Ghosts here include several robed monks who patrol the grounds, chanting in Latin, and a phantom horse and carriage presumed to date back to 1897. A wildly dancing woman in white has also been seen.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- St. James Cemetery
Lemont, IL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.6986426, -87.93255780000004
- County:
- Cook County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Burr Ridge, IL (3.5 mi.)
Lemont, IL (4.0 mi.)
Darien, IL (4.3 mi.)
Willow Springs, IL (4.7 mi.)
Goodings Grove, IL (4.8 mi.)
Willowbrook, IL (4.9 mi.)
Indian Head Park, IL (5.2 mi.)
Palos Park, IL (5.7 mi.)
Justice, IL (5.8 mi.)
Hickory Hills, IL (5.8 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I can tell you many stories from this location i have leaved nearby me and a group od close friends went here alot it was almost ever weekeng i always heard stories about the monks
i saw the pictures above, sense that the whole archer ave. is haunted with elementals.
We used to attend 7pm church mass here about 6 years ago, my husband heard monks chanting but I did not. Spirits followed us home to our apartment. I was awoken startled because it felt like someone was staring at me so close I jumped back. My husband and I both heard footsteps walking down our hallway and stopping in front of our bed. We stopped going to St. James church and moved shortly after, nothing happened after that.
That means the house you use to live is hunted now. That is very interesting. Did you live close to Monks Castles?
Heard of monks castle attached to Bachelors Grove has this site ever been investigated by Paranormal Investigations. Should contact Ghost Adventures to do this and televise I would watch.
Investigators have been to Bachelors Grove before. Monks Castle is in Lemont. I doubt they’d let anyone investigate there.
we just moved to lemont, i’m pretty excited to check the place out 🙂
What about the tunnels that run underneath?
I was there by the church on the hill back in 1988. Very Hot and intensely dry summer. I was looking at the headstone of a priest and heard footsteps on the grass behind me. Thought it was a priest form the rectory. Turned around and no one was there. Left quickly.
My daughter and I was invited to a wedding that was held at the church . My daughter looked pale and she told me that she had felt very heavy and very dizzy. She felt more than one presence there.. she had to leave and get out of the church ASAP…once out she felt much better..
Did these monks make their own wine? I read an article about some teens breaking in to steal it, if it’s the same monastery.