Numerous ghosts are seen or felt here: an invisible hand that likes to pinch the bottoms of staff and visitors, a young boy and a young girl, Royalist soldiers from the Civil War, a lady in grey at the church, a tall man with white hair often seen in the mirrors, along with a plethora of other activity from mysterious footprints and sounds to odd smells.
Submitted by Chris Berglund
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Smithills Dean Rd
Bolton, Lancashire BL1 7NP
United Kingdom
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 53.60256434814805, -2.456097007234348
- Region:
- Greater Manchester
- Nearest Towns:
- Bolton, UK (1.6 mi.)
North West, UK (1.8 mi.)
North Western, UK (1.8 mi.)
Borough Of Bolton, UK (1.9 mi.)
Bradshaw, UK (2.3 mi.)
Bromley Cross, UK (2.3 mi.)
Belmont, UK (2.8 mi.)
Turton, UK (3.1 mi.)
Harwood, UK (3.3 mi.)
Darcy Lever, UK (3.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
When I was a child about ten years old I visited Smithills Hall with my Nan. I went up some wooden stairs to look in the chapel balcony. At the top of the stairs was a little room. I went in there and opened some large cupboards. Inside were choirboys robes, obviously for the church services. I was looking through them when I felt I was being watched. I turned and there was a table and chair in the corner. I swear I saw a guy in funny clothes….as I imagined Shakespeare would have dressed with the ruff collars and tights. He had a heard and was smoking a long pipe. I screamed and ran for the door and my Nan. When she looked in there , there was no sign of the strange man. To this day I can’t explain it.