Sorrel Weed House

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The house is allegedly haunted by a variety of ghosts, most of them dating back to the late 1800’s and the stories revolve around two suicides that took place there, though it is claimed that one of the suicides may have been a murder. The house was owned by Francis Sorrel, who had made one of the slave women his mistress. When his wife Matilda happened to catch them in the act, she was so distraught that she hurled herself off the balcony of her room and died in the courtyard below. A short time after Matilda’s suicide, the slave, whose name was Molly, was found hanged in her room in the carriage house. It is claimed that letters and journals that have been uncovered indicate Molly did not commit suicide, but was killed by a member of the Sorrel family in an attempt to silence her and keep the affair under wraps. However, these papers are not on display and this cannot be confirmed. Whether it is factual or just an invention to add to the lore is unknown at this time. Neither the papers, nor the many ghostly pictures that the tour guide alleges exist are on display. People claim to see shadowy figures in the windows, and voices can be heard when there is no one inside the house. However, it should be noted that people passing by from the street can easily be heard from inside the house and the carriage house. There is a “Lady in White” apparition that is said to appear in one of the parlors, as well as a gaggle of grand dame ghosts who also occupy the ladies’ parlor and disapprove of the tours. The Sorrel Weed House has been featured on both a Halloween episode of “Ghost Hunters” and the HGTV show “If Walls Could Talk.” The historic state landmark is open for tours, and has day tours that focus strictly on the history of the home, while the night tours focus on the ghost tales. The tour we took was better than average ghost tour fare, low on the melodrama and spectacle and an interesting blend of fact and lore. Nothing remotely spooky happened during our tour to any of our group. However, later on, in listening to some EVP recordings we made, there were some interesting sounds captured in Molly’s room and one specific answer to questions asked. However, as we cannot exclude the possibility that we were picking up noise or voices from the other members of our group, who were on the other side of the door and could occasionally be heard, we have to discount them.

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    Geographic Information

    6 W Harris Street
    Savannah, GA 31401
    United States

    Get Directions »
    32.0741526, -81.0940076
    Chatham County, Georgia
    Nearest Towns:
    Savannah, GA (0.7 mi.)
    Thunderbolt, GA (3.8 mi.)
    Garden City, GA (4.5 mi.)
    Whitemarsh Island, GA (5.5 mi.)
    Port Wentworth, GA (6.6 mi.)
    Isle of Hope, GA (6.7 mi.)
    Vernonburg, GA (7.6 mi.)
    Wilmington Island, GA (8.6 mi.)
    Montgomery, GA (9.4 mi.)
    Pooler, GA (9.4 mi.)

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    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. I’m really surprised there’s no comments on this house! The internet is full of photos and experiences from this place.
      My husband and I visited Savannah for the weekend, and our last night there we decided to do the walking ghost tour that walks to the Colonial Cemetery (made famous by the “Colonial Cemetery Ghost Boy” – youtube it!) then a walk through of the sorrel-weed house.
      Now, let me begin with I don’t really believe in ghosts, but since I grew up in a very superstitious southern Mississippi/New Orleans family I will mention that this particular night was a rainy Sunday, on the super moon, and at midnight. I also jokingly wore a moonstone ring because it’s supposed to help enhance intuition and clairvoyance.
      After the walking to the cemetery part and a few odd animal encounters that my husband says were defiantly spirit animals – he’s joking- we arrived at the house.
      Upon arrival we were joined by a large group of 20 rude college aged kids. (no offense! We’re college aged too, just not rude!) I was pretty annoyed and figured we wouldn’t see anything because of how loud they were being. The first room the guide played a video with some footage from a Ghost Hunter tv investigating the house, but as he was telling us about the next room we were going to a large vase on the mantel began to rock. There was a young man standing close to it, but he was the one that grabbed it before it fell. Ghost? Who knows!
      Next we went into the parlor were the guide gave us the spill about General Robert E. Lee being a common guest of the home owner, etc. After the room cleared out I was telling my husband that my Dad says we’re directly related to Robert E. Lee through my grandmother. I picked up and old German Pint that was on a table and remarked how beautiful it was and that my grandmother has some like this, so my husband took a photo of it. In the photo there’s a white foggy mist standing right in front of me, but I didn’t see anything at all. There was also a window in this room that I was drawn to. I looked out of it but didn’t see anything but the balcony, I later learned that this was the balcony that the lady of the house threw herself from.
      Next, the guide gave out little K12 meters (I think that’s what it was, It detects energy with a green to red light meter) and sent us down into the basement. I felt so panicked and heavy. Defiantly bad juju down there! There are several rooms down there and once one finally cleared out my husband and I took some photos and I carried the meter over to all the corners (because if you watch True Blood you know that spirits like to hang out in the corners up near the ceiling -according to Tara’s mom) after making that joke to my husband the guide was calling everyone together in the other room. We began to cross the room and my meter lit up to red! I freaked and jerked it back, then slowly pushed it forward. Red again! My husband took a photo, but at the same time the guide came into the room and told us to keep up. The guide is in the photo but he’s blurry like there’s a wall of water between him and us.
      That’s really all to our experience. We visited the carriage house last which is where people say they hear a woman scream, moan, tell them to get out of there, etc. but I didn’t feel anything like the pressure of the basement.

