Stello Performance Hall - Mount Mercy

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Reports say that a nun once hanged herself from the choir loft balcony, and she now wanders the halls. Especially haunted is said to be Warde Hall.

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Geographic Information

1330 Elmhurst Dr. NE
Warde Hall
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
United States

Get Directions »
42.00370084312225, -91.65357238056458
Linn County, Iowa
Nearest Towns:
Cedar Rapids, IA (0.6 mi.)
Hiawatha, IA (2.7 mi.)
Marion, IA (3.6 mi.)
Robins, IA (4.7 mi.)
Bertram, IA (7.1 mi.)
Palo, IA (8.5 mi.)
Fairfax, IA (8.8 mi.)
Ely, IA (9.7 mi.)
Alburnett, IA (10.2 mi.)
Shueyville, IA (10.6 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (5)

  1. I recently went to visit Mt. Mercy University and witnessed with my own eyes I saw “the nun” roaming around the halls. I was petrified.

  2. Warde Hall is the oldest building on campus. The fourth floor used to be home to the convent. It now houses the art department and faculty offices.
    I spent many nights working on projects on the fourth of Warde Hall. You would hear unexplained noises coming from down the hall. The lights are on a motion sensor and many times, late at night, the lights would come on all on their own.

  3. I am a professor in Warde Hall and have had 2 experiences. The first time was a Sunday with no one else in the building except my family. A door slammed shut on the third floor for now reason (no windows or anything open). The second time was in the middle of one of my classes. The flap over a garbage can moved and made an obvious noice. It was in the back of the room and no one was anywhere near it. I believe the building is haunted, and I usually don’t subscribe to this kind of stuff.

  4. I attended in 2005-2009. I got weird feelings in Warde hall . . . and once a group of my friends wee walking at night and we all clearly saw a face in the window on the top floor of the building. One person ran up there and didn’t find anything, but my experiences occurred in the area of campus known as the Penthouse, and the dorms(old nun quarters) I was an RA on campus. I experienced many things when I moved on campus early for RA training. I was the only student on 5th floor girls dorms rooms. In the night I would hear doors slam, footsteps, and toilets flushing. The floor was locked and no one in the hallways. It got so bad that after the second night my fellow RA friend and I started sharing her room one floor down. In the penthouse I would see shadows in the windows and got locked in the kitchenette at 2am even though there was no lock on the door . . . I never went up there again at night and I ended up moving off campus after my second year. I had enough experiences there to last a lifetime.

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