This tree is said to have once been a meeting point, a headquarters and lynching spot used by the Ku Klux Klan. The Bernards Township tree allegedly will give off warmth, even in winter, and consequently, snow will not pile up on it as it does on other trees. According to local lore, those who have tried to cut down or otherwise deface the low-hanging branch said to have been used for lynchings were cursed to an untimely death.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 165 Mountain Road
Bernards. NJ
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.6306059, -74.58307339999999
- County:
- Somerset County, New Jersey
- Nearest Towns:
- Martinsville, NJ (2.4 mi.)
Green Knoll, NJ (2.6 mi.)
Warren Township, NJ (3.7 mi.)
Bridgewater, NJ (4.0 mi.)
Somerville, NJ (4.1 mi.)
Borough of Far Hills, NJ (4.6 mi.)
Far Hills, NJ (4.6 mi.)
Finderne, NJ (4.7 mi.)
Bedminster, NJ (4.8 mi.)
Bound Brook, NJ (4.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
There is a serious bad vibe near that god forsaken thing. I noped right out of there real real quick. It reminds me of the tree from The Ring. Would not recommend
You’re a chicken lol…. There’s nothing scary about it. I’ve heard so many things and went there a few times and nothing but some annoyed neighbors starring at us. My friend peed on the tree and we took some bark from it which is supposed to like bring the worst of luck or something. It’s just a tree lol
Hahaha I’m going tonight and recording cz I don’t believe it. I doubt it and I’m proving it wrong 😛
A friend of mine kicked the tree in 1984. A year later on the same date, while vacationing in Vermont, a tree fell on his cabin and pinned him to the floor for 2 days until he bled out. His wife was killed instantly by a 7″x7″ beam that hit her square in the head and crushed her skull. When the police found him, he had a branch that had punctured his thigh and was found to be the cause of death.
We dropped by the tree yesterday and found a ton of garbage (beer cans, plastic containers etc) piled up around it and the surrounding bushes.
It looked sad, burned, chopped away at and beaten up to me. I took pity and showed it some love by cleaning up all the garbage. If this is the gate to hell I figured … then best to counter-attack with that which hatred can’t tolerate … a little bit of love.
We got home and cleaned up … and my fiancée took a pregnancy test (like she has done at the end of each month for the past year) … and this time there were two lines … two red lines … finally.
So you may call this the Devil’s tree if you want. But I will call it the battleground – a field of victory as well. And if you wish to win your battles (be it on this field or another) I suggest trying love.
Thank you old tree.
Okay, so, been there a few times.. mostly to scare my kids and their friends. As a photographer (albeit a hobbyist) I take photos of everything, I HAVE NEVER gotten a photo of that tree! Have shots of everything to the left and right of it.. but either the shutter refused to snap – or the picture was black. I have a Nikon d5000 and nary a problem with it other than when I am trying to get a pic of that tree. Yes, there is a vibe there, and yes, I realize others have taken many pictures of that tree – but I’m not rushing to go back there anytime soon. The first time could have been a fluke.. but now I’m done.