No longer in operation, the old bed-and-breakfast is said to be haunted by Rose Knox. Her ghost has been sighted and unexplained voices have been reported throughout the house.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 104 W 2nd Ave
Johnstown, NY 12095
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.99847000808627, -74.37444771163939
- County:
- Fulton County, New York
- Nearest Towns:
- Johnstown, NY (0.7 mi.)
Fonda, NY (3.0 mi.)
Fultonville, NY (3.5 mi.)
Gloversville, NY (4.1 mi.)
Tribes Hill, NY (5.4 mi.)
Fort Johnson, NY (7.7 mi.)
Mayfield, NY (9.2 mi.)
Perth, NY (9.2 mi.)
Broadalbin, NY (9.9 mi.)
Wellsville, NY (9.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
It’s very true.
I go for walks, and I see a women in a window each time I pass by. But when I blink, she’s gone.
my uncle owns the place and i grew up there, it is true ive slept there many a night and ive awoke by cold chills, blankets being pulled off and pillows taken and screaming when i was there alone.
My partner is originally from Johnstown. Every time we go up to visit his family, we take a stroll up Glebe street and then we hed a few blocks over to see this BEAUTIFUL and GRAND home. I have heard many stories of the ghost of Mrs. Knox and how she remains in the Mansion overseeing the day to day operations. I have heard of many who saw a woman in the upstairs window, or hearing voices in the yards as they walked by. As a Georgia native, I am very familiar with grand old homes, but the Knox Mansion is by far, one of the most gorgeous homes I have ever seen.
After Mrs.. Knox passed, I was in school with the new owners son, and spent many days in the home. It always felt someone was watching you, for sure in the Master Bedroom. The living room also could get very cold in a few places along with the secret room at times when it was very hot outside being summer.
I lived there in the early 90s when I dated the current owner. Prior to that, the house intrigued me to no end. He and I went to look at it and I said, what a great B nB this would be. That’s what we turned it into. I felt the presence of someone and hated being there alone. My daughter was two at the time and she had interesting behaviors there too. Interesting home with lots of history.
Randomly one day my husband and I drove past the Olde Knox Mansion. We had no prior knowledge of this place. We took a double take because we saw a little girl in a victorian dress sitting on the front steps all by herself. She looked like she was possibly crying.. We turned our car around to check and see if she was ok and she was gone.
I investigated about 4 or so years ago, and while another Investigator told us about the Fireplace in the Living Room, I asked who was with us, after being told it was someone called Michael and then there was a child in one of the bedrooms! I got a voice on recorder that said clearly “My name is Aunt Minnie or Winnie”!