The Blue Mist Motel

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This location is just down the street from the Florence prison. As a child living in the area (in fact, I lived down the street from the motel myself – directly across the street from the prison,) I heard about the horrific events that took place at the Blue Mist motel. At first, I didn’t believe the story, thinking that the other kids who told me it were just trying to scare me. As an adult, I did some research, and discovered that almost everything in the chilling story was true. In 1984 a man named Robert Moormann, who was mentally handicapped, got out of the Correctional Facility on furlough, and upon being released into his abusive mother’s care, the man (who was really nothing more than a man-child,) checked into the motel with his mother, where he tied her up and proceeded to beat and stab her to death. He then hacked her body up into pieces which he deposited in various dumpsters throughout the city of Florence. He was caught, sentenced to death, and was executed on February 29, 2012. People claimed they could hear a woman crying in the motel at night, even when there was no one there. The crying is often accompanied by a terrible feeling of foreboding, and the need to flee the premises.

(Submitted by Meagan M)

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Geographic Information

40 South Pinal Parkway
Florence, AZ
United States

Get Directions »
33.030894, -111.379842
Pinal County, Arizona
Nearest Towns:
Florence, AZ (0.4 mi.)
Cactus Forest, AZ (6.0 mi.)
Coolidge, AZ (8.8 mi.)
Blackwater, AZ (11.7 mi.)
San Tan Valley, AZ (14.0 mi.)
Gold Camp, AZ (18.7 mi.)
Queen Valley, AZ (19.2 mi.)
Queen Creek, AZ (21.0 mi.)
Sacaton, AZ (21.1 mi.)
Eloy, AZ (21.5 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (3)

  1. I have been staying in THE BLUE MIST MOTEL for a week, with my 7 year old son, I’m a single father, we are in the same room , that robert moorman killed , and dismembered his adoptive mother, it has been a great experience, and the staff is the greatest ! The room number now reads 122 , originally #22 just book for that room , don’t ask the motel staff, about the incident……that would be rude!! I’m a necromancer, and spiritually gifted . definitely stay in room 122 for a connection to some gruesome, heinously, historical crime scene ! Contact me for inquiries, email… or telephone 602-206-8920

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