The Dancing Ghost of Grancer Harrison

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William “Grancer” Harrison loved dancing and parties so much, that he built a dance hall on his property to hold weekly festivities. As he aged he realized he would not live forever and so had a grave site with an above ground tomb constructed near the dance hall so that he might enjoy the parties, even after death. After he did die, the parties at his homestead gradually petered out, but folks claim they still hear music and occasionally see old Grancer kicking up his heels and dancing a jig. Apparently for some, death doesn’t stop the party.

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    Geographic Information

    County Road 484
    Kinston, AL 36453
    United States

    Get Directions »
    31.208270558825312, -86.14437228442057
    Coffee County, Alabama
    Nearest Towns:
    Kinston, AL (1.7 mi.)
    Onycha, AL (8.2 mi.)
    Opp, AL (8.3 mi.)
    Samson, AL (8.8 mi.)
    Horn Hill, AL (10.5 mi.)
    Babbie, AL (11.8 mi.)
    Coffee Springs, AL (14.2 mi.)
    Elba, AL (15.0 mi.)
    Sanford, AL (15.7 mi.)
    New Brockton, AL (17.6 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. My friends and I have experienced the music being played from grancer’s grave site on a Saturday. We went very deep into the stories and did our share of research until finally we got the nerve up to go. We went out there and sat in the truck with it idling for a long time until we decided to get out and walk around in a small group, however we had my little sister with me so we took shifts and rotated out so that someone would at all times be with her because she was small and it was to cold for her to get out in the weather. On one shift I stayed with her I heard what I thought to have been horses running laps around the truck which was odd because it was said that he had horses, until finally we heard the violin playing and it got louder and louder and was surprisingly very clear and understandable. it was hushed or distant sounding. We never heard footsteps on the grave or any of that. However it wasn’t a scary experience it was actually very comfortable and calming compared to how the dark, cold, empty grave yard had felt minutes before. Its located in a odd spot, its on a dirt road which people live on to this day and it has an open field attached to the grave yard. The dance hall was in good shape besides the fact that people had held rituals there and it was obvious so we didn’t get to involved with that.

    2. When i had. First moved to alabama an made some friends my now best friend took me out there and told me the story, you could hear faint music, but after avoiding walking on his grave I slipped and about broke my ankle and my phone was the only one acting very weird nothing but static it was awesome

    3. I live next to the cemetery. And I have my entire life. My father owned all the land surrounding it until I was a teenager. I’ve spent several nights out there. Camped right next to his grave. Slept in the old church. Because I love the paranormal. But never heard music or dancing. I’m kind of jealous

    4. Where is the actual home site at? Is this it? He was suppose to have big mansion and several homes around it. But No trace remains at all?

    5. My wife, sister, brother-in-law just went this past Saturday (6/29/2017). We were there from 1115 pm until 6/30/2017 400 am. We videod, took pictures and did some digital voice recordings throughout the cemetery and the old dance hall and didn’t get! Still, it was a fun adventure.

    6. Meloney Ashworth  |  

      When I went to this Graveyard, I had the creeps. I looked down at my feet and I saw a Great Uncle’s Grave that I had never seen before. I was about 150-200 feet from Grancer Harrisons Grave. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and I can honestly say that being in that Graveyard really bothered me. I have never felt that way about being in a Graveyard before. Since then I found out that Grancer was a 4th Ggrandfather of mine.

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.