Spring Hill Cemetery

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The Spring Hill Cemetery, is located off of Fort Dade Ave. in Brooksville. It is an old black cemetery with the earliest “known” burial starting in the late 1800’s. At dusk you can see what seems to be a man hanging from a tree limb. Also, groups of spirits can be seen standing together around the headstones of family plots. One report states that an infant’s cry can be heard during certain times of the night.

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    Geographic Information

    Fort Dade Ave
    Brooksville, FL
    United States

    Get Directions »
    28.55256512932183, -82.45254278182983
    Hernando County, Florida
    Nearest Towns:
    Wiscon, FL (1.0 mi.)
    Brookridge, FL (2.4 mi.)
    North Brooksville, FL (3.0 mi.)
    South Brooksville, FL (3.4 mi.)
    Brooksville, FL (3.9 mi.)
    High Point, FL (4.4 mi.)
    Garden Grove, FL (5.1 mi.)
    North Weeki Wachee, FL (6.5 mi.)
    Spring Hill, FL (6.9 mi.)
    Masaryktown, FL (7.7 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. chris the candyman  |  

      walk from inside back to the road you will see a man hanging you can also be followed… ive seen spirits by head stones balls of lights walk into the woods where the older part of the cemetery is if you really want to see stuff if you here dog barking & paw prints in dirt don’t get in your vehicle you will end up being rammed by something & have a dent first hand experience loved it worth the dent in my truck

      • i have been there three times and each time i was scared silly and i normally don’t beleive in this stuff. this place changed my mind!!

      • I have lived right around there and my best friend lives down the road from it. I’m glad to share my experiences with you. 🙂 Well, first off, my dad has a paranormal investigation thing going on but he’s trying to get it back on its feet. The Spring Hill Cemetery is one of the places we’ve investigated. It was my aunt, my two sisters, my brother, my mother, my father, and myself. My mom has told me that she has “feelings” for was place she’s in. Let me elaborate on that. She went ghost hunting with my dad before and she felt nothing but bad there. That’s what I mean about “feelings”. I’ve started to get those too. When we first drove into that cemetery, I felt saddened and felt really bad. I have heard baby cries and children playing. My little sister and I also seen a little girl around the age of… I want to say five but I’m not so sure. I know she was wearing a dress and she was playing around the head stones. Before we left the house, we had JUST replaced our camera batteries. We have not used them in the car and suddenly, ALL of our cameras were dead. We decided to take a walk around and we finally got are cameras to work. My dad has caught strange mists around the area. I also felt something following me. We got back to the car, ready to leave and the car wouldn’t start. I guess what ever was there, didn’t want us to leave. Lol. But then my brother said he saw was looked like little kids hand prints on the very back window. (We had a green Mini Van) Ever since then, I would not step foot in that cemetery ever again unless I have to. Now it’s all fenced up and there’s lights and camera around so we cannot investigate it again. Sorry…

    2. I visited this cemetery with a good friend of mine. I am extremely sensitive when it comes to energies, and what I felt entering this space was a feeling of great sadness. I also felt that we were not completely welcome but also that we would not be harmed in any way. I understand that the spirits are very wary of visitors since a few graves and remains have been desecrated by disrespectful people. That being said- is very spooky place. There is a break in the fencing that surrounds the land where the cemetery itself sits. We walked down the path a little ways but felt something telling us to turn around and not go any further. There was a lot of trash and debris on that trail.

      I would like to go again sometime to do a proper investigation (my friend and I went during the day because a lot of shady things happen there at night like drug deals, etc.) but, with the proper security and with permission, of course.

      I didn’t feel anything particularly evil there. Maybe because as soon as we got out of the car, we openly and verbally sympathized with those buried there.

      Be respectful when you enter this space, and do not torment those buried there- whether knowingly or not.

    3. Let me start by saying I don’t believe in ghosts, but I went with a friend who does and really enjoys searching for ghosts and things like that. We visited here on a Friday night. The gates were open, even though it was dark. No ghosts, no sightings, no creepy feelings other than being in a secluded area surrounded by woods at night. Graves were cool, very old. We enjoyed ourselves, but no ghosts. I did want to leave there fairly quickly, though, because I was afraid of wild boars, coyotes, random folks that might be out, and getting in trouble for hanging out there at night.

