The original owner, Mr. Rawls, as well as a gaggle of ghostly children are said to haunt this quaint hotel in Enterprise, AL. Numerous reports of hearing ghostly children as well as unexplained events have been reported at this hotel which dates back to 1903.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 116 South Main Street
Enterprise, AL 36330
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 31.313646, -85.853947
- County:
- Coffee County, Alabama
- Nearest Towns:
- Enterprise, AL (0.1 mi.)
Level Plains, AL (4.6 mi.)
New Brockton, AL (6.7 mi.)
Daleville, AL (8.3 mi.)
Fort Rucker, AL (8.4 mi.)
Clayhatchee, AL (9.4 mi.)
Coffee Springs, AL (10.8 mi.)
Elba, AL (14.4 mi.)
Newton, AL (14.8 mi.)
Ozark, AL (16.1 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
The quality of the video is bad, the sound is so bad I could not understand them. Been there many times, no ghosts.
The Rawls Hotel, Enterprise, AL.
Taken during the Enterprise High School Homecoming Dinner 2018.
Notice behind the left side of the table behind the boy that is praying.
I am a paranormal investigator and psychic medium and we have investigated this location several times. We have never been disappointed. We have heard voices and music, seen objects move, seen strange lights and captured several unexplainable things on video and in photographs. I believe the depot just outside their door is haunted as well. Do feel welcomed though! It would seem all the spirits are good ones! I will try to attach the picture of a spirit that was captured on my birthday after I had politely had asked the ghosts for a picture to include them as a birthday gift. I was delighted with the results. examine it closely. Please feel free to check out more on my web site and there will be more to come! We will return here again and again!
I would love to take a night tour of this location. How can I do so?
I don’t see the sprit tell me where it at please
My name is Jesse B , I stayed here one night close to September 1, 2017 not knowing it was supposedly haunted.
There are only 4 rooms to rent with the upstairs locked with no way up and definitely not to the area above the rooms (all 4 rooms are right together and on the first floor)
We had dinner and drinks in the restaurant which were amazing by the way, and went to bed. I swear right near 3 am (I Know) something crashed I mean banged horribly loud directly above our room on the second floor! And then water began to run through the piping , feet stomping through the hall followed by quiet , dead quiet and then finger nails running down the hall way on wall to our door !!! And a few light giggles at the knob!!! It was the most horrifying thing I ever experienced I was frozen I literally couldn’t move it was absolutely a real haunting but like nothing I’ve heard or read that employees say about shadows and kids bla bla , I would like to say I’m not easily convinced nor do I think it’s funny to act like I heard a voice or saw a ghost… this happened! I could absolutely feel this thing around me lying in my bed frozen stiff…
We were the only guests no one else was in the building, it was a weekend, the upstairs is offices locked down you can’t even walk past the top of the stairs I tried it’s gated and locked. Most real thing I’ve ever been a witness to , on complete accident!!! Holy cow!
Hey! So me and my mom stayed there like 6 years ago and we kept being awoken by knocks, laughing and talking and the bathroom light kept turning on. But also one night my mom stated that “I” tapped on her shoulder and kept a trying to wake her up but when she did I would be asleep
The Rawls Hotel, Enterprise, AL.
Taken during the Enterprise High School Homecoming Dinner 2018.
Notice behind the left side of the table behind the boy that is praying.
This photo was taken back in 2014 not 2018.
And that is a woman photographed in the picture framed on the wall.
No matter what the people there say about the piano it’s fake, but cool.
Me and my mother stayed her cousin joys wedding, she always had issues with the bathroom light coming on and off but though it was just me because I was only 5 at the time. You could her children j the halls but also had problems being awoke by shaking thinking it was me but I was asleep