This 21-story building, the tallest in Aurora, has been the means for several jumping suicides. Evidence that the building is haunted includes reports of bad odors and moaning sounds that come from the elevators.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 41.758056, -88.315278
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.7580164, -88.3152273
- County:
- Kane County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Aurora, IL (0.3 mi.)
Montgomery, IL (2.5 mi.)
Boulder Hill, IL (3.3 mi.)
North Aurora, IL (3.4 mi.)
Oswego, IL (5.5 mi.)
Batavia, IL (6.4 mi.)
Lynwood, IL (6.5 mi.)
Sugar Grove, IL (6.6 mi.)
Warrenville, IL (8.4 mi.)
Naperville, IL (8.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I live here….there isn’t anything haunted about this place.
I lived there in the late 70s it was spooky that cat thing when I lived there it did not have screens my uncle had a corner unit in floor 16 we would fill empty pop cans with water and chuck them atop carson perie scott building to set off the alarm if you wanted a screen you wpuld get it yourself we would sneak up stairs to a place that was a bar or something great views it was spooky but idk about the ghost thing my grandfather died there and years after he did I would still smell his after shave not always but sometimes mr fuller was the bld mgr at the time and the laundry spooky lol
I have a rug placed at my entry door. It floats from it’s position across the room randomly.It lifts itself up from the middle and acts like a flying carpet. It floats anywhere between 2 ft and 6 ft. (as I’m writing this, 3 ornaments just fell to the ground from my Christmas tree). I finally got in on video, this site will not allow me to post it. I do have pictures, but they don’t mean anything unless you actually see this rug fly. I have a tile floor and the rug has a rubber backing, I can’t move the rug into place by foot, I have to bend down and move it with my hands. I have tried everything from a tea lite lit (next to the rug)….the flame stays lit and straight paper, while the rug still moves, to a piece of tissue paper that stays in place, while the rug moves to last but not least, a towel so that no draft can penetrate….the rug still moves. I will put it back in it’s place and while I walk away, it floats away from where I placed it. It happens randomly, it makes no sense. I have put other rugs there and nothing happens, it seems to be this rug….which is nothing special, not vintage or used. I have had a couple other things happen that seemed to be more of a violent nature, some destruction and misplaced items that have ended up in places that are unexplained. Really wish I was able to upload the video to this site.
BTW, while typing this, words were getting out of place, I can’t go back and edit….it isn’t exactly what I typed.
no longer abandoned
Just moved in. Lived in a lot of haunted places and tonight was the first night I smelled something rotting as well as a very slow and wiggly elevator. While I never trusted the lifts appart from the freight lift I’ve never felt unsafe untill that ride up. I felt I was being watched and followed. Given the age and the suicides I’m not surprised. And of course I live on the river side of the building. Also I will note the elevator shaft is behind my kitchen wall there are very strange noises coming from it at all hours of night. Mostly low mumbles nothing coherent but sounds like a man’s voice from a far.
I went there with my friend 2 weeks ago and as we were making out way to the top we heard noises. When we got off the elevator we both felt weird as if we were like floating