law we were terrified n scared and we all felt total tightness n heavy news on the check we were so scared we didn’t make it pass that Bridget OMG she wants to go back so we going back soon

  6. I have been to that cemetery several times. I have also had many encounters with the fog and with the creepy and eerie feelings. I have yet though to capture anything on Fillmore camera.

  7. Joshua B Johnson  |  

    At 2 a.m. Sunday morning few days after Hurricane Laura past me my good friend along with his wife and son take a ride to hookman’s just to see what damage and there were massive tracks of broken trees that look like a tornado’s path but the feeling of something old and Disturbed in those woods and in the fog was undeniable but that was only the beginning we get to the hookman bridge and it was very flooded more flood in the surrounding bayou’s In Ditches actually it was the most flooded we have seen along our whole trip from my friends house all the way to hookman’s as if just the bridge and the water beneath it and the wood surrounding it where the cemetery would be was the only place flooded but in the flooded water both sides of the road in ditches and on the road in the water were hundreds or thousands of fish channel cat hardhead cat yellow cat and what looked to me to be the saltwater snail catfish along with Asian carp Buffalo Gasper goo and shad of all sizes small to huge and we’re in a catatonic almost hypnotized steak where are we were able to pet them and catch them with her hand it was similar to things I’ve seen but at the same time nothing like I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of fish in Louisiana Waters and these were thousands of fish altogether in that small area so after we got out of the vehicle and played around and play with and pet the fish we got back in the truck and slowly drove back towards the bridge I was at this point standing in the bed of truck near the cab as we slowly drove towards the bridge spotlighting in the water and in the woods all around we noticed a very bright light so we stop and turn off all our lights thinking it was a vehicle it was not didn’t we thought maybe people walking flashlight but they killed the light so we approached slowly and as we cross the bridge I felt as if we were to be in the wrong place or I’m very weird feeling but me and my both at the same time see 2 creepy figures one with quickly to the left side of the road one with just as quickly to the right side of the road I focused mainly on the one to the right and could tell he was in blue jeans that appeared to be torn above the knee and a white T-shirt or a white shirt also torn and they went quickly into the embankment which at this time was only surrounded by flood waters and very thick Woods and we had very good flashlights and we look for those two guys and where they went to and there was absolutely no explanation they were not there but we absolutely 100% saw the same thing and we felt it it freaked me out and I told my boy to go and not stop Mash on the gas and he did and as we were hauling ass down that road I smelled the very very strong horses and horse breath and it was not until we got home and discussing what we saw and looking that I read the legend of the headless horseman some spooky real shit y’all come see we’ll bring y’all and you can see that’s some spooky spooky.. we also have footage of all of the fish and US playing around and will submit that later as well

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