    4. While out there last year visiting a old soldiers grave (no relation to me) but a soldier who needed a new flag and just someone to visit him, I took pictures of surrounding areas in the cemetary and was surprised when I got home to find that I had photographed a ghost on a grave a female so I drove back out same day and took more pictures of same spot in same position I had been earlier and nothing was there. I find this place sad but also very peaceful and serene, it is beautiful out there. If you get the chance to visit this place pay some respect to the people buried there bring a flower or a flag and just give them a bit of your time. My nieces aunt is buried there as well as her cousin who died of cancer at young. The place will make you see a time of history that has long been forgotten.

    5. I grew up around the area and have been there many times as a teenager. Every time I go there it feels like heaviness on my chest. On one occasion my friend and I were leaving in my truck and heard an awful noise, we slowed down because it sounded like it was in the bed of my truck. I turned on the lights in my bed and my toolbox slammed shut. Now my toolbox was locked and it was still locked when we got out to check but the lid was open and bent a little.

      • Hi, wow, i just got finished telling my new boyfriend that exact story from what happend to me and one of my old boyfriends a long time ago when i was a teenager. My name is michelle. Who are you?

    6. Finally got the nerve up and went out to this cemetery, a bit creepy, but very serene , tall trees with moss hanging. The most heart breaking was the little plot in the back, with old weathered dolls propped up along a hedge boarder that must be out lining a little girls grave. There is no head stone. I took plenty of pics, and the only thing I left with were mosquito bites.

    7. Okay, this is going to sound crazy. Two nights ago I had a nightmare. I remember bits and pieces like that I was in a cemetery and that there were people hanging from a tree and something to do with a little girl but that part and the rest is a little fuzzy. Now this may seem insignificant but, what I do when I have a nightmare instead of thinking about it more I make a mental white board and try and make a horror movie plot out of what I saw to help me think about it so I don’t have the dream when I go back to sleep and so I did this with my dream and I usually don’t give them titles because I’m too tired but this time I did for some reason and I came up with “Brooksville Horror” Now I have never heard of Brooksville before and so I woke up confused but ignored it and so I’m just now researching Brooksville and I have no idea what to think. What just happened to me? I’ve never heard of this place before and yet I’m having nightmares about it?!? Help me figure it out if you can, thank you!

      • It’s a sign of something. Maybe you need to make a visit there…maybe a long lost relative is there or something. I’m not sure but there is definitely a meaning to it. From my experience the most realistic dreams are the ones involving spirits or hauntings.

    8. We just went yesterday at dusk, it was around 7ish but still light out. We walked the trail around the cemetary because the grass was extremely long. But we visited the little girls grave, we actually traveled back in Feb. and that was our first time. That time we visited where the dolls lay and this time we noticed there was a new doll there. One with blonde hair sleeping in a rocking chair. My friend always feels a breeze when we walk over there while I never notice, but a random breeze she says will always occur right when we reach the little girls grave. This place makes me feel very sad but extremely curious. I hate how some grave stones have no names… When we first went we had enough balls to go down the first trail you see when you head in the cemetery. When we first started walking the trail Zoe and I thought we were seeing shadows but it was so hard to clarify because of all the trees. Then we actually came across the big “spirit tree” where the slaves were hung 🙁 Looking at the tree and almost 30 ropes left us in chills. That’s where we stopped, there was another trail but it was blocked. Then Zoe just booked it, sprinting the opposite way so of course making me petrified I sprinted. And at the end she told me she heard a man’s mocking laugh. Now the2nd time we went, we noticed the new doll, porter potty, heard strange noise by the dolls, and when we were leaving we heard far thumping. What really scared us this time was when we were back on 50 we stopped at DD & I noticed a handprint on the passengers side window…which didn’t match up to ours. We also tried to make our own handprint but couldn’t, ours wouldn’t show up while the other was so sharp and defined. This place is so serene but spooky all at the same time!

    9. My friend Frank and I just went there. I didn’t have any really bad experiences there. As crazy as it sounds, one grave (the big headstone with bricks that has two little headstones next to it for the little infants that died) I really connected with. I’m not sure what it was but as soon as we got there it drew me in. I sat at this grave for a pretty long time. We then walked down a path where the spirit tree is. Nothing too bad either. I did hear a lot of movement but it might have just been animals. I noticed some old destroyed graves and, I’m not sure if this happened to other people, but was filled with extreme sadness. So much so that I told Frank about it. At this point is when I started to get a really bad headache. I’ve gotten headaches before but never like this. The only way I can describe it is that it felt like I got shot in the head. It was only on my right side of my head, right above and to the left of my ear. It was such an amazing place though, I will definitely be back.

      • That’s very interesting…from my perspective I believe your body from a past life was buried in the grave you visited, and the feeling you had May of been how you died in your past life, a gun shot.

