Stanna's Restaurant

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The ghost of a young woman is said to haunt this restaurant. Supposedly she hung herself on the third floor sometime in the early 1900s. Shadows of a woman in a long flowing dress are seen, and objects are thrown around in the women’s bathroom. Cold spots are felt, and female laughter is often heard when no one is around.

Stanna’s Restaurant appears to have closed down and is now a Beef O’Brady’s.

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Geographic Information

9 N Central Ave
Umatilla, FL 32784
United States

Get Directions »
28.927094, -81.66923299999996
Lake County, Florida
Nearest Towns:
Umatilla, FL (0.3 mi.)
Altoona, FL (2.9 mi.)
Eustis, FL (5.2 mi.)
Pittman, FL (5.3 mi.)
Lisbon, FL (8.3 mi.)
Paisley, FL (8.6 mi.)
Mount Dora, FL (8.7 mi.)
Tavares, FL (9.2 mi.)
Silver Lake, FL (9.8 mi.)
Sorrento, FL (10.4 mi.)
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  1. Just recently a older Scottish woman was visiting a friend of the owner at Beef O Brady’s and asked to visit his Umatilla location. She was a medium but did not do this walk through for a payment. She just felt the need to visit because she said to him that his business was being affected by spirits at his location. Apparently there are 3 portholes in that one location where spirits are exiting and unable to return back. As she approached the building she said the balcony and the building were lined with sodiers in civil war style uniforms just standing around and leaning everywhere. She said there was a man in the very very back who is a bad spirit and she told them to avoid him at all cost. This specific man was missing fingers. There was a young boy spirit dreesed from somewhere between the late 1700’s to early 1800’s which I found pretty neat myself because I have caught what appears to be a young boy on camera while dining there months back. There is a indian spirit who wanders the middle section mainly in and near the hallway connecting the two main rooms and near the new bathrooms but she said other spirits here want to leave but this man does not. He says this is my home and he is at peace and has no want to leave. She asked the employees that evening if they get tingling sensations on or in their head or headacheswhen standing or walking in a certain place in the kitchen. Several employees claimed to do so mainly headache claims. She said it is because there is a person hanging in that specific place and their feet are right at the level of where the top of your head is so when you walk by their feet are actually touching your head! Yikes! Also she said that right where their atm is located in their var room with the pool tables there is a man moving up and down and up and down but she could not seem to figure out why. The owners uncle who is actually famikiar with the buildings mentioned to the owner that there used to be stairs right there that led to appartments. I personally can vouch for that because years ago a friend of mine lived there and the stairs led to a open large shared family room and then there were I bekeive 3 studio sized apartments! Over all and don’t quote me but I beleive she said there was a total of 47 spirits and 30 something of them were on a specific floor. He said something about she did something to guide the lost spirits out of the buikding and now only like 10 remain. She said Elizabeth is a kind spirit and is at peace with the building also. Apparently the one they shoukd fear is the man in the very back with the missing fingers who is a very dark spirit. I walked away for a minute during the conversation to help my 3 year old but my husband later told me that the owner also mentioned two doors placed for decoration or something that when she opened them there was a brick wall and nothing else and she was startled and closed the doors and asked them not to open them and warned them to stay away. Makes sense as to why claims are different from different people who work or visit this building.

    • My husband and I used to live on the 3rd floor in the building and I too seen the dark spirit of the man in our bedroom of our apartment. I also seen the little boy and it seemed he was trying to get away from the man with the missing fingers but the boy could not get away from the evil spirit with the missing fingers. We had a few things happen while we were living there but this is the only experience that terified me while we were living there. My name is Carla and when I was reading your experience it brought tears to my eyes. I thought I was crazy but this definitely assures me that I’m not and what I saw was real. We also used to hear a tapping on the wall and would see shadows walking through the hallways. It seemed that the occurrences would always happen in the wee hours of the night.

      • I don’t remember hearing about the man wearing a mask but there were alot of spirits so it could have been a different one. Could the photo you have possibly be on the indian? Maybe with paint on his face. The problem with port holes is so many spirits can enter and are unable to return so there is no telling where they came from. The indian claims this as his land though. He won’t leave but he isn’t trying to harm anyone. Are you able to share the photo?

  2. How can we experience any hauntings there? My husband and I have always wanted to experience a haunting at least once!

  3. Previous Employee  |  

    Beef O Bradys has since been closed and is currently Gator Grill. I’m a previous employee of Gator Grill and we’ve experienced several things late in the night while closing. Faucets turning on in the dark, TVs turning on after we’d turn them off, bathroom stalls locking themselves. There’s definitely something of another kind in that place. The most memorable experience was when it first opened and I was sitting in the bar. The bartender and I were in between shifts and getting the bar ready to open and something ran it’s hand across my shoulders, I turned around, and no one was there. Weirdest feeling I’ve ever experienced.

  4. This is a close up where I zoomed in on the photo of the boy I caught. Sorry it is distorted but the photo isn’t real clear because it was taken from the opposite end of the back hallway.

  5. This is the original before I zoomed in on it. My daughter was standing Both Umatilla ghost pics I have caught were while my children were playing near by.

  6. My husband and I were eating there when it was still called Stanna’s While we were eating I started getting a tight feeling in my neck I looked around and saw a macrame plant hanging by the kitchen entrance and it was swinging back and forth, no one had come out of the kitchen and the door wasn’t close enough to the plant to affect it if it opened. I also used the women’s bathroom which was very small and got the strangest feeling while in there I wanted to get out of the bathroom as quick as possible.My daughter and her friend worked there for a while as waitresses and said in the kitchen things would fall off the shelves and cabinets would open on their own. Her shoelaces would constantly become untied. At closing they had to clean up my daughters friend hated cleaning the bathroom she said it felt strange and one time after she was done the door to get out wouldn’t open scared her to death so from then on she would prop the door open with the trash can until she was done cleaning it.

    • The shoe lace issue still happens to staff think it is the little boy. He seems nice and seems to play tricks on them. He likes the girls with long hair. Employees habe told me their pony tails have been tugged on and their clothing has been tugged on also. My husband when working there as a teen was bithered by who he thinks was Elizabeth’s spirit because she hated men from thinking her husband left her for another woman. She blew on his neck and the day he saw a black shadow he ran out…across the street…and told them to bring him his bike He never went back for his check.

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