Not much information on this one – just that some stories have it that the ghost of a young woman is seen on campus, often walking through walls.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 33701 State Road 52
St Leo, FL 33525
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 28.335714, -82.257251
- County:
- Pasco County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Saint Leo, FL (0.1 mi.)
San Antonio, FL (1.1 mi.)
Dade City, FL (4.2 mi.)
Dade City North, FL (5.1 mi.)
Zephyrhills West, FL (7.9 mi.)
Wesley Chapel, FL (7.9 mi.)
Zephyrhills North, FL (8.0 mi.)
Zephyrhills, FL (8.4 mi.)
Zephyrhills South, FL (9.3 mi.)
Trilby, FL (9.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I attended Saint Leo from 2006-2009 and lived on campus the entire time I was there. The school is old, to be sure, but there is no ghost girl that floats through walls. Perhaps unfortunately. It’s apparently just a story that has circulated around the internet and none of the long-standing professors or faculty members attest to there ever being a ghost girl on campus. There have been reports of ghostly monks, however, at the grotto directly across from the Saint Leo campus. I never experienced them, but wandering around campus in the wee hours of the morning can be enough to frighten any student with a slight interest in the paranormal since it sports two graveyards and a rickety bridge for students to cross as they leave the Marmion/Snyder residence halls to get to the main part of campus. The grotto is also quite scary at night because it’s dimly lit and it is possible to get locked into the shrines.
I did have a close friend who had her posters come down from her wall of her dorm room every night for a time. She went as far as to cover the AC unit to see if that had anything to do with it. The posters still came down and sometimes plastic cups would fly off of the tables in her room (I happened to be in the room once with a bunch of other friends when that happened), but the activity stopped once she moved out of the residence hall the following semester.
So, really, unless you purposely seek out ghosts or happen to be lucky (or unfortunate) enough to experience something, Saint Leo isn’t really going to be someplace to go in the hopes of finding ghostly activity.
should we check this out???? is it really haunted??:???
I’m a Saint Leo College graduate and was there from 1978-1982 and the school is not haunted and never has been. The school is small and everybody knows everybody. I find it funny that nobody thought the school had ghosts back when I was there, but all of a sudden now they say it is? No. If there were a real story behind this claim we would know who the ‘ghost’ was and when and where this occurred. None of this story is even remotely believable and if anybody claims to have seen a ghost it is only after they had consumed alcohol or other recreational mind altering substance.
I was at Saint Leo from 1978-1982 when it was still called Saint Leo College, and can say that we had some wild and crazy times with wild and crazy students, but Saint Leo is not haunted and never has been. My freshman year we had a guy die in a car wreck and that wasn’t even on campus but in nearby Dade City. If this were a true story we’d have knowledge of the persons name and when and where the death occurred. Saint Leo has always been a small school and everybody pretty much knew everybody else, and if someone died on or near campus it would have been public knowledge.
I like to be alone a lot, especially at night. There have been a couple of times where I have heard footsteps behind me. (Again I was alone). I have this app where it hears and sees stuff that the naked eye cannot. I have caught some stuff. Another time I was alone with a friend in a building, it was just us. We were walking down a hall, all the doors were shut, as we walked by one door, it opened on its own.
There have also been many times where me or my friends don’t feel alone even though we are doing our own things alone on campus.