Allegedly haunted by the former mistress of the house, Mrs. Brown. People have reported full body apparitions, cold spots, slamming doors and some claim that the ghost has actually appeared and spoken to them.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 178 Route 9 East
Wilmington, VT 05363
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.863682763215934, -72.85456071163941
- County:
- Windham County, Vermont
- Nearest Towns:
- Wilmington, VT (0.9 mi.)
Jacksonville, VT (4.9 mi.)
Dover, VT (6.1 mi.)
Readsboro, VT (7.9 mi.)
Rowe, MA (12.0 mi.)
West Brattleboro, VT (12.7 mi.)
Newfane, VT (13.1 mi.)
Heath, MA (13.3 mi.)
Brattleboro, VT (15.1 mi.)
Colrain, MA (15.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My husband, father and I stayed here on our east coast trip this past Sept.. This is an absolutely beautiful inn. I work early hours so I’m accustomed to getting up fairly early. The morning after my sleep I awoke around 4:30ish. Went downstairs for coffee and wandered around looking and found some reading on the shelves in the main foyer. I instantly heard loud snoring. I didn’t want to awaken the person. It sounded like it was right there so I peeked around the right of the cabinet in the lounge on the sofa and no one there and I then peeked around to the living room sofa and no one there. I was aghast with not being able to locate to loud snoring. I went up to my room and told my husband I hear loud snoring but odd I found no person sleeping downstairs. He immediately said “I bet its a ghost”. I couldn’t believe it but….
So when Aubrey came in that morning to get us our breakfast I told her and she said, ‘Oh, you’ve met Mrs. Brown. And her boyfriend there helping her stated, “yes, it’s usually Mrs. Brown who snores”.
I wasn’t scared in the least. But found it humorous!!
This is one of the most haunted places I have ever been. I stayed one night with my boyfriend last fall & we will never go back. The place scared us so badly we couldn’t wait to leave. Unexplained screams, evp’s of ghosts begging for help & constant thumping of feet in the empty hallway outside our room. Beware of this place.
i love the place – got married there and went back a couple years later. On wedding night, I went downstairs late where the big TV and fireplace are. very dark or cousre and past the big safe, I heard the sound of someone swimming and shutters slamming. I went down the to little pool – water was still, but a door open and slamming. I need to go back!!!!
My family and I used to always stay at the White House Inn. We used to make reservations to stay in the suite every year for the week after Christmas. I have always been sensitive to spirits and changes in energy. Even as a kid, I couldn’t ignore the footsteps and creeks that would wake me up in the middle of the night whenever we stayed there. One year, something undeniable and unexplainable happened to me, which shook me to my core.
On New Year’s Eve, my older brother and I were exploring the house. This place was so incredible. The secret staircases, the old structure, the creepy musky basement, the pool in the quarters were the help would stay… It was like a big and creepy playground.
The walk-in safe in the basement had been kept closed in the past. This time, my brother had noticed the safe was open just a crack and decided he wanted to look inside. I stayed next to him. I was only 13 at the time but I could feel the atmosphere surrounding me changing. All of a sudden, the air felt thick and heavy. The door creaked open, and there he was, standing right in front of me. Mr. Brown looked directly at me and said clear as day, “It’s time to Get Out.” I slowly backed up, and heard my brother say “I’m sorry” and he shut the door.
I ran upstairs to my mom, who was sitting at the bar. She could tell right away that something had scared me. I told her what had just happened and she asked if I was okay. Later that evening, the night got weirder. Unexplainably, the grandfather clock had started going off out of no where. Everyone was puzzled, including the staff as to why the clock was going off. Apparently, it hadn’t worked “in years”. My family had stayed there for many years now so we had become friendly with the staff. The bartender that night asked my mom what she thought it meant, and she said “it means, it’s time… (It’s time to get out.)”
We never stayed at the White House inn again. It had nothing to do with the incident, but to my understanding, the Inn was sold not to long after.
For anyone thinking about staying there, I would just like to clarify that this place is absolutely beautiful and to not be scared of the spirits who still linger there. I believe that they sincerely love their home and don’t plan on leaving it anytime soon. Mr. Brown for the most part stays in the basement. That’s his domain.