    10. Hands down most haunted place i’ve been to. Been there twice, a skeptic. The first time i saw a black man dressed in rags walking in the woods we drove around but i never got out. The second time we were dared to touch the tree and come back to the car where my friend had the headlights on lighting our path and the car running. We got about half way before the car shut off the doors locked and lights went out. We got back to the car i was taking pictures and the car just came back on, lights, doors unlocked. When i looked at the pictures later there were orbs. I took more pictures to make sure there wasnt spots on my camera and all other pictures came out fine. I wont be going there again.

    11. OK this is going to sound strange but its been 4 years since I visited this place and honestly I am not sure I want to ever go back. I pull in up the tree lined road off Fort Dade and as I entered through the black gate the first thing I seen freaked me out. There was a large tombstone with two massive Black Ravens sitting on each end one facing me looking directly at me and the other facing the other direction.

      At first I did not get out ofy car and just drove around the circle path slowly and as I drove I felt I was being watched very closely. About half way around I stopped the car and got out to check a couple of graves out and when I looked up I could see the ravens still sitting on this grave and felt them watching me. I had two people with me that did not wwant to get out of the car and one of them was a christian who was getting very dark vibes and wanted to leave so we left.

      What happened next I really can not explain? They next morning I woke up and went out to my front porch to have my coffee and cigarettes as I always do. About half way through my first smoke I noticed hearing birds many birds hawking as I looked up and across the street at my neighbors roof I was shocked. His entire roof was lined from edge to edge with black ravens?

      I had never seen that many ravens gather anywhere like that before?

      Later that afternoon about 2 I decided to go take a little knap. I got on my bed and turned on my side and closed my eyes and about ten seconds later I felt the the foot of my bed on the other side collapse as if a 200lb man had sat on the edge of my bed? I jumped up and looked over and there was nothing there?

      Now I am not crazy but for the next 3 to 4 months everywhere I went I came into contact with large amounts of black ravens. And they were still appearing on my neighbor across the street roof also? If I went to the library when I got there I would see 20 or so ravens sitting on the edge of the roof. If I went to the grocery store they would be sitting there too? I never once seen so many ravens gathering in one place before?

      OK here is the kicker for months on end after visiting this place every night when I would go to sleep after being in bed for 5 minutes my window blinds would begin to move as if something was gently running there hand across them at the bottom? This freaked me out because they would be still for 5 minutes then lightly move back and forth and then stop! I would go into my room during the day when the air condition and fans were running and they were as still as still can be.

      Anyway I just wanted to share this to see if anyone else had any similar experiences? I am a very sensitive to things like this and have had many strange supernatural like experiences happen to me before like physics coming up to me out of the blue and guessing my birth date and telling me my thoughts and my mother had some uniques experience happen to her in her lifetime also so I wonder if those Ravens were possibly trying to tell me something.

    12. I live near here, and one night a big group of us went out, and just walked around a little. We split into smaller groups, and a friend and I both saw the same bright, fluorescent light over a tombstone in the distance. We were already walking toward the corner of the cemetery, and didn’t think much of it, until we looked back and it was gone. We talked ourselves out of anything paranormal and assumed it must have been one of the park lights and it just disappeared behind a hill or something, and we would see it as we approached the site. However when we arrived, the tomb was in front of a tree and family tombstones were outlining the rim of the tree, in a circle. No light to be seen.

      It’s not a super crazy experience, but it’s been my only one there. I’ve taken my ouija out there alone and haven’t gotten much. But it is a really pretty place, and a little spooky. Apparently there’s an abandoned slaughterhouse down one of the trails you pass on the dirt road to get to the cemetery. If it’s there, you have to walk on foot, and I still haven’t gotten up the nerve to explore the rumors yet. :p

      • Just went to the slaughter house tonight and its fenced with heavy equipment inside the fence. Is like like they’re getting ready to tear it down.

        • where is the Spirit Tree and Slaughter house located if your driving in? I was there tonight with my family at dusk an came back at dark to give a random man whos staying out there some water. didn’t see or notice anything out of the normal. Just a beautiful peaceful resting place. however I did have feel a lot of what I will describe as pressure head ache and soon as we left it kinda randomly faded away.
          I would like to explore an learn more about this place. it sure is a interesting!

    13. My family is very into ghost shows ( ghost adventures, ghost hunter, that one with the lady with very creepy eyes). Anyways so very good family came to stay with up and really go into it with us and she decided to take her( she was 19 at the time), her 3yr old sister and her best friend. Her younger sister was talking to a little girl about her age. she said she was friendly. they go pics of shadows and white balls.

