The Shepherd of the Hills is an outdoor theater venue rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a Confederate soldier. Witnesses have seen him running from the actors during night performances of a show about the Bald Knobbers, a group of 1880s Missouri vigilantes.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 5586 Missouri 76
Branson, MO 65616
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 36.6674296211223, -93.30637228493288
- County:
- Taney County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Indian Point, MO (3.4 mi.)
Lakeview, MO (4.0 mi.)
Branson West, MO (4.0 mi.)
Table Rock, MO (4.3 mi.)
Branson, MO (5.1 mi.)
Hollister, MO (6.0 mi.)
Kimberling City, MO (6.6 mi.)
Bull Creek, MO (6.6 mi.)
Reeds Spring, MO (6.9 mi.)
Coney Island, MO (7.2 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Hello! I was searching information about Branson when I came across this. I froze. I moved to Branson 3 years ago but had lived here for a short time about 14 years ago. My then husband and I went to see the play. I had heard nothing about any hauntings there or even had anything like that on my mind. A short time into the second half I saw a soldier standing to the far left in the tree line. He was standing there watching the play with his hand on a horses reign. The horse was visible too. I thought nothing much of it other than thinking he was one of the actors. Throughout the evening I would glance that way and see him still standing there just watching the play. I kept thinking that surely he would come in at any moment. The crowd would yell and cheer and I remember thinking what a well trained horse that had to be to stand there so calm with all the noise. He would bow his head once in a while like he was nibbling grass or stamp a foot but that was all. The man rarely moved but did mess with his hat from time to time. Finally the play was coming to an end and the actors were taking a bow. I was like…when in the heck is the soldier going to come in?? I looked back at him and he was gone. When we went up to meet the actors I asked one about the soldier and horse and why they had never come on stage. She turned white and told me there was no soldier in the play and no live animals. I argued that I had seen him standing there all evening. She ushered me along saying it must have been an audience member. Later I did some research into the “era” of the soldier and he was confederate. I realized that there wouldn’t have been any confederate soldiers during the time period of the play. A few weeks ago I met and became friends with a lady that works there and she mentioned the ghost. So I asked her about it. She said she that she had not seen it but many people had mentioned seeing a ghost there. No real details though. Then I came across this just now and realize that I truly did see a ghost that night! I plan on returning in the next few weeks in the hope of seeing him again.
My ex-wife and her family have worked or do still work in the play. There are live animals in this show!! However, I have heard tales from most of the family and other actors about the ghosts there. My exwife had a personal encounter with the Confederate Soldier while on set one evening during the show. Maybe she will chime in and talk about it.
I was there on a choir trip back in 1989. The choir teacher had arranged for the choir to see the play as an activity during our stay in Branson. I was with a group of friends in the gift shop when I saw a Confederate soldier standing by a display case, I asked one of my friends if there were any Confederate soldiers in the play. Having never seen the play before, I didn’t know nor was I aware that the place was haunted. They didn’t know either, so I went up to the man and I started talking to him. I asked him if he was in the play and he asked me what play. I told him The Shepherd of the Hills, he said he wasn’t aware of any play then asked if my mother knew I was out in my skivvies. I was wearing a red tank top and white shorts and had a blanket with me. I laughed and said that we had just come from Silver Dollar City and there wasn’t time for me to change. As I was talking to him, people were walking by looking at me strangely. I thought that people had a real primitive attitude towards actors down there. Mind you, I’m still thinking this is an actor. He said that it’s fixen to get cold tonight ma’am and I showed him that I had my blanket with me in case it did. Then for some reason, I asked him what year is it for you and he said 1863, why what year is it for you. I replied 1989. He got pale and said I’m sorry ma’am I have to go. Then walked toward the door of the gift shop. I was only a few steps behind him, when crossed the threshold he was gone. I asked my friends if they saw where the guy I was talking to went, they said I was talking to myself. I insisted I was talking to a guy in a Confederate uniform, they said I wasn’t. Then the lady behind the counter said, that’s alright honey, you were just talking to our resistant ghost. My jaw dropped and one of my friends said we just can’t take you anywhere can we.
I’ve wanted to go back since, just to see if I encounter him again just to see if he remembers me.