“The Girly Ghosthunters” TV show has featured The Hermitage, where many strange things are said to occur. Along with footsteps, apparitions, bangs, whispers, screams and other sounds, some say William Black can be heard weeping near the crossroads where he was buried. Some witnesses have seen the place appear as it was in its heyday, all lit up and with the sounds of a ghostly party going on.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Sulphur Springs Road
Ancaster, Ontario
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 43.23679977347591, -79.99855756759644
- Region:
- Hamilton Division
- Nearest Towns:
- Ancaster, ON (1.2 mi.)
Dundas, ON (3.9 mi.)
Mount Hope, ON (8.3 mi.)
Hamilton, ON (8.4 mi.)
Waterdown, ON (8.8 mi.)
Burlington, ON (11.4 mi.)
Caledonia, ON (12.0 mi.)
Stoney Creek, ON (12.6 mi.)
Stony, ON (12.6 mi.)
Newport, ON (15.1 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
A few years back, I was on a hike with my family when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, a large black mist. When I turned to look at it head on, there was nothing there. Later during the walk, I noted a little boy peeking out from the trees just off the path. I could see that he was wearing beige knickers and a dark cloth jacket (?). Again, when I turned to look at him dead on, nothing… But we did hear little footsteps behind us, and at times running to keep up.
My wife and I enjoy checking out strange places and decided to hike here one Wednesday afternoon while we were in the area. It is a wonderful trail system and the old structures that remain are very interesting. Right off the bat, through the trees on another section of trail, I heard the sound of a child running down the hilly trail and laughing. Turns out there was somebody on that section of trail but it was a couple in their 50’s taking a leisurely walk. Throughout the hike, my wife and I BOTH heard the sounds of children multiple times laughing, hooting and playing yet we did not see one child the whole time since it was a weekday afternoon and school was in session. There may be some aural phenomenon that occurs in those parts which could explain these sounds, maybe some spirits from another time, either way I would definitely classify The Hermitage as one strange place!