The 1886 limestone-towered castle built by real estate promoter and novelist Robert G. Givens is said to be haunted by his Irish wife, who passed away before she could come to America to live in her castle. Witnesses say her apparition has been seen walking up the hill to the castle door.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 10244 South Longwood Drive
Chicago, IL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.706959376296496, -87.67131385225372
- County:
- Cook County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Evergreen Park, IL (1.8 mi.)
Merrionette Park, IL (2.2 mi.)
Calumet Park, IL (3.1 mi.)
Blue Island, IL (3.5 mi.)
Hometown, IL (3.6 mi.)
Alsip, IL (4.4 mi.)
Oak Lawn, IL (4.5 mi.)
Robbins, IL (4.7 mi.)
Posen, IL (5.2 mi.)
Dixmoor, IL (5.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
This is near my old grammar school. I heard stories that you can hear someone playing a piano even when no one is in the building. I myself have never had an experience with this place, but it does have a sort of haunted feel to it so I am not sure if it is truly haunted or just the look of the place.
It is definitely haunted I went there in 2008 and I found a way inside and I did indeed hear a woman speaking aggressively in an English accent she sounded Irish
I attended quite a few drummings here in the mid-90’s, and a feast would be laid out on the second floor (if I remember correctly). It’s a beautiful open space, and one night I peeled back a curtain in the corner to find a small, winding staircase (presumably the circular spire in the corner). About halfway up the stairs, I had this indescribable feeling – like being watched. Each step up, it worsened and my heart and stomach were turning. By the time I got to the step where I could just see the door at the top of the staircase, I physically felt like someone was pushing me away. Petrified, I returned to my party and found my friend. I didn’t really believe what I just encountered, so a few minutes later I tested the same case out on my friend, asking her to lead the way. About half-way up the stairs, she turned to me with terror in her shining eyes, saying “I don’t want to be here anymore…I can’t go up anymore…please, let’s go…” Knowing what she was feeling, I agreed and we returned to the party below. I’ve since asked folks who’ve lived in the area their entire lives about “The Castle” (as we all know it), and I’ve heard a few stories about a nursery up on the third floor, and hauntings therein. I’ve also heard the story about the piano playing.
I was wondering if they allow private investigations of the castle? if anyone has any info on this, please email….Thanks
My house is haunted and paranormal stuff has happened in front of me. Lights poping in front of my,noises, cups falls, and at night things happen. I live in Hammond too!
I attended Thornton Township Highschool I graduated in 2003 and during my time there my friends and I would sometimes ditch to go smoke some bud we would often go to the abandoned castle I’ve heard the voice of a woman talking almost like shouting as if in an argument with someone but she didn’t sound like an American she sounded English or Celtic of some sort very proper speaking I did not see anything but a feeling of being watched