Small Stepp Cemetery has about 25 graves and features in many local legends, from its founding by cult members to a grieving mother who committed suicide here after losing her baby. Her apparition, according to witnesses, appears dressed in black and crying over the baby’s grave.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Near Forest Rd and N Bean Blossom Rd
Benton, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.31428036308897, -86.43023729324341
- County:
- Monroe County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Martinsville, IN (7.8 mi.)
Paragon, IN (9.0 mi.)
Morgantown, IN (9.9 mi.)
Bloomington, IN (11.5 mi.)
Ellettsville, IN (11.8 mi.)
Stinesville, IN (11.9 mi.)
Nashville, IN (12.1 mi.)
Gosport, IN (12.9 mi.)
Bethany, IN (15.4 mi.)
Brooklyn, IN (15.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I saw the lady crying and i did not know at the time she was a ghost so I kneeled down by her and tried to comfort her she looked at me and said leave and never come back
We went to Stepp one night and you know what happened? Nothing. A whole lot of nothing. However, it was a cool little cemetery.
Just got back from there. After the ‘Lady in Black ‘ story had been debunked, we were still interested enough to check it out. .No indications of any kind on a tri-field meter. No indications of any RF anomalies from 3MHZ to 3GHZ. Nothing in photographic images nor in FLIR images. No odd odors, no eerie feelings, in short nothing.
Was there earlier this morning. Going into the Forestry my fog lamps went out….about .3 miles away we noticed my tail lights went out and then my gas light came on, althought I had a 1/4 tank left and my readout said 105 miles left. We finally reacched the cemetery but kept driving. Didnt want to risk being stuck out here if some was wrong my car. By the time we got back to 37 my tailights and foglamps were working again. And my tank was back to usual.
Was there last night. Nothing. Cool place though. Had livestream on FB.
Been there, Sat on the stump, seen the fresh dug up dirt on the baby’s grave, seen the black lady, Sen the swings at the park just around the bend from there start full on swinging and heard the kids laughing, seen someone standing under the shelter house next to the swings, climbed the water tower before it was tore down, and went to draper’s cabin and felt extremely unwanted and very bad at the cabin.
I went around midnight and I saw a lady in black kneeling over a headstone. I walked slowly toward her, and she sprang up. I ran as fast as I could to my car to get out of there.
Went there late this afternoon, right before dark. It’s a beautiful and interesting place but I have to say, I’m sensitive. I exoected to experience something after the stories I’ve heard but I felt absolutely nothing but peace there. It’s tranquil.
It’s worth your trip, go alone, go ust before dark, report back…..if you can..
The first time we went, it was my husband and I plus my brother in law. Before we even got near the cemetery, on the outskirt of the forest we heard something running beside us. Keeping up with a moving car. We pull in against our better judgement and continue towards the gravesite which can only be walked to, upon entering there are a bunch of missing people and animal signs. The car starts acting up so my husand, a formwr mechanic gets out with his brother, within seconds they dive in and we leave. All of us saw a pale, ver large humanoid figure stalking on all fours like an animal, staying just out of the light. A few weeks later we wanted to see if it was actually real even with us three seeing it. We take our friend who isn’t a sure believer and my younger brother who hasnt had any paranormal experience. This time we get to the cement stones where you must park then walk to the cemetery. As my husband and i get out, mind you its a clear, not windy night, no breeze, eerily calm and silent, but as we get out a large tree and a few medium sized trees are knocked down and we can hear this huge mass run towards us. We both jump in,my husband forgot to lock trunk so him and brother in law get out, holding shaking flashlights. I hear a cry from my BL, his light shined on a large humanoid creature like the one before but bigger, he jumps in, my husband drives on. The three boys in the back, including BL who just saw this thing talk us into going back because we came here to make a point. We finally get the courage, not really, I sas shaking and could feel just a pure dark energy balk all around me. We walk back to the cemetery, everyone holding flash lights, as we walked in, it was like we all forgot about what happened moments ago. We all calmed and began wandering, but snapped out of it as the leaves rustled and growling was heard. We noped out, havent been back since. Whatever is out there, whatever they are, they dont want you there and have no problem showing it. Dont go. If you must, take weapons, a large group, and don’t chase it. If you would luke more details email me. I am very open with all of my encounters. (
My favorite Stepp Cemetery story:
I went several times with friends. Sometimes we took it seriously, sometimes we were just kidding around. Nothing ever happened. Aside from being in a cemetery at night, there wasn’t anything creepy feeling about it.
One night I was with my friend and his girlfriend and we heard a high pitched scream above us several times. It was faint but scary! Suddenly a friggin chipmunk a CHIPMUNK fell from the trees above us and landed at our feet, screamed again and ran off. We all about had a heart attack.
So, no ghosts but watch out for chipmunks who try to prank you by falling from trees.
I love this cemetery. I didn’t know anytging about leaving coins as part of a legend but I always take pennies with me to any cemetery because I’m a witch and it is a polite thing to do. I have never had any issues and have respectfully taken graveyard dirt from there for magical uses.
It’s a lovely little cemetery.
Last time we went was september of 2020 and in the cemetery we heard nothing but when we went on the back trails in the back of the cemetery we heard 3 screams.
I have had one experience where I felt a hand on my shoulder and that woman won’t go past the gate of stepp cemetery