Here at Bennington, many ghosts are said to roam and photographic images show mysterious figures. One of the many apparitions seen here is a person in a black hooded robe, and phantom smoke sometimes fills the halls. Witnesses have reported lights that turn on locked rooms, door and windows that unlock by themselves and disembodied footsteps. In the former carriage house, now a computer lab, the apparition of a man in period clothing is said to walk around.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 982 Mansion Dr
Bennington, VT 05201
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.867672, -73.21858199999997
- County:
- Bennington County, Vermont
- Nearest Towns:
- Old Bennington, VT (1.1 mi.)
Bennington, VT (1.3 mi.)
North Bennington, VT (4.5 mi.)
South Shaftsbury, VT (5.5 mi.)
Hoosick Falls, NY (7.1 mi.)
Williamstown, MA (10.8 mi.)
North Adams, MA (12.8 mi.)
Cambridge, NY (13.8 mi.)
Arlington, VT (14.7 mi.)
Readsboro, VT (15.3 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My sister used to go to that collage and work at the library and she put chair under tables when she came back in morning chairs are on computers
it was first the everett estate where peopel are said to have died totaly haunted
it was first the everett estate where peopel are said to have died totaly haunted I AM GOING TO WRITE A FICTION BOOK ON IT BUT I WANT IT TO BEW AS REALISTIC AS POSIBEL
I grew up and played at the Everett Estate as a child (with many of the children of Bennington) when it was a Catholic novitiate and there was a working farm. We had free rein of the farm and the woods and the outside of the main house. I have many wonderful memories of that time and am pleased to hear that you are thinking of writing a book about the place. I would be willing to offer my perspective and memories to support your wish to be as realistic as possible.
I live in Bennington where the college is. I have heard of it being haunted. The ghost hunters team Taps investigated the campus and had no results. The most haunted place I’ve ever been to is Bobby Macky’s in Wilder Kentucky. Ghost Adventures actually investigated there and said it was the most haunted place they ever been to. If anyone has any information of any other places haunted in southern Vermont or anywhere in Vermont let me know Thank You
I have photo evidence from bennington Vermont cemetery right by the battle of bennington tower/ Native American and one that looks like the crow. Here is one. I have more
Do you have any photos when it was a farm. i grew up about 1/2 mile from the property. loved fishing there as a kid. It was such a cool place. I remember the wild pigs and they had a massive cow. it would be so meet to see some old photos.
I went to school in SVC and it is in fact haunted, but you wont see anybody visiting there anymore because the school is closed now and it will be virtually impossible to get onto the campus