Stayed there 1/2 dozen times…no events out of ordinary
I was watching a show today about an active B&B and it made me after years look up the White House where my husband Leonard (Lenny) and I stayed probably 20+ years ago. We would pass it every first weekend in Dec bcuz for our anniversary we would get away from kids and go visit friends in Burlington and stay somewhere overnight and I told him I want to stay there one time for our anniversary bcuz I think the outside is gorgeous. He surprised me with an anniversary stay and rented the suite for a night. We went into town and had a nice dinner, stopped and got a bottle of wine and cheese and crackers and back to our suite. We went into basement to pool and sauna but I changed my mind bcuz I felt uneasy down there. We sat in our little sitting area had some wine and decided to retire for the night. I only had a glass of wine. Being December it was very chilly. In the middle of the night, I woke up sweating horribly and had this scary feeling where my heart was racing. I kept telling myself do not open my eyes and don’t take covers off. My husband was sleeping hard, so I squished up next to him and did not open my eyes and had the feeling someone was with us and heard many noises. I didn’t really sleep the whole night. In the morning we decided to go down into the restaurant for breakfast and maybe relax a little more before going back to ct and real life again. The woman asked us how we slept and my husband said he slept great, however my wife not at all and said to me this morning that she wouldn’t open her eyes but swears we weren’t alone…
The lady then asked us if we read about the White House prior to coming. He told her no and that I just wanted to stay there for years. She informed us that they have many claims of activity and we stayed in the suite where there is lots of reports of activity. Needless to say after we ate I packed us up and headed to the car back to ct because I’m not a skeptic, I’m just a big baby!!
On the way out we went and returned the key to the woman at the desk, if I remember correctly it was a diamond shape keychain and it was room 3 it had the French doors that look out over the huge landscape you see it from road as you drive by. we said thank you and commented on how beautiful it is. We drove home.
A couple hours after we got home and getting settled back in with our babies I decided to go upstairs and unpack our overnight bag. At the bottom of the bag, inside the bag I felt one more thing. I pulled it out of bag and it was the room key of the suite we stayed in and hand returned at checkout.
I was so freaked out, I was scared to send it back, scared to throw it out so I held onto this key in the bottom of my jewelry case hidden until we sold our home and packed things up in 2010. I finally threw it away and decided not to bring it with us to new home. Still tell this story whenever there is a discussion with anyone about freaky things that happen.
Let me say this place is beautiful, friendly and in no way did I feel threatened. I was just scared of seeing anything even though I didn’t feel I was in danger and I actually think being as cold as it was outside in December that it was trying to keep me warm…maybe a little too warm. I don’t know if I regret not opening my eyes because I still wonder if it was the lady of the house and I was sleeping in her bedroom. Maybe I’ll return one day
Hello, my name is Stanley Williams, my wife Carol and I live in Bennington, Vt. We recently stayed at the White House Inn for our 49th wedding anniversary on august 24th,2023, upon arrival we checked in at the desk and was given the key to our room which was room #116. We unpacked and went downstairs for dinner at about 5:15 to Clara’s Cucina Italian restaurant. We ate in the tavern which was extremely nice, and the food was fantastic. We walked around the inn which was beautiful in every aspect.We went back to our room about 7pm. We were watching tv when we started hearing people above us on the 3rd floor walking back and forth across their room. The floorboards were creaking from the pacing quite loudly. We also heard what seemed to be a child running around, also. The footsteps were quite loud. There were no verbal sounds whatsoever, this continued all night and I also heard someone walking up and down stairs, which were coming from the left side of the room. I didn’t know if there were stairs on the other side of the wall or not. My wife and I started to get really annoyed and wondered why the parents were not telling the child to stop running around because there were other guests below. My wife finally fell asleep, and I was still up. The pacing back and forth continued all night until I also fell asleep. I woke up approximately 6:30 am and continued to hear the pacing of adults and the running around of a child. I assumed it was a child because the running was much softer than the adult. We were getting dressed to go down to the continental breakfast in the dining room when the noise than stopped. I than spoke to the attendant who was in charge of the breakfast area, her name was Tara. I than told her that the people on the 3rd floor were walking around all night and the kid also was running around. She looked at me with a bewildered look, paused for a moment and said there wasn’t a 3rd floor. She said above me was the attic. I then asked her if there was a staircase behind the wall to the left of our bed, she said there was which was accessible from the next room #117, but the room was unoccupied at this time. She than told us about other instances which have happened at the inn. After breakfast we went back to the room to pack and get ready to leave. There was no noise coming from upstairs. My wife and I finally concluded that we have experienced a paranormal event and considered ourselves lucky to have been there when it occurred. We believed the noise stopped because the “GHOSTS “have finally made us leave. We Will definitely come back again. Great place to stay.!