This hotel boasts a couple of ghosts: a young girl who appears dressed all in white, and a well-dressed gentleman with a cane. Other strange happenings reported here include lights that fade in and out, beds that become rumpled in a minute, and noises at night.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 16104 Main St
Volcano, CA 95689
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.4416542, -120.63077390000001
- County:
- Amador County, California
- Nearest Towns:
- Volcano, CA (0.1 mi.)
Pine Grove, CA (2.5 mi.)
Pioneer, CA (3.3 mi.)
West Point, CA (6.3 mi.)
Fiddletown, CA (8.0 mi.)
Rail Road Flat, CA (9.4 mi.)
River Pines, CA (9.5 mi.)
Sutter Creek, CA (9.9 mi.)
Jackson, CA (10.1 mi.)
Martell, CA (10.3 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.stgeorgevolcano.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
We were in a dead sleep at 6 am in Indian Hill Room on the third floor. The hotel was empty. A small wall hanging dropped from the wall, and shattered glass everywhere. The wall hanging was affixed to two nails, and was a very light wooden fixture with two glass decorations. The walls are very thick and the nails were firmly in place. It seemed that the wall fixture was thrown because of the force with which the frame and glass shattered.
the girlfriend brought me to this place, telling me that it was haunted….. in my head I was thinkin, “yea…. right”. During the first night, I stayed up late, 2am or so, with nothing to show for it. Somewhere around 3am, as I dozed off, I hear children, 2 of them running up and down the damn stairs…. pissing me off to no end. This went on for about 2 hours. I finally fell asleep. The next morning, I went to the front desk to complain about the kids running around, to which the young lady said…. there are no children staying at the hotel. Come to find out there were 2 kids that had died in a fire many years ago. That sucked the breathe out of me ….. and that was just the first night, the second was much more intense, with a woman screaming in pain for someone to help her. I jumped out of bed and ran toward the voice, …. there was no one there…. I almost shit myself. Then around 3am, the banging started. it started out the window, on the front deck, then moved at a slow pace to the left of the building, then I could hear it in the room on the other side of the wall, slowly moving thru the room, then down the hall, then coming up to the door of the room I was staying in, the banging was so loud it was all I could hear, over and over, I jump out of bed, rip open the door, and there was nothing….. I proceeded to get in bed, and as soon as I did, I hear the guy that was staying in the room to the left of me jump out of bed, rip open the drawers, a suit case zipper open, I hear it zip closed, I then hear him running down the stirs, slam into the front door, his car alarm chirp, and he then literally lights up his tires he left so fast….. whatever it was that went right thru his room, and to my door was enough for him to leave and not come back! I on the other hand have gone back one other time. on a new years eave with the girlfriend…. do not do this …. too many were there, and nothing happened….. but I did go back and got married there, it was an amazing place to hold the event. HIGHLY RECOMEND!!!
In 1853, the Eureka Hotel was built, only to be destroyed by a fire a few years later.
In 1859 the town tried again, and the Empire Hotel was built at the same location.Trying their luck a final time, B.F. George built a hotel on the same site and called it St. George.
He hoped that by naming it after a saint, the building would be protected from a similar fate.
The St. George still stands, and has never had an issue with accidents, arson, or wildfires.
But that does not mean the hotel is void of troubles.