    14. Nathan Perryman  |  

      My wife and I, a couple years ago had a few months of road tripping to random “haunted” places in Florida. We’ve been to quite a few and had never had anything really spooky or obviously paranormal occur other than a couple orb pics and being watched feelings.

      This place.. Please believe me when I tell you, it’s a little spooky, especially at night.

      I spent six years In the army as a combat engineer. I’ve done my share of work and whatnot, because of this I would consider myself a tough person who doesn’t scare easy. Well.. I got really ducking scared here.

      We went in the daylight the first time. After being there for about five minutes we started hearing faint noises of chains clanking and someone yelling out orders or something and then two gunshots. Now when I drove into this cemetery I noticed the neighborhood in which it sits is surprisingly populated and there is no way two gunshots and yelling would have gone unnoticed, but it did. About another 5 minutes passed of us reassuring each other that we will be okay if we sit in the car until we stopped shaking enough to drive. We smoked a cigarette while we joked that since it is near Brooksville it’s possible that what we heard normal Brooksville sounds , I turned on the car and put it in gear and said, “okay! so we finally got spooked.” and my wife laughed shortly and then without warning, very abruptly she turned and opened the car door all in one motion and sort of hopped out. I stopped immediately from about four or five mph and yelled, “what the hell are you doing babe?!”, she did not respond, she was walking very fast toward a tree across the paving from a roll on dumpster and then she went to a knee next to the tree and didn’t move for about 15 seconds until I walked up behind her. I said, “babe, why did you do that? what’s wrong”, she turned a little and looked up at me crying saying that “they burned her alive and just buried her here the next day, nobody cared.”

      I said to her, “babe, get up, your freaking me out.”

      She got up and normally walked with me back to the car without saying a word. We got in, I looked around one more time and then we slipped out of there pretty fast.

      When we were some miles down the road I asked her if she was okay and if she wanted Dunkin Doughnuts to cheer her up and all she said was, “that’s fine.”

      She didn’t speak other than saying thanks to me after pulling out of the drive thru. This went on for another fifteen or twenty minutes before I asked her if she wanted to stop and talk, to which she responded, “about what?”

      I knew then that she had to be messing with me, but after a couple minutes of questioning, I realized she didn’t even remember being at the cemetery and she even hesitated to ask me if we were still going to go. I told her, “we will never be going there again baby.”

      The ride home was pretty awkward because while I remembered everything, she remembered nothing at all and even asked me to tell her which I did a few times before we both became frustrated with her lack of being able to recall.

      This is a story we don’t share with everyone, but because this place has been experienced by so many I figured I would toss ours in so that if anyone ever experiences something similar they will know for sure that they experienced it and not have any doubt. This was a scary experience for me personally, it felt like something right out of a horror movie and it’s much worse when it’s a loved one your watching experience something paranormal, evil or not.

      She was obviously not harmed, but my wife is a healthy gal at about five foot six and 180 pounds, and she just slid out of the car while it was moving without losing a step. Never seen anything like it..

    15. Went there 2 times with my ex wife. Very creepy place but did not see anything. We went there at dusk until it was dark. Walked all over & in the nearby woods. 2nd time was around midnight. Still nothing. The strange thing though was i had a expedition & the gas tank was full upon arrival. As we left my gas light came on saying empty. So i drove to the nearest gas station. Started to fill up when pump stopped after 1.3 gallons. Turned on the truck & it showed full. Creepy

    16. I went there in 2006. I was about 13. Made it to the tree. Was scared and felt like something was there the whole time. Never doing that again.

    17. I just got home from visiting this place. I’ve been so intrigued by the stories I’ve read on here and have talked all about it, so to be blunt I am so disappointed that I did not see any spirits. However it was late at night, and apparently the hanging man is seen at dusk. Darnet! Anyway…it’s definitely got weird energy there. There were two lamps that kept shutting off and flickering, but not in a normal way. My whole body felt really heavy whenever I was walking in the center of the cemetery. The girls grave was super creepy and I definitely don’t wanna go back there. I didn’t know where the spirit tree was so I didn’t see that, but now I do after reading these comments. I’m gonna go back in a few days and really explore the place, it’s definitely got something going on there! However, the trail nearby with all of the abandoned shit everywhere was way more creepier! I’m really curious about what happened there, why there is caution tape blocking it, and why there is so much stuff that can literally fill a house. I heard a lot of strange noises at this spot and it really gave me the chills. If anyone knows about this place id love to hear your experience and any knowledge you have on what the hell it is

    18. I live in Pasco County and would love to check this place out! Would anyone else on here be interested in going? We could get a group together, safety in numbers lol. I’m free to go there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, thanks to my job.

