At Tigard Evangelical Cemetery, aka Canterbury Hill Cemetery, witnesses have reported seeing apparitions and green balls of ghost lights as they drive by. Some folks who live nearby say they have heard howls and screams.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Near 10890 SW Canterbury Lane
Tigard, Oregon
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.41499172960056, -122.79010444879532
- County:
- Washington County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- King City, OR (1.1 mi.)
Tigard, OR (1.4 mi.)
Durham, OR (2.0 mi.)
Tualatin, OR (2.5 mi.)
Metzger, OR (2.6 mi.)
Rivergrove, OR (3.2 mi.)
Garden Home-Whitford, OR (3.7 mi.)
Sherwood, OR (4.7 mi.)
Raleigh Hills, OR (4.7 mi.)
Beaverton, OR (5.0 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I lived near this cemetery for 9 years. When I first moved in the apartment, my daughter was still a baby, barely a year old but in the middle of the night I would hear her babbling while sitting up in her crib. That went on occasionally for a year until she would wake up screaming in terror every night. She would point in the corner of her room near closet screaming “guy, guy!” After asking “guy” to leave, we never had any issue inside the apartment but for years my daughter would tell me about a darker complected man watching her & friends near the wooded areas around the apartment complex. I had seen shadow figures outside my backdoor 2 weeks before my grandma passed away. My now ex husband had recorded whispering & thumps one night during a college project of his. The last time I visited the cemetery itself, I was drawn to one head stone closest to the apartment buildings and I was overwhelmed with sadness, so much so I actually wept at the grave. It took awhile to settle down, and it was almost like someone didn’t want me to leave.
erin i have friend who lived in the same apartment complex while he was growing up and he had some same experiences. can you comment any further on anything else that had happened ?
My son and his GF lived in the apartment complex right next door to the cemetery. He suffered from nightmares while he lived there and also things were moved from one place to another. I actually went into his home and did a cleansing. There are back doors to each apartment that lead to a common hallway. I felt that whatever entity was invading their home was coming through these doors. After they moved out, they no longer experienced anything paranormal.
The glowing green orbs are actually a giant cats eyes! We wintnessed him run across the street in front of us and jump up too perch on a giant gravestone. The look he gave us, still gives me chills. Cats are known human protectors and he wanted us no where near that gravestone. Till this day will not go back..
Still extremely haunted. I went in april and record a bit of video, took some pictures. Got a face in one of the tombstones.
I just investigated this about two months ago Lots of activity. I wonder how the residents in the home deal with it.