Some say there is a greenish, ghostly light that can be seen some nights in front of a certain gravestone in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Troy, NY.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 81 Brunswick Rd
Troy, NY
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.727581307051, -73.66316342362546
- County:
- Rensselaer County, New York
- Nearest Towns:
- Troy, NY (1.5 mi.)
Green Island, NY (1.8 mi.)
Watervliet, NY (1.9 mi.)
Wynantskill, NY (2.3 mi.)
Cohoes, NY (3.7 mi.)
Menands, NY (4.0 mi.)
Waterford, NY (4.6 mi.)
Poestenkill, NY (5.6 mi.)
West Sand Lake, NY (6.4 mi.)
West Albany, NY (6.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
We went to St. Mary’s cemetery in Troy NY last night (10/8/14) around 9pm. We got out to admire the beautiful mausoleum. First thing we found a tad weird, was when we tried to take a picture of the side of the mausoleum that said “St. Mary’s Mausoleum”… It wouldn’t come out. Even with full bright flash from our phones. Then my gf Marley made a video on the side of the Mausoleum near the doors, and after watching it we see a very fast moving greenish orb following the phone in the video. We later had deer almost following us and we almost sunk into the ground at one area. Haunted? Possibly. But either way it is a spot worth checking out!!
I have family of over 9 at St Mary’s .I heard the story about the light so one night about 3 years ago I took pics about 100 when I looked at them there is a pic near that mausoleum I in rapid suasion about 20 seconds apart got an orb. My grandparents are near that the pics were taken at dusk.
I went ghost hunting with my friend here 2 days ago, it was about 9:30 pm and the sun was almost gone. I was vlogging and when I was showing one of the really old graves I got 2 orbs that were flowing around. Later when leaving the cemetery I could see a white human shaped form in the backround. Also when leaving I picked some sound that sounded like two very shrill screams, my friends heard it as well.
I’m not superstitious. I went to cut through St. Mary’s tonight at 1000 to cut down on my walk home, not even thinking it might be considered haunted. I got past the first few mausoleums on the Congress side and past the first split in the path. Then I heard what sounded like the flap of an eagle’s wing or a flag whipping in the wind. Just a single crack. I stopped to listen, but not two seconds later, a black human shape, but smaller in stature shot across the path in front of me about 30 feet, without so much as the sound of a foot’s patter on the asphalt.
I didn’t want to find out what it was, human or not. I turned back and full sprinted right out of there, wrapping around the long way home.
I tried doing my own first solo investigation here during open hours right before closing, I got no EMF spikes or pictures of anything, but it sure felt creepy in the mausoleum.