At the historic Sugar Hill Inn, guests have been surprised to see an elderly couple enter the inn and float right through a set of closed doors. The shadow of a man also appears near where Mr. Oakes, a former owner, passed away.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 116 New Hampshire 117
Sugar Hill, NH 03586
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.2317557, -71.76263169999999
- County:
- Grafton County, New Hampshire
- Nearest Towns:
- Franconia, NH (0.8 mi.)
Sugar Hill, NH (2.2 mi.)
Bethlehem, NH (5.0 mi.)
Littleton, NH (5.2 mi.)
Easton, NH (6.1 mi.)
Deerfield, NH (7.2 mi.)
Lisbon, NH (7.5 mi.)
Bath, NH (11.0 mi.)
Benton, NH (11.2 mi.)
Carroll, NH (11.9 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I worked here in 2018 ….. the place was Quite thou there has been a few things that were strange!!!!
1. feeling of being watched in the cellar and when you go back up stairs you have the feeling of wanting to run up them fearing something was chasing you out.
2. the game room, book room, or side room there is a bathroom very small I was in that bathroom cleaning when i was done i tried to get out of the bathroom but it was being hold shut,,,, i called out load and pushed as hard as i could it opened and i fell on the floor then as i was getting back on my feet from falling i felt that if i turned around something was going to be there and so i rushed back into kitchen.
3. was cleaning the blue room dusting heater fire place something pulled my hair i got up and ran out of that room so fast i left that room for last to clean i was so freaked out.
everything that took place i reported to the other staff some in shook some just smiled but i continued to work there just took it as s sign that somethings there wanted to be noticed and it liked to play.