      It was a great experience! If you’re in Savannah go do the tour, even if you only have time to tour the house. Take a camera with a flash, take many random photos even of nothing, and do lag behind to try to get the rooms to yourself especially if you’re in a larger group.

    2. Watching Ghost Adventures in front of the Sorrel-Weed House in 2014.

      Call us if you come in town again.
      Calvin Parker
      Day Manager
      Sorrel Weed House Museum

    3. I’m a skeptic and am still not sure how I classify ghosts, but I do know that strange things happened to my son and me during our tour last Friday night, Aug 21.. As we watched the videos, I felt unsteady — almost like being on a boat — even though I was seated and my son leaned down and said that someone had whispered his name twice. He has an uncommon family name. Upon entering the first parlor (the one used by the gentlemen), I was immediately overcome by cold and had chillbumps. There is an A/C unit in the room high up on the opposite wall from the corner where I was standing. My son did not feel the cold.

      Once we were issued the EMF detectors, we headed back down into the basement. I have personal issues with not wanting to speak with the dead, so I just remained silent. After our guide finished sharing information about the room we were in (the one that has the shadow figure), everyone began moving into the next room (with the monitors) and I held back a moment. My K2 began to light up until my son walked over next to me. I roamed around the other rooms, but returned to the spot where my K2 had previously lit up and checked the walls and ceiling with the device with no reaction. So I stepped back to the spot where I’d been before and waited. About 10 seconds later my EMF began to flash like crazy. It caught the attention of the others in the room and they rushed over. One person places their K2 next to mine and theirs briefly flashed and then they both went dark. Mine flashed once again while standing in the courtyard in the spot where Matilda was supposed to have died and then again — all of ours flashed in the carriage house when we lifted them towards the rafters where Molly supposedly was hanged.

      My final experience was just outside the gate as our tour guide was locking up the house. Something jabbed me sharply in the ribs under my right arm. No one was standing there and my back was to the wall. When I checked that spot later at my hotel room, there was a red mark about an inch and a half long. I tried taking a picture, but then also had my son take a second picture the following morning as the mark was still there. It had vanished by the second day.

    4. Me and my husband took a tour last year and I snapped some pictures of this house It wasn’t until later that night did I go through them. I was in disbelief when I saw what looked to be a lady in white looking out on the porch! Super creepy! You can make out her eyes and her dress and hand..We went back the next night same time and saw nothing.

    5. I still cannot believe that my own college dorm scored a higher haunted rating than the Sorrel Weed House. The Sorrel Weed House is one of the most haunted spots in America’s Most Haunted City of Savannah, GA. Savannah has haunted places on almost every street. This is a town where the main cemetery doesn’t end at the street….bodies are still under the sidewalk by the hundreds or maybe even thousands.

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.