    19. I have had a paranormal experience on this road about ten yrs ago,went in at night saw a man hanging from a tree heard a woman screaming oh god no why and a guy yelling shut up nigger and voices telling me to turn back now and had a hand print on my car window,got into a car accident two weeks later.got the bad joojoo on me for going in there.never went back since.

    20. I would like to share my story. Ever since my brother and myself were little my mom loved to take us to old graveyards. She would have a contest on who could find the oldest stone. When we moved to Florida we were also told all of these amazing stories about Spring Hill Cemetery (although it was NOT called Spring Hill Cemetery when I moved here in the very early 90’s).
      So our family went in and when we got to the grave sites they were in a horrible way, and it saddened my heart. The large stone coverings were moved off some of the graves, there was awful graffiti and trash, so we went home got a bunch of cleaning supplies and a bunch of fresh flowers and went back out.
      The second time we arrived it was around 4pm. We started picking up all the trash and tried to make it look as nice as possible. The stones were too hard to move however, so my mom said she would find out who to contact to get this place fixed. We even moved the lawn.

      Once we were done we were looking around and imagining some of the horrors these wonderful people had suffered when a old black like late 1950’s Cadillac pulled up, it was a neat car with a family of older African American’s. They did not get out of the car but looked at us and smiled. They just sat there so we packed up our cleaning supplies and got into the Ford Temp. The Cadillac had started to leave but was going in a different direction from which we had entered, so my mom thought it was a different way out.
      The car went down the hill and around the corner my mom about 30 car lengths behind. When we went around the corner the car, and family were gone. No big deal right??? Well 1 there was an awful smell, I am a nurse, and an EMT prior and it smelled like death. The creepier thing, there was no where for the car to go. The corner led us to a dead end. It was a T shaped dead end, one end was very thick trees and brush, no way a car could get through that, on the other end of the T the path was full of heavy logs, I don’t think a truck with swampers could get over it. So where did they go???? We don’t know till this day, but what I do know is that my mom put the car in reverse, she was as white as a sheet and we got the heck out of dodge.
      My mom died very unexpectedly on Mothers day 2015. I lost my best friend, I wanted to share this story as I never forgot how much my mom tried to help clean up the cemetery, and I think the “family” that showed up appreciated that, and that was a thank you to us. 🙂

    21. My indie film crew and I had wanted to shoot a movie in a cemetery and this location seemed ideal to us, very close and it looked great from pictures. We decided to check out the cemetery and approached it very respectfully (our script wasn’t gratuitous or anything) but even so, after about an hour of getting pictures we decided it might be better to find somewhere else to film. We all had a very eerie feeling as if someone was watching us, whether another person or a spirit we don’t know, we just had that feeling. We didn’t catch anything paranormal in our pictures, but we just had bad vibes, like that feeling of being somewhere we didn’t belong. One of our crew members decided to pull us all in for a prayer to let the spirits continue to rest peacefully before we left, but we all agreed that none of us would want to spend the night there (Pretty sure we’d have to get permission anyway and we had no idea where to go or whom to ask to get that) We never went back to that cemetery, can’t say we had any supernatural experiences there other than gut feelings that our presence was unwanted there.

    22. My husband, son and i are going to visit this Cemetary either tonight or next weekend. I am a bit nervous and scared already reading everyone’s comments. I believe in spirits and everything like that. My husband believes big time. We have been researching online for haunted spots and found this one and a few others that are not to far. We want to make a blog out of it all


      • I have seen the videos you have done about this cemetery I would love to go there sometime, but I think I heard that you can’t go there at night anymore. Does anyone know if that is true or not? Can you still go there during the day? Would love to go with you Patty. I live in Inverness, not far from the cemetery. Let me know if that is possible. I will check for a reply on this forum periodically.

