At this inn where Stephen King’s film “Rose Red” was shot, both guests and employees have reported seeing apparitions and strange lights. Orbs and ectoplasm also have been found here.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 8601 N Thorne Ln SW
Tacoma, WA 98498
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 47.130346, -122.55123300000002
- County:
- Pierce County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- Fort Lewis, WA (2.0 mi.)
McChord Air Force Base, WA (2.8 mi.)
Lakeview, WA (3.2 mi.)
Lakewood, WA (3.2 mi.)
Custer, WA (3.4 mi.)
Ketron, WA (3.6 mi.)
Steilacoom, WA (3.6 mi.)
DuPont, WA (4.4 mi.)
Parkland, WA (5.8 mi.)
Spanaway, WA (5.8 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.thornewoodcastle.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Me And my wife were hired to photograph a wedding at Thornwood castle. The bride and groom were having their first dance when every image we took on both my and her camera had multiple orbs in them. Having had other experiences with suspected spirits in the form of orbs my wife said quietly go dance somewhere else your making extra work for me. The orbs vanished instantly to be seen no more that evening. I guess even ghosts enjoy a good party! I wish my wife had kept the originals straight from camera but she cloned the orbs out of the pictures for the bride and you never know how someone will react to being told they shared their first dance with ghosts
I stayed there for my 21st b day on July 3rd; I wont tell the year. I was with a girlfriend I was seeing at the time, we took pics all around the place that night and when I developed the pics many full apparitions were in them. I was also woken at 3:33AM to my locked door being slammed open and shut 4 times. Then went back to bed. Great breakfasts there though!
Good luck trying to ghost hunt here, the rooms per night cost a fortune, and you can’t even enter the property without a reservation. This is for rich people. Seriously.
I wish they would tell you things like this straight up on sites like this. It would be real helpful.
Dear Johnny, we apologize for the high cost of the rooms, but know when you stay in one of our rooms you will be the recipient of a 5 star felatio from one of our ghost whores. There are a myriad of ghost for you to choose from. We hope to see you soon.
It only took you 6yrs to reply to Johnny’s post.
Wife and I were scouting locations for our wedding when we came across this location. It’s very interesting, has a ton of character, and the architecture was beautiful. However, the instant I set foot inside the main dance hall I felt an intense and immediate sense of being watched. It wasn’t overwhelming, but it was borderline tangible. I felt as though I was being heavily judged and was unwelcome. Now, I had never heard that this place was haunted. If I heard anyone else tell me this story I’d 100% not believe them, or chock it up to them being superstitious/paranoid/imaginative. I initially shrugged it off and thought that the old style of architecture was just weirding me out, but when my fiance and I got in the car to leave she said she “felt something wrong” with the place. I asked her what she meant and she said it felt like other people were in the mansion watching us. I’ll never forget that feeling.