The Spy House - Seabrook-Wilson House

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Seabrook-Wilson House, also known as the Spy House, is said to be the first house on the Jersey shoreline. It was constructed by Thomas Whitlock in the 1600s and is rumored to be haunted. It operated as a tavern during the Revolutionary war, and reports say that British troops would visit here and talk strategy, which the tavern owner would relay to the Colonial troops. Now, at least 5 ghosts are said to linger here. One is a lady in white, who walks room to room. Another is a bearded sea captain, and a third is a young boy who looks out the windows. Legend has it that long ago the notorious Captain Morgan hid treasure and performed torture in the basement; his apparition has been reported here as well.

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    Geographic Information

    119 Port Monmouth Road
    Port Monmouth, NJ
    United States

    Get Directions »
    40.43922721433099, -74.09270015357833
    Monmouth County, New Jersey
    Nearest Towns:
    Port Monmouth, NJ (0.7 mi.)
    Belford, NJ (1.0 mi.)
    North Middletown, NJ (1.4 mi.)
    Keansburg, NJ (2.0 mi.)
    Leonardo, NJ (2.2 mi.)
    Atlantic Highlands, NJ (3.8 mi.)
    Navesink, NJ (4.1 mi.)
    Union Beach, NJ (4.5 mi.)
    Fairview, NJ (4.6 mi.)
    Keyport, NJ (5.6 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. I took a tour of the “spy house” when I was about 12. There was a psychic guide that pointed out spirits and instructed us where we could feel “cold spots”. Mostly the guide gave historical, or ostensibly historical, background.

      However, when we entered the oldest section of the structure, the log cabin area, I felt extremely uncomfortable. As the guide was giving his speech, I heard a rustling very close by. I was standing next to a baby doll in a cradle, with a porcelain toddler doll affixed to the crib, looking over the baby doll. The toddler doll was wearing a straw hat, and it was my sense that that was the rustling I heard. My eyes were fixed on the doll, and I told the person next to me what I thought I had heard. The speech continued and as I stared at the doll with the straw hat it moved right before my eyes. I was very scared.

      My feeling was that a cheap trick like that didn’t seem to fit the vibe of the tour, and the doll appeared to be solid porcelain. Who knows, but if it was a trick they nailed it because it scared me half to death.

      • Sounds to me like you experienced the real deal. When we were there I didn’t think for a minute that you could hire a teen-aged boy to vomit in front of a crowd of strangers. Also I doubt when I heard a phantom woman laugh you could employ over a dozen actors to say they didn’t notice anything. Plus, I was with a childhood friend who didn’t experience any anything and she has no reason to lie to me.

    2. one of my friends lived across the street and she had to move out of her house because it was haunted little fun fact in their basement there was a hidden tunnel to the house… creepy

    3. We took a Halloween tour sometime in the early 90’s. In the beginning I was rather disappointed as I am not a fan of antiques. I only stayed in the Civil War Room on the first floor for a few minutes, as the aroma of lavender was over powering. Venturing to the second floor while in a very narrow and over crowded hallway, the people in front of me were making disproving sounds as if the were smelling something unpleasant. As we moved forward I learned that a teen-aged boy had vomited. Oddly enough the area to me was filled with the lovely fragrance of lemons. Moving on we were ushered into a small room and there must have been over 20 people in attendance. The tour guide was explaining various items and I suddenly heard what sounded like a woman hysterically laughing from another location in the house. At first I said nothing and just looked around at the others who were not reacting. At that point I interrupted the speaker and said, “What, am I the only person who heard that?” When questioned about my experience about half a dozen folks sheepishly admitted they had heard it to. The guide requested that I speak with her at the close of the tour. When we chatted I told her that it sounded like a laugh a woman might make if she is being manhandled and not fully enjoying it and trying unsuccessfully not to panic. I also asked if they put out any fragrances or flowers and was informed that they do not. I told her that I* had to leave the Civil War Room do to a heavy lavender scent and that when the boy was sick all I could detect was the smell of lemons. So I would say yes, this house is haunted. It’s a shame tours are no longer allowed as I suspect it is the real deal.

    4. My visit to the spy house museum was back in the 1990’s. My mother and my son accompanied me on this day to take a self guided tour. As we toured the house checking out all the antiques, which I was so interested in, nothing unusual was happening. As we entered the kitchen area, all furniture and exhibits were roped off. I then pretended to sit on an old rocking chair , when all the sudden I felt as if I was pinched on my behind! It did startle me, but I just laughed it off and mentioned it to my mom and son only. About 2 years later, my husband took my son back again, only this time they took the “guided” tour. As she explained different “going ons” in the house she told a story of an old sea captain that still roamed the house and loved to “pinch” the “derrieres” of the women of “larger stature”. I was shocked when they returned home and told me about the stories that were told. I really never told anyone else of my incident, except my family…. eerrie! Only thing that I was only about 96 lbs. at the time, so I felt kind of “flattered” that he chose me to pinch :-)…..but then… I was about to sit on the rocker that he might have been sitting in at the time! I lived in that same town for almost 30 years and used to visit it back in the1960’s, with my dad, after his baseball games, as it was still a tavern. Never heard of those stories back then. We used to play there on the beach all the time.

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