Although this 1912 hotel is no longer in operation, the building remains in use to this day. Staff and tenants at living quarters in the current establishment have reported elevators operating by themselves, ghostly voices coming from empty rooms, and the smell of cigar smoke. Others working the night shift on the third and fourth floor claim to have seen a woman in a blue dress watching them, who vanishes when she realises she has been noticed.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 14235 Edwinola Way
Dade City, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 28.365346, -82.19117499999999
- County:
- Pasco County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Dade City, FL (0.3 mi.)
Dade City North, FL (1.3 mi.)
Saint Leo, FL (4.5 mi.)
San Antonio, FL (5.5 mi.)
Trilby, FL (6.7 mi.)
Lacoochee, FL (7.0 mi.)
Zephyrhills North, FL (8.0 mi.)
Zephyrhills, FL (9.1 mi.)
Zephyrhills West, FL (9.3 mi.)
Ridge Manor, FL (9.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I can’t confirm if haunted nut it is a beautiful old building that now serves as an assisted living facility
It is very haunted. My father was the Chief of Police in Dade City from 1969-1983. He lived in one of the upstairs rooms that the owner made into a suite. He allowed him to stay for free for security reasons since the hotel was closed. Activity was so heavy that he would sleep with his television volume extremely loud so not to hear the voices and footsteps. I myself had stayed with him while on spring breaks and can tell you it is very active. Later I worked in the construction crew that added the assisted living facility to it.
Who do you Call to get Permission to go inside and do a paranormal investigation ?
Thanks Rob
There’s No Phone Number listed on Who to Call to get Permission
To visit and do a Paranormal Search here ?
Does Anyone know Who to Call to get Permission ?
Thanks Rob
Rob here again
About getting Permission ?
You can Email Me –
Or Text Me – 516-673-6989
Hey Michael here I am going to see about getting permissions from the executive director or owner here seeing as I work here and they know me I can probably see about getting people in
So did you get the Green light I have a team ready to go
My father currently resides there. He talked to me about being startled when seeing a woman appear then immediately “fade away”. He saw her because he was awakened by hearing her call a man’s name between 2-3 a.m. He said he told her, “That’s not my name.” So far, he hasn’t seen her again.
My father currently resides here. Two days ago he said he woke up at 3 am sensing something. He said there was a tall misty-like man with a “brownish gown” standing next to his bed. He said the man was looking at him. My father yelled in surprise. He said he told it to go away. Immediately he observed the being completely fade away from the ground up. This the second time he has seen a spirit in his room.
Current worker named Michael I am an aide on the 3rd floor on the 2nd shift here I can see about getting permissions to do paranormal investigations, the 2nd floor of the original part of the building is off limits to everyone except the maintenance staff so there might be some red tape with my boss but I want to see about doing investigations here and am very interested in it the edwinola is not the only haunted place because it is an old logging city with one of 3 stops on the railway one of them being here in Dade city
Michael for any more information contact me at
I used to work here, and it’s definitely haunted! Night shift you can hear carts moving around in the kitchen over the old tile floor! Super creepy. Because the kitchen is apart of the original structure