Texas Tech - Horn/Knapp Hall

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It is said that from a third or fourth floor storage attic, a young boy’s ghost can be heard throwing a ball down the stairs. Some say he’ll knock on his door if you knock first.

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Geographic Information

17th and University
Lubbock, TX
United States

Get Directions »
33.58057262379117, -101.87277746183099
Lubbock County, Texas
Nearest Towns:
Lubbock, TX (1.0 mi.)
Wolfforth, TX (9.4 mi.)
Buffalo Springs, TX (10.1 mi.)
Shallowater, TX (10.4 mi.)
New Deal, TX (11.0 mi.)
Ransom Canyon, TX (11.6 mi.)
Idalou, TX (12.4 mi.)
Slaton, TX (16.5 mi.)
Smyer, TX (16.7 mi.)
Abernathy, TX (17.5 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I used to work in this dorm as an RA (CA). I lived on both the 2nd and the 3rd floor in Horn. So the 3rd floor is the top floor, below the attic. The only access to the attic is from a staircase in each wing that is always blocked by a heavily locked door.

    At night I used to hear someone running down to the end of the hall and then back. It happened so often that as soon as I heard the pounding footsteps I’d run to my door and look out the peephole to try to catch who was running around at 2 in the morning. I never caught anyone.

    So we had a floor meeting about it and everyone seemed to be pretty fed up with the noise, but no one knew who was causing it. So the next time I heard it, I stayed in my bed and listened, maybe hoping to catch people talking. But when I really listened, I realized the noise was coming from above me… in the attic.

    After a while I just ignored it. But other freaky stuff happened to a few of my residents.

  2. I live on the first floor of Knapp. My roommate and I have experienced different unusual things but the scariest one is that we both woke up with claw scratches in our bodies. SOO before moving in please bless the room with some holy water because yes this place is super scary.

  3. i lived on the 3rd floor in Horn right by the storage attic. before i knew about the ghost, i had an experience. i was walking to my room from studying at the library aft around 2:30-3:00am with my friend and we walked past the attic and i heard something fall inside. i had him look and flash his light inside the window but he didnt see anything. i didn’t think much of it but the next few days, id wakeup at random times of the night, and wakeup and feel someone watching me (not my roommate, she didn’t stay at our room often) or things would fall in the middle of the night.

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