According to local legend, in around 1900 a lady of the night named Ms. Whitney decided to use the hotel for her business. The owner was not happy with her plan — he allegedly murdered her. Her ghost is said to remain on the premises, seen often in the women’s restroom.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 208 N Ridge St
Breckenridge, CO 80424
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.4839458, -106.0447744
- County:
- Summit County, Colorado
- Nearest Towns:
- Breckenridge, CO (0.4 mi.)
Blue River, CO (3.7 mi.)
Copper Mountain, CO (5.4 mi.)
Frisco, CO (6.9 mi.)
Keystone, CO (8.5 mi.)
Dillon, CO (10.1 mi.)
Silverthorne, CO (10.4 mi.)
Montezuma, CO (11.6 mi.)
Alma, CO (13.9 mi.)
Red Cliff, CO (17.3 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://historicbrown.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Im staying at the Lodge on the Blue in Blue River just south of Breckenridge, CO. I have been told by the ladies at the desk that there is a womans ghost here,. The one lady heard a noise n the garbage can lid was a ways away from the garbage pail. She was the only one here that day besides a few rooms rented. She put it back n went to make some coffee. When she came back, it was on the floor again. Might be something to look into. I havent had any issues since being here. The one gal, Jennifer says its a womans spirit and that she is nice. Hmm
I lived in Breckinridge from 2000-2003. I went to the Brown one evening in The fall because my friend’s husband was the bartender. We hung out for a little while and eventually I had to use the bathroom bad enough to go upstairs by myself. The room was freezing and after I finished, I saw that the window was open. I felt a presence and felt a strong breeze. I freaked out a little and went back to the bar and told the bartender. He went upstairs and said the window was closed and there was no draft.
It was the pub crawl on St Patty’s day 1995. We were the first people there. I went upstairs to the ladies room and I saw in my peripheral vision a lady in a red swishy dress with a red Gibson hairdo heading around and up to the third floor. I asked the bartender if we were the only people there and he said yes. I said I just saw a lady go to the third floor and he said -oh… you saw her!
My wife is the Medium Laura Westfall (laurawestfall.com). She channelled M. Whittney at the Brown… not previously knowing the story… recalled her death. Committed in a stables. She also noted a very active portal with many ghosts located at the far end of the bar toward the rear. An extremely active night. EVP’s recording massive activity there.