    24. A picture I took in September 2014, upon just arriving I parked and took a wide shot. Had been here several times before and several times since. Here I didn’t notice anything unusual until later looking at all the pics I took on a large screen.
      On the ground, just to the right of the right most street light, there appears to be two figures. One stands upright facing inwards to the picture center, with the bottom of the “shoes” just off the ground and both arms bent at the elbow to place the hands on the hip. Seems to have a malevolent, very unsympathetic looking face.
      The second figure appears to be sitting on the ground, just to the right hand side of the first figure and facing it. It has a distinctive face shape with hair on top that neatly folds around the back of the head, ending in groomed fashion right at the shoulder top. This figure seems to be trying to manipulate the steel ​support cable for the streetlight.
      This is just one of many strange day and night pics I have from Spring Hill Cemetery, the spookiest place by far I have ever been. (Note that the picture has been opened in Photoshop, but only for purposes of resizing down from very large, and adding my watermark and the zoom insets. The substance of the picture has not been changed whatsoever)

    25. Hi I went here about six years ago with my sister and my kids and it was so creepy I saw orbs heard a baby crying also my phone was fully charged and died 2 mins after being there as well as my camera and my sisters we both had batteries so we replaced them I was able to take three pics and it died again my car shut off her car light went crazy and then blew out something hit her car and when we drove outta there we went to the nearest corner store and found hand prints all over our cars there were screams and noises of chains I went to Walgreens and developed the pics and saw a man behind a bush and a woman kneeled down at a grave you can tell that it real ghost so crazy I will never go there again I have never been so freaked out

    26. On the fence on the fence about the paranormal. Not saying that I don’t believe nor am I saying that I do. I’ve been here several times and always had gotten an eerie feeling. The first time going here was about 5 years or so and met a elderly woman cleaning up the place and she had told us the story about the cemetary. She explained the significance of it and how it was a African-american cemetary. She had then gone on to talk about how someone had rammed there vehicle into one of the head stones and stolen a skull a couple nights prior. The next time I had gone was Halloween night two years ago with some buddies on our Halloween night road trip. My one buddy had shown me pics of some “orbs” he had discovered and I kinda passed it on as just whatever (till a couple nights ago) but anyways I rigged up a a homemade oujjia board out of cardboard (trying to be a smartass) at first when we walked in I’d notice the left light would flicker on and off every once and a while. So after walking around for an hour of two we had gone to that light with the board and us thinking it was a joke and after asking one question the light immediately turned off and stayed off till we were leaving. Third time going I was going to start a YouTube channel around the time of last Halloween based on “haunted” locations. Me and four buddies started filming and taking pics. When we first arrived it literally smelt like death. Like something had died. I had just passed it on as a dead animal of sorts. Nothing had really come out of that night other than that. Three nights ago my mother was going through the pics I had taken while making more room for the camera and she showed me a picture I had taken of a overall pic of the cemetary. It was full of bright while and different colored orbs. Immediately I had grabbed the camera and taken 10 or so pics and tried replicating what would look like the cemetary with the street lamp in the back ground and me about 500 feet away at my house. No orbs. So me and two friends packed in my truck and hauled ass to the cemetary at 11 at night. Right before I had entered through the gates I took a pic with the flash on through my windshield. It had obviously didn’t show anything other then the glare of my windshield. Anyways drove through the gates and began getting a wild headache. We walked around taking many many pics of everything. Found a gravestone with happy birthday balloons still blown up. Walked aver to one grave and there sat an orange rotten on the inside but the peel perfect. Kept walking far from that grave and found an infant grave (which around that area gave me most eerie feeling) many playthings and dolls. One is in a rocking chair with its head cracked on the side. But there sat another orange. Just those two graves with no significant correlation between the two other then in the same cemetary. Come to find out it’s a Chinese ritual. But did not make any sense for it being a all black cemetary. After walking from that grave we walked on the gravel road towards my truck and the light began flickering an owl or what I believe to be an owl starting making hooting noises loud as I have ever heard and a big buh hit me eat all simultaneously. We all looked at eachother and everyone was ready to leave. On my way back to the truck I began looking at the camera and knowing I took over a 100 pics and not one warning of anything not being saved EVERY SINGLE PIC I HAD TAKEN HAD BEEN DELETED OTHER THEN THE ONE I TOOK RIGHT BEFORE WE GOT THROUGH THE GATES. I began freaking out and was like I need to get pics. So I rushed got a bunch and made sure they saved. Got to the house to look at the pics saw a couple pics with orbs that were circle in shape but had found two or three pics with ones with orange lined ones. No street lamps around. One pic with those were surrounding one of the only pics I had taken of my friend. Don’t quite know if spirits or things of such things exist but something is really weird out there. If you’re even the slightest bit interested it’s sure to give you a weird feeling. Be sure to be very observant

    27. went out there today and bagged up all the trash that people through out , that’s ok , i didn’t mind. I’m just glad its all picked up , going bac tomorrow to load it all up and takes to the trash, (wasnt about to put it in my mustang lol)

      # Oh yeah , also found some pictures and some mail with the names of the disrespectful people that I’m assuming dumped it all there

