I don’t go around seeing ghosts everywhere. The last ghost I saw was in 1983 when I lived in an apartment building called The Buckingham. I was in my bedroom when I saw a shadowy silhouette of a man enter, stand and stare at me, and proceed to get in bed with me. In bed, he leaned over and studied my face carefully. I didn’t get any sort of sense that he was threatening; rather, he seemed confused by my presence. I got scared and spent the rest of the evening in the living room. The next night he came in again, looked at me and sighed as if he was not pleased to see me there. He proceeded to get in bed with me again. I made my way out and spent the remainder of my lease sleeping in the living room where I experienced no paranormal activity.
(Submitted by Jennifer C)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1500 LaSalle Avenue
Minneapolis, MN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.9673951, -93.27967239999998
- County:
- Hennepin County, Minnesota
- Nearest Towns:
- Minneapolis, MN (1.2 mi.)
Saint Louis Park, MN (3.6 mi.)
Lauderdale, MN (4.2 mi.)
Golden Valley, MN (4.5 mi.)
Saint Anthony, MN (4.7 mi.)
Columbia Heights, MN (5.1 mi.)
Robbinsdale, MN (5.3 mi.)
Falcon Heights, MN (5.8 mi.)
Richfield, MN (5.8 mi.)
Crystal, MN (6.0 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
I loved in an apartment building on spruce and harmon called the haverhill, poring park area…what wasboddb is wevlived there for many years and I experienced nothing until we had been there about four years, then it was happening in a regular basis..I was in apartment 102…I think I became more aware with age of what went on around me?! Anyhow I saw regular smoke formations/apparitions coming out of my sliver of a kitchen while I watched tv…if I was alone I got so scared I didn’t turn to look at it..pretended to not see it as I thought it’d help? It didnt! Our cat would meow and cry and scratch the same wall over and over..we took pics of our recliner chair where our cat was acting odd and captured full body smoky apparition sitting on chair!!! Things would touch my leg or feet in bed…brush up against me while I slept, etc…didn’t seem menacing but I felt sometimes there were several unseen guests in my place!
Sam I think it’s weird when we get the sense that a spirit is not menacing — it’s still so scary! I am interested in the paranormal, but my one experience with it made me NOT want to pursue it. There is some natural instinct in most of us, I think, that forces us to feel that fear in spite of a benevolent presence.