Reported to be the oldest building in town, the local hangout housed in an 1800s structure is said to be haunted by John “Hooky Jack” Leary, a former local policeman and night watchman who once lived in the building until he died in a 1928 car accident. His apparition has been seen looking out the glass door, and objects such as pool balls and chairs have been known to move on their own. Some folks have reported hearing disembodied voices and footsteps as well.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 321 7th St
Rapid City, SD 57701
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.082732, -103.22889900000001
- County:
- Pennington County, South Dakota
- Nearest Towns:
- Rapid City, SD (0.2 mi.)
Rapid Valley, SD (4.3 mi.)
Ashland Heights, SD (6.1 mi.)
Blackhawk, SD (6.1 mi.)
Green Valley, SD (6.7 mi.)
Colonial Pine Hills, SD (6.7 mi.)
Box Elder, SD (8.2 mi.)
Summerset, SD (9.3 mi.)
Johnson Siding, SD (10.4 mi.)
Piedmont, SD (13.0 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I use to be a bartender there this past winter working at the hot spot which was a bar on the first floor. The place is definitely haunted. I’ve had 3 experiences in the few months that I was there. One the glasses were stacked and someone “clinked” them so they’d hit one another. I was watching TV at the time and my boss was down stairs. The 2nd was I was in the woman’s bathroom. I heard someone come in and sit down on a toilet a stall away from me. “She” didn’t go until I was down and left because that’s what females do and when know got up to go to the sinks no one was in that stall and I would have heard them left just like I heard them come in. The 4th is several times I’ve heard people go up and down the stairs and no one was there. If you need anymore details just email me. My bosses and I know another former bartender have similar stories.
This building is now home to the offices for Fountain Springs Church. They’ve turned it into a really neat office space and utilize the first and second floors. I was working with the videographer for the church this winter in creating a video for the Christmas Eve services. He, his assistant, and I were the only people in the building. When we were waiting for the elevator to meet us on the second floor (to go up to the third, which is where we were filming), we heard very distinct footsteps walking across the floor above us.
The Clower Block (now home to Prairie Edge), the Buell building and the Windsor Block are all older buildings in Rapid City than the former Sports Rock building.
Thanks for sharing, that’s really interesting.
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