    28. Janice Belfiore  |  

      I went there. I laid flowers at graves of military. Also laid flowers at the bigger oaks as they may be where the lynchings were. I put babys breath flowers by the childrens graves. I saw a beautiful black swallowtail butterfly by lantana flowers. I heard crows cawing briefly. I felt some sadness. I spoke to some. I announced when i arrived that i was there to show respect. At one point i felt a sharp pain at top right of my head, it did not last. It wad a good experience. I hope to go back soon

    29. Heidi Mullaney  |  

      My husband, 2 boys & I went here at night. My husband & boys are new to ghost investing. I grew up with a mom that’s a spiritual minister & who has participated in many investigations (& even helped with exorcism.) We went to Spring Hill Cemetery and had an incredible experience. We kept seeing what looked like people walking I. The distance so we would randomly take pictures anytime we thought we saw something. I have several pictures of shadow people that defy the physics of light/shadows. The cemetery does have some street lights now and I have pictures of a shadow person with the street light directly above and behind the shadow person so it should NOT be there. We also have a picture of what looks like a person sitting on a bench in the cemetery looking back at us over their shoulder that again was in front of the light so the light actually luminates the face. The cemetery does have an interestin creepy vibe. We made sure to repeat over and over that we were there to help and not to harm. My son said he felt a fast cold breeze go by him while my other son was only 2 feet away but did not feel anything. I definitely have a strong intuition feeling there are a lot of lost souls there that need help but I also feel like there are sinister spirits there too so BE CAREFUL.

        • Heidi Mullaney  |  

          Here is the 2nd image we see in the pic. These 4 pictures I posted on this website is just a small portion I have from Spring Hill Cemetery. I feel a strong connection there so if any Paranormal investigaters will be going out there hit me up. I would love a chance to go back but with new people to hopefully experience the same things we do.

    30. Brittany Anne Powers  |  

      DO NOT GO HERE AT NIGHT. Only one picture was taken here during my visit and as soon as I pulled in, I was stuck in the dirt. The car’s wheels wouldn’t move. It took 15 minutes to push it out of the dirt. After investigating the graveyard almost entirely, we were greeted with a MASSIVE pool of liquid found on the dirt road that wasn’t there when we arrived. Red liquid was also found on headstones. Felt as though we were being watched, and lamp post at the left end of the lot was flickering (strobing almost) when we tried to head back into the clearing of the woods where the “slaughterhouse” is. Saw garden lights on in the middle of the lot that turned off as soon as we left the car and went over there. Do not come here to disrespect. Very dangerous place and is surrounded by thick woods that people can easily hide in. Found handprint on the car that didn’t match mine when I got home.

      • Looks like what appears to be a figure under that red light there (circled it for you). Sorry to reply to an older comment, just started researching this place!

    31. Christina Ottersbach  |  

      I moved here in 2019. I was fascinated with the town’s history. When I finally mustered up the courage to visit this cemetery, I was very scared and had an eerie feeling – a feeling that could make your stomach turn. For about a year, I would never go here alone again. Just going down the road that leads up to it seemed like one right out of a scary movie!

      On my first visit, I saw so many missing and broken headstones. I saw the overgrown brush and broken fences. I saw all of the trash laying around. I saw the creepy dolls. One cannot avoid thinking that this place must be haunted!

      BUT THEN….

      I read the sad stories of horrible vandalism this cemetery had to endure. I saw the graves of the children (learned a couple of them belonged to the same mother who was fighting a waste water issue that possibly caused their death). I also volunteered for their annual clean up and personally met the families. Each person was very thankful for the support. I started researching the lives of the deceased. These were mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, and daughters who were loved by others and faced years of racism and oppression.

      It wasn’t too long before I finally saw the love that filled this place – it no longer felt like the scary, haunted nightmare that I made up in my mind . My heart broke for the deceased and their families, as well as their desecrated graves. I took time to listen to their sad stories about how the cemetery is perceived and treated. I even attended a couple of their meetings and was able to listen how they wanted to address the problem of individuals/groups coming to the cemetery at night.

      Just thought I’d give a head’s up… anyone who wants to visit this historical cemetery at night, please know that it now has surveillance and trespassers will be prosecuted. The only scary thing at this cemetery are the increased odds of running into drug dealers or meth heads hiding in the bushes – people who are more likely to kill you than spirits.

      And if you do see spirits (which I have yet to see after visiting over 20 times), maybe they are spirits looking over and protecting their loved ones from those looking for a good haunting or cheap thrill. These families had a hard enough existence…. we could at least let them rest peacefully for once. Thank you!

    32. Shannan M Prater  |  

      I have lived in Brooksville FL my entire life and have been to this cemetery many times both in the day and at night and have experienced many things such as shadow figures, orbs, and have even heard a baby crying while I was there after midnight. There is also a smaller cemetery that is located across the road from this cemetery that not many know exists where I have had the opportunity to hear whispers had foot steps follow behind me when there was nobody behind me. I also can say that if you drive through the area where these cemeteries are located you will notice that there are no animals seen at anytime in the area., Why ? Some say it’s because there was oncr a little house located just down the road that was said to once be use for satanic rituals and the entire area is cursed and considered a portal. All I know is what I’ve seen and heard myself and I feel and honestly believe this area of Brooksville is haunted.

    33. I was there many years ago before knowing anything about the spirits & hauntings; I just stumbled on it on a drive. I felt great sorrow & confusion once there over why it was so desecrated & not taken care of like other cemeteries. I didn’t know it was an African-American cemetery or that there was a hanging tree or “slaughterhouse?” That explains alot unfortunately. But I saw nothing unusual in terms of shadowy figures. I walked thru the broken graves. But now I’ve read these reports of visits. Since my lone visit I’ve never forgotten that place though.

      My question is why it’s been allowed to be so desecrated? Does anyone know what the city of Brooksville or the county has done to fix up the graves – out of respect for the deceased there? Or who owns the cemetery and why they’ve let the graves be so destroyed? No wonder there are spirits hanging out there. How could we fix up the graves & maybe help the spirits move on as they’re supposed to or just rest in peace? I realize this site is for seeing such spirits & orbs but the graves have been so disrespected that it hurts

    34. A friend I travelled to the cemetery in 2017 after learning about it online. We had went after dark and pulled up to the driveway with our headlights shining down the path. We immediately left not because we saw something but we were too afraid to go in during the night time. There was no telling if people hung out there at night and could rob or harm us.

      The following morning we return to the cemetery around 9AM. A police car sat in the back of the property as we park just inside the main gate that was already opened. We walk around and the cop leaves without questioning us or saying hi. We took photos in every direction and video recorded headstones and the alleged hanging tree to review later that day. We walked up the left-hand pathway looking at the different headstones. The straight pathway hooks right and goes to the corner of the property opposite the main gate. We walk back near the corner and observe an unmarked grave with a bunch of childrens toys and play things. Immediately we identified “the little girl’s unmarked grave” that allegedly gave many visitors some activity. My friend pulled out a K2 meter as we begin simple conversations, asking if she is there, thanking her for responding, if she liked her toys, a bunch of random things all while this K2 meter is pegging out.

      A note on the meter: I know of these as electrical devices that can find wires behind drywall in buildings. If it detects EMF it will steadily light from green to red based on the strength of the force (or something like that, I’m not an electrician). The meter only behaved in one of two ways: completely absent of displaying light or pegging out and flickering across the spectrum.

      After reviewing the video and audio recordings we found nothing out of the ordinary aside from the K2 meter pegging out. Intrigued by the conversations we had during our day visit we returned another night soon after. The main gate was open and we did the same investigative process as before using audio and video recording. Looking back now although there were absolutely no signs stating the visitor hours but we possibly may have trespassed (so be mindful if you try to go after dark). My hyperawareness was looking in every unlit place as soon as we got out of the car. As we walked along the left-hand path, which was lit by three or four street lights, several of them cut off in front of us and we immediately walked back to the car. We contemplated leaving because it was odd that some of them remained on while others died out just as we were about to walk through their gaze.

      Thankfully the lights turned back on and we continued up the path. We went directly to the little girl’s unmarked grave and did the same process. We spoke with her, asked if she had died young, if she liked her toys, things like that. Same results, no readings on the K2 meter or it pegged wildly. We took a bit more video and audio footage but nothing else notable happened.

      We left pretty inspired that something unexplainable happened. We weren’t afraid that a spirit followed us home, only that we had a unique experience that overall was positive.

    35. This is one of the few places I can say truly has an intense lingering energy. You can feel it as soon as you enter the gate. We were able to get back there but I must warn you, the people who own it now are not welcoming to visitors… ESPECIALLY ghost hunters. If you attempt to go here, be respectful & protect yourself. I believe there is some kind of dark entity here, but with the history that surrounds this area that would make sense.. We’ve gotten photos here that shook me to the core, & I do this kind of thing a lot… I personally think they should open it up & charge for investigations because that place is incredible & could turn even the biggest skeptic into a believer… We have some videos up on our TikTok if you’d like to check them out. @Creepycappys

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