Each hall has its own ghost. At Bishop Hall, a ghostly girl is said to play with students’ hair, unlock doors, drag furniture in empty rooms, andn run the showers. At Turner Hall in the second-floor restroom, a black shadow is said to pass quickly from the last toilet to the east exit.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1210 W. Santa Gertrudis Ave.
Kingsville, TX
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 27.523125490257016, -97.88492023923033
- County:
- Kleberg County, Texas
- Nearest Towns:
- Kingsville, TX (1.8 mi.)
Bishop, TX (6.8 mi.)
Ricardo, TX (7.3 mi.)
Driscoll, TX (13.4 mi.)
Riviera, TX (16.1 mi.)
La Paloma-Lost Creek, TX (16.3 mi.)
Agua Dulce, TX (17.9 mi.)
Petronila, TX (18.4 mi.)
Premont, TX (18.4 mi.)
Alice, TX (19.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
my roommate and i have heard some disturbing things while living on the first floor by the haunted room and every now and then she blankly stares up in to the corner on her side and she begins to mumble i can never hear what she is saying but she will lay down and close her eyes a minute later she wakes up talking about how she feels as though she slept for hours we have had some weird things happen but none as weird as what happened a month ago her boyfriend and I along with her were laughing till she became scared of us and screamed she then ran from the room and laid down outside to the across from us and began whispering to someone the weird part was no one lives in the room across from us when she came in she began playing with the mirror and then fell asleep when she woke up she grabbed some paper and taped up the mirror i still to this day get chills thinking of it
My girlfriend and I went to school and have witnessed these experiences first hand and can say this not the only building on campus that is haunted in fact most of the campus is haunted as well as the FFA stables down the street from the football stadium
I received my undergrad and master’s degree at this campus, this university is haunted and not just in these buildings. Manning Hall is also notorious for ghostly encounters as well. One of my professor friends teaches Criminology at Manning Hall. One night, he was working late and my last class had just been dismissed. I went to his office and hung out there,his office is right across the hallway from the restrooms. Well, the toilets started flushing one by one. I walked over there and every toilet,urinal and even the sinks were on. No one was up there as all classes had been dismissed. I went back and told him what was going on and he said that it happens all of the time. I went to the first floor and found the custodian and told him about this. He said that it happens all of the time. He told me that he was once on the second floor,using the restroom. He had put his cleaning cart inside the restroom as everyone had gone for the night. He told me that as he was in the stall, his cart was pushed across the restroom and it hit the wall. He said he was in the middle stall, and the door opened and closed to the stall next to him. He said that all of the urinals started flushing and the two other toilets also started flushing.He said that he finished his “business” and left the restroom in a hurry. He also said that the auditorium is haunted. He was cleaning the auditorium and he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He said this happened several times. It is up to you if you want to believe this or not, but I would highly recommend any ghost chasers to come over here and check this out. There is another building right across the street of Manning Hall,next door to Javelina Police Dept. that is also haunted. It is an office where tests are given for certification purposes. I was in that building one night around 10:30 p.m. On the second floor, my friend and I heard noises of chairs being dragged across the floor, like someone was moving furniture. We also heard voices of people that were having a conversation. My friend told me that he hears that from time to time. We went to the room that the noise was coming from and no one was there, no one was in the building at the time. My buddy worked there as a coordinator. He says he just ignores it and whatever it is doesn’t bother him.It is said that the ghost of J.R.Manning is roaming Manning Hall.
my cousin lives in palm view texas he says someone knocks at his door and nobody is there he’s so use to it that he tells them if that’s you bring me a 6 pack of beer
Used to work in the building as an RA. On night i was getting ready to close the office when there were sounds of moving chairs in the dining area. I checked it out but the door was locked so i opened it up and looked inside and the lights were out. Said Nope. Closed and locked the door and left my shift.