The Gray House is said to be haunted by an old 18th century sea captain named Thomas Moristo. People claim to see his ghost through the windows. Residents have had stoves turned on and off, paint cans have been moved as well as other objects.
The house is part of the Pensacola ghost tour and investigations have regularly taken place inside the home.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 353 South Alcaniz Street
Pensacola, Florida
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.4095944, -87.2093188
- County:
- Escambia County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Pensacola, FL (0.9 mi.)
East Pensacola Heights, FL (2.2 mi.)
Goulding, FL (2.4 mi.)
Warrington, FL (4.3 mi.)
West Pensacola, FL (4.4 mi.)
Brent, FL (4.4 mi.)
Gulf Breeze, FL (4.5 mi.)
Myrtle Grove, FL (5.9 mi.)
Ferry Pass, FL (7.0 mi.)
Bellview, FL (7.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
my parents (my mom) parents owned that place.
It is truely haunted.
It has a spirit in it that is very real.
Its a friendly protector spirit that was lost… a lost soul…. (not a dark soul)
he is still there to this day many people have experiences…
I went there once to visit and see the place…
they are right about your batteries being drained..
in my old 110 camera with fresh batteries
I could not get a picture to work while I was upstairs until I asked
the Capt if he would allow me to take pictures…
my camera worked….
then when I said I think that will be enough thank you my camera went dead again…
(btw the pictures were misty like the types of pics they say you get at haunted placed)
this happened until I stepped off the porch of the house…
then it worked again and no issues the rest of my trip…
that alone tells me there is more to this life than we can prove…
PM me anytime and I would love to talk about it….
Is there a way i can pay to get in and look around, like a tour? I want to be able to walk around and do my own thing.
Ashly, I ghost hunt. Would like to see this house also. I am going to Savanah to ghost hunt in December for 4 days. I have a YouTube channel called Gulf Coast and beyond. I will be posting Paranormal things there and this site as well.
They actually have a tour in June 2019..
As I remember it, there is a staircase to the left that had a landing, then turns to continue up. On the landing was a girl child, could not get a feeling of anything distressing